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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Colorectal cancer is considered as the most GI cancer. Although its cause is not definitely known, recognizing the relevant risk factors could reduce its incidence through preventive measures. The Purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between demographic characteristics, lifestyle and exposure to stressor events and colorectal cancer in Rasht, Iran.Methods: The present research was a case-control study in which 150 patients with colorectal cancer were chosen as the case group from educational and treatment centers of Rasht through the convenience sampling method (n=150, colon or rectal cancer Patients), while 150 healthy individuals were chosen as the control group through the random cluster method (n=150, healthy individuals) as control group. Data were collected by using a questionnaire which consisted of three parts: 1) demographic data 2) lifestyle data 3) Holmes– Rahe social readjustment rating scale. For analyzing data, the descriptive and deductive statistics were used.Results: Findings related to demographic variables show that there are a significant relationship between BMI (P<0.001), polyp history (P<0.001), Inflammatory Bowel Disease history (P<0.001), diabetes (P<0.01), family history of colorectal cancer in first degree relatives (P<0.001) and this type of cancer. Regarding lifestyle variables, results indicate that there are a statistical difference between the two study groups with consideration of smoking (P<0.01), eating fruits and vegetables (P<0.001), dairy products (P<0.025), red meat intake (P<0.001), defecation status (P<0.001) and exercise (P<0.001). Also there was a significant difference between the said groups' overall lifestyle (P<0.001). The analysis of stressful life events show that the average values of the case group are considerably higher than those of the control group and a statistically significant difference is observed (t=14.73, P<0.001).Conclusion: This study indicates significant difference between some demographic characteristics, lifestyle and the level of exposure to stressors events of colorectal cancer patients and healthy people. Results of this study and its suggestions could be of great importance for healthcare workers and the general public, especially those who are susceptible to the said disease because they can provide more information about risk factors of colorectal cancer and its preventive measures.

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Introduction: Psychologists and Sociologists believe that happiness affects the psychological, social, educational and cultural dimensions of all individuals. So to pay attention to this issue as an indicator of students' mental health is very important. Therefore, assessment of nursing students’ happiness is very important because they are encountered to multiple stresses and tensions. The aim of this study was to investigate the happiness status of Abhar's nursing students and also its correlation with sex, age, marriage, educational course, and the number of family members.Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted between 2007-2008 in Abhar School of nursing. In this study the Iranian version of Oxford Happiness Inventory was used to measure the students’ happiness status. After providing written informed consent questionnaires were distributed among 75 samples and finally 64 students (17=male, 47=female) were measured. Then, the collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and appropriate tests like independent-t and one-way ANOVA, by SPSS software version 11.5.Results: Data analysis showed that 17.5% of students had low level of happiness, 69.8% reasonable level and 12.7% were very happy. There was no significant association between the level of happiness and gender (P=0.7), marital status (P=0.4) and age (P=0.2). But, there was significant relationship between happiness and educational terms (P=0.01).Conclusion: Based on this study only 12.7% of students were very happy and two groups of junior and senior students were less cheerful. So, it is necessary to consider appropriate plans and interventions to improve and retain the happiness of nursing students in the acceptable levels and thus improve their mental health.

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View 2442

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Introduction: Motivation is the main factor for persuasion students to clinical learning. Lack of motivation is a barrier to learning. Therefore, investigation of the motivation role in clinical education is particularly important. This study aimed to investigate the nursing students and instructors’ perspectives on the role of instructor in the clinical education motivation of nursing students.Methods: This research has been conducted with qualitative approach through content analysis method. The participants were comprised of sixteen nursing students and four nursing educators. Semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. Data obtained from interviews with content analysis were analyzed method through using Maxqda software.Results: The themes of this study were: 1- Scientific and practical competence, 2- Behavior educator, and 3- educator attitude to nursing.Conclusion: According the participants the role of the clinical instructors were known as a basic role in the motivation in the clinical education process. For students to become motivated or not to can during clinical experiences could attract or they will turn away from clinical work and nursing profession so far.

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View 2078

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Introduction: To bridge the gap between scientific evidence and patient care, an in-depth understanding of the barriers is needed. The purpose of this study was to identify barriers of research utilization from the point of view of Zanjan registered and critical care unit’s nurses.Methods: Data were collected using the Funk’s Evidence Based Practice Barriers Scale. Based on statistics formula sample of study was 64 graduate nurses employed in critical care units of Zanjan Educational Hospitals. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Friedman, Kruskal-wallis, Mann-Whitney U-test) were employed to analyze the data.Results: According to the research results, the first three main barriers to research utilization identified by the respondents were: “Insufficient facilities”, “Lack of time to read research”, and “Insufficient time on the job to implement new ideas”. Nevertheless, no statistically significant difference was found between the demographic variables such as sex, work years, level of education, and position, based on the general scale means.Conclusion: It is highly recommended that the educational hospitals systems need to change for preparation nurses with sufficient facilities and time to read and implement new finding.

