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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The training and inoculation of stereotypic roles by family, school and mass media may affect the attitude of both sexes toward their roles. The basic principle which is raised today is not the sex difference between girls and boys, but their attitude toward their sex role in a way the girls are satisfied of being female and the boys are satisfied of being male which will lead to their mental health. The aim of this study was indicating the male and female student’s attitude toward their sex role and the opposite sex.Methods: In a descriptive - analytic survey - 402 highest grade students (206 boys and 196 girls) of elementary, guidance, high school and collage institute of Ilam were selected through cluster and simple random sampling. Sample size in mind than a good attitude and accuracy rate of 50% was estimated five hundredth. The data were gathered through answering a questionnaire. The gathered data were analyzed via SPSS computer software by descriptive method.Results: Overall, 74% of students have positive attitude toward their Gender role. About the gender role of the girls: 69.5% of girls have positive attitude while 74% of boys have negative attitude (P=000). About the gender role of the boys: 76% of boys have positive attitude while 38% of girls have negative attitude (P=000).There are significant relationships between attitude to gender role and location of school, students' grade, the occupation of students' mothers, watching TV and reading (P<0.05).Conclusion: Results of this study showed that boys' attitude toward gender role of girls is negative. Therefore training and a wiring the parents and the parent- teacher association members by health care nurses, school health nurses and psychiatric nurses in order to emphasize the affective and positive roles of the girls in family and association seem necessary. School books, radio and television and other mass media have a grate role in patterning the proper situation of women and can affect deeply the girls and the boys.

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Introduction: The low level of life quality in the patients is related to low educational levels of the patient and her family and As the nurses are in contact with the women with cancer and their families more than in the clinics and hospitals, they could have effective role in developing patient and family situation and increasing their knowledge and information to partnership in treatment decision and control their health in which field one of the most suitable nursing interference to increase women acknowledgment and their support is consulting. In spite of this, most nurses have not necessary alertness to do the role. So the goal of the study preview of counsulting role playing obstacles of nurses in related to women with cancer underging chemotherapy.Methods: The study is Analytical-Descriptive-Cross sectional study that has done in four education hospitals related to Iran Medical University. The study samples have chosen from 42 nurses and 50 women with cancer underging chemotherapy. The data are collected from questionnaires completion related to demographic data and questionnaires completion related to nurses and women visions. After collecting information, data was analyzed using SPSS version 15. In related to data demografic analyziz, mean and deviation and for other questionnare data, answers frequency to each question was analyzed.Results: The findings show the nurses have recognized that non-having enough time to consult, non-sufficient reach to up-date scientific resources about cancer and chemotherapy, high job stress to counsult with patients are as the main obstacles in individual-nurse, environment, management, individual-patient respectively and the patients announced that non-having enough time of nurses for counsulting, non-east reach to hospital, unsuitable care persistent in home, non-recognition from consulting role of nurses, respectively are the main reasons.Conclusion: The study showed that there are unanimous votes and differences among nurses and patients views from point of priority. So, the managers of treatment section shall concentrate their essays to omit or adjust the announced factors from two groups and specially common cases.

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Introduction: Burnout is the syndrome that nurses encounter with it, threaten their health and decreases the hospital effectiveness. So, the purpose of this article was to determine the predictor factors of burnout in Isfahan nurses.Methods: This investigation is a predictor type. Statistical population was Isfahan nurses in 2010. Statistical Sample selected by cluster sampling. Therefore first, from all governmental hospitals (12 hospitals), 5 hospitals, and 3 departments includes psychic, infectious and surgery departments, selected randomly and gotten the questionnaires to all nurses that have the criteria.221 nurses have the criteria and 210 nurse response the questionnaires. The measurements were: burnout questionnaire (Maslach & Jackson 1993), job Stress questionnaire (Davis, Robbins, & Mackay, 1991), role clarity questionnaire (Sawyer, 1992), and Workload questionnaire (Spector & Jex, 1998). Data analyzed by SPSS v.16, and used mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum scores, correlation and regression methods to analyze.Results: Findings from stepwise regression illustrated that job stress, role clarity, and workload predict burnout, significantly (sig=0.0001).Conclusion: In addition, findings indicated that job stress, role clarity, and workload with burnout have significance canonical correlation, therefore to change and moderate the predictors, in order to decrease burnout, it is necessary to get and provide programs in future.

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Introduction: One of the useful and cost-saving methods in promotion and coordination of nursing profession with improvement resulted from technology social and medical science is the in- service training. to participate of medical centers staff in the course depend on a variety of motivational factors. This study intend to determine the factors related to nurses motivation in participating the program of in service training.Methods: In a descriptive study, 229 nurses chose their motivation factors in participation in the in service training through completion of standard 27-qusestionquestionnaire with the likert scale about domains of personal, organizational, professional factors and factors related to periodical programming.Results: About factors involved in nurses motivation for participating in the in service training, they select professional (85.2%), personal (79%), programming (30.6%) and organizational (30.6%) factors for participating in the in service training.The significant relationship were observed between organizational factors and sex (P<0.001) and workplace (P<0.005), between professional factors and the type of employment (P<0.004), and between program factors and sex (P<0.004), and type of employment nurses (P<0.002).Conclusion: Most of motivation factors to participation of nurses in the in service training is personal and professional factors. Therefore it is necessary that health care organizations consider other organizational related factors. This study is the first study in military hospitals therefore the results could be useful for other military medical centers.

