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Conditional monitoring is prerequisite to prevent severe damage or falling down the trees. Problems such as trunk decays, reduces trees resistance against wind and floods. In this study, a mathematical modeling technique is being selected to determine the trees strength against such events. Finally, an applicable model for safety factor was created by having numeral (dimensions of crown and trunk, crown density, crown volume, section diameter, internal cavity diameter etc.) and mechanical (modulus of elasticity of wood, allowable stress, maximum wind speed, and crown and trunk weight) parameters of tree. By using this model we may estimate the total maximum stress in critical plane of the trunk. Comparing allowable stress of trunk wood leads us to calculate the safety factor of the tree. The results indicated that the total maximum stress in trunk increases exponentially after the diameter of internal cavity exceeds 40 percent of trunk in critical plane.

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Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is one of the most popular medicinal plants that containing essential oil. Essential oil of this plant has been utilized extensively in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.In this study, a pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of biological fertilizers of biosulfur, nitroxin and super absorbent polymer and their interactions on the growth and essential oil content of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in the randomized complete block design (RCBD). Aerial parts of plants were harvested at full bloom and evaluated their yield index. All material were air-dried in the shade and subjected to hydrodistillation by Clevenger type apparatus. The results of this study showed that there was a significant difference among the treatments in terms of dry herbage weight at 1% level. The highest yield was obtained in (biosulfur+nitroxin+super absorbent). There was no significant difference in essential oil content according to v/w, but there was the significant difference between treatments in terms of w/w. The highest oil content (w/w) was observed in biosulfur+nitroxin treatment. These differences are probably due to variation in the constituents and specific gravity of the oils.

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In order the study the effects of cultivar, foliar fertilization and plant density on quantitative and qualitative traits and vase life of cut lilium a split plot factorial experiment with three replications was carried out. Foliar fertilization as the first factor included different concentrations of a complete fertilizer (Foster fertilization+Ammonium nitrate) and had four levels (0, 2000, 4000 and 6000pm) and was located in main plots. Cultivar and plant density each had two levels and factorial combinations of them were located in sub–plots. Cultivars used in this study were Arcolano and Coca and were planted with densities of (20×15 and 30×25 cm). At the end of growth period, traits such as bulb weight, plant height, chlorophyll content of leaf, vase life of cut flower, number of flower per plant and Macro-and micro nutrients contents of leaf were measured