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Introduction: Standard data processing plays an important role in patient care. Nursing data forms the first level of nursing informatics. These are essential tools for documentation of nursing process by methodology of assessment, diagnosis, interventions, outcomes, evaluation and documentation of patient care. Nursing minimum data set (NMDS) is the first action for standardization of gathering unified and essential nursing data for using in multiple sets and patient groups. The objective of this research was comparison of data elements of nursing minimum data set in selected countries and recommendation for Iran.Methods: This was a descriptive-comparative study and was done at 2009. Nursing minimum data set in the US, Thailand, Belgium, Finland, Canada, Netherlands, Swiss surveyed. Data collection was performed through internet search, books and journals and was collected in the form of a checklist. Results presented in statistical tables.Results: Findings showed that all countries had a national NMDS. In all NMDSs, Nursing data elements divided to three groups: Nursing care, patient and service elements. There is a nursing minimum data set for nursing management in US. There is no NMDS in Iran.Conclusion: Since every countries of this study have a domestic NMDS and also there is no standard in Iran for which data elements must include in Electronic Health Records, then creating an Iranian Nursing Minimum Data Set (IrNMDS) is essential. For identifying Iranian NMDS, we recommend that a professional and legal organization administer to creating of a NMDS.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2130

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Introduction: Beta-thalessemia is a chronic disease that can cause psychosocial problems in patients and their sibling. The purpose of this study was to determine psychosocial problems of thalassemic children and their sibling and compare them with control group.Methods: This is a discriptive commparative study that conducted by structrual interview and PSC check list. The sample size was 572 children that 167 of them were thalassemic children between 4 to 16 years Old, and 166 of their sibling without chronic diseases in same age group and 239 of healthy children in similar age as compare group. The collected data were analysized with descreptive and analytic Ststistics by c2, ANOVA and t-test.Results: Among all children, 20.4% of thalassemic, 12% of their healthy sibling and 7.9% of healthy children had psychosocial problems and these difference were significant.Conclusion: Whether thalassemic children have psychosocial problems their sibling who live with them have more psychosocial problems than healthy children So due to this finding it is better in care plans to pay special attention to the sibling of thalesmic patients.

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Introduction: Nursing students need a wide variety of health information to meet their clinical and educational needs. This study aims through information needs approach to discover which aspects of the process of emergency nursing were more considered by students and they prefer which sources of information. We expect this study impacts on identifying of the information needs and leads to improve clinical education quality, student’s access skills to the information resource to meet their information needs and better management of patients by students.Methods: This descriptive-analytic survey was done on 131 pre graduating nursing students in 2008-2009. All of seventh and eighth semester nursing students of Semnan University of medical sciences and Islamic Azad University who were training at emergency units of affiliated hospitals were selected. We used from the questionnaire and data were analyzed by descriptive statistics bilateral and two variable correlation test in significant level of 1%.Results: Findings showed that greatest information sources used daily the students were nursing staff (65.6%), patients (64.9%) and attend physician (52.7%). Most of the statistic society greatly needed to therapeutic and diagnostic Information. The correlation test showed significant correlation between diagnostic and therapeutic needs (P=0.00, r=0.340). Also 35.1% the students greatly needed management information.Conclusion: The results showed that in the process of emergency the students more considered to medical cases and they neglected from legal aspects and organizational framework and most of them preferred human resources among several sources. Evidence-based decisions require access to information resources as well as an understanding of how to use them effectively. According to lack of use update information resources, facilities such as access to books and equipped computer systems should be provided in emergency setting. While further education about how to use these sources should be presented.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1617

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Introduction: Knowledge translation is a frequently observed concept in current health science literatures. However, there is no congruence about its definition and properties. Analysis of concept helps researchers to achieve a uniform, clear and understandable description. This study accomplished on 2009 to clarify and reduce ambiguities associated with the meaning of knowledge translation and promote the concept consistency in related literatures.Methods: Walker and Avant's eight-step model was used as the method. After extensive review of all published articles until 2009, we included 29 relevant articles in the analysis. By following the steps of model, definitions, characteristics, applications, antecedents and consequences and empirical referents of the concept were derived.Results: According to the analysis, essential attributes of knowledge translation were emphasize on research knowledge application in practice, ongoing collaboration among knowledge producers and knowledge users, interactional and nonlinear process, and dependency on user and final context. In addition, the consequences of successful knowledge translation were community health promotion; more effective health services, improvement in practice and strengthen of the health care system.Conclusion: Since knowledge translation process in our country is relatively new and unknown, this concept analysis can improve implementation of more extent studies and development of research tools for identification of its barriers and facilitators and its execution.

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