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Introduction: Prenatal care is an indicator of health care system. Knowing the factors that prohibit receiving proper is essential in every society. The aim of the research was to determine mothers receiving prenatal care from health centers in Rasht and influencing factors from their view in 2008.Methods: This descriptive study surveyed 354 mothers referring to health centers in Rasht city who were chosen by cluster sampling. Data collection tool was a 3 part questionnaire. Data were analyzed through chi square.Results: Findings showed that 53.4% of women receiving insufficient prenatal care. There was a significant correlation of care and employment condition (P=0.026) level of spouse’s education (P=0.042) and income (P=0.005). The most effective factors on receiving prenatal care from mothers’ view were know “the manner and number of prenatal care” (85.3%). Also there was a statistically significant relationship between efficiency of prenatal care and some socio demographic factors.Conclusion: In existence of prenatal care in health centers, almost half of women do not use these care provided. Provider's attention to the demographic and family characteristics and their needs are important in promotion of receiving better prenatal care.

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Introduction: Anemia is the time that blood hemoglobin level will decrease.Side effects of anemia is obvious for any one. It results to failure in speaking and motor nervous coordinating, decreasing in learning and schooling, resistance to infection, Apathy, numbness, fatigue. It is necessary to prevent and treat it. Because anemia may be neglected in nursery settings, it seems that doing this research is essential.Methods: This research is cross analytic which is done in 5 orphanage that affiliate to welfare organization.226 orphan child after taking consent from all nurseries setting were included this study. The method of sampling was census. Data gathering were done by questionnaire which was included demography data and anemia indices. Criteria for anemia was used as a 11 milligram (6 month -4.9 years and 11.5 foe (5-11.9 years) base on WHO. After data gathering, analysis was done by SPSS soft ware as a Mean, percent, t -test and X2.Results: Findings showed that 32.2% (73) were female vs 64.8% (153) male.32.2 of them had anemia. The children of 0-4 year old and 5-12, had anemia respectively 30.2% and 37%. This study showed that didn’t significant difference between anemia, gender and disease.Conclusion: Results showed that the rate anemia in orphanage children is 32.2% which is higher in 5-12 year old children. Regarding to this children deprive of family and they are high risk rather than children who live with family deal with physical and mental disability. So, It should be offer nursing care in suitable with their physical conditions.

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Introduction: Quality of life is a well-being feeling. The birth of a child has a major the impact on the mother and her Quality of life. Mothers experience many physiological, mental and social changes at postpartum period, which is influenced on her Quality of life. The Aim of this study was determining Life Quality in Mothers after Delivery in Women Referring to Dezful Health Centers in 2008.Methods: This study was a descriptive-Cohort study carried out in 2008.Sampling method was using quaoto sampling. The research data were collected using demographic feature questionnaire, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), Short-Form-36 (SF-36) and specialized life quality questionnaire. Questionnaires were filled by 120 women, on 6 to 8 and 12 to 14 weeks after postpartum.Results: Results showed that mean of depression score of 6-8 week postpartum was significantly more in score mean of depression in 12-14 week postpartum (P<0.001). The analysis of SF-36 health survey questionnaire showed that the Physical functioning and Vitality scales had highest and lowest scores between all domains, and demonstrate that quality was very good and weak between all domains.Scores of different scales of specialized quality of life questionnaire in 6-8 week and 12-14 week postpartum were moderate quality.Conclusion: Quality of life of participants in this study were reported average, and as physiological, mental and social changes induced at postpartum period, hence Support of their husbands, other family members and health care personnel is necessary and improve the health of mothers and the quality of life in all stages of life.

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Introduction: Participation of men in family planning programs a range of different activities and in fact one of the factors of success in increasing family planning program is. The aim of the present study is detecting relevant factors of male participation in family planning in teachers in Zahedan.Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive analytical study, 250 male teachers were studied. Sampling carried out by census. Teachers who are Married and wanted to share were chosen. The 4-part questioner include demographic data, participation, knowledge and attitude was used. Questionnaires were completed in working place.Data collection accomplish in 2 months. For data analysis, SPSS were utilized and T Test and Chi square test were used.Results: 77.6% percent participated in family planning. Special male methods were used by 62.4% percent of them and use of kandom had higher rate. Results showed that only the people who mean marriage age was higher, had more participation in Contraceptive methods. So that the people who mean marriage age of 26/78 had more participation that those of their mean age was 25/36 and T test shows significant difference (P=0.017). Knowledge and attitude have significant relationship with male participation (P=0.008 and P=0.001). There was no significant relationship between participation and other factors.Conclusion: According to findings, male teachers participated in family planning. Because of their poor knowledge, they need to be instructed by instructive programs related to family planning methods.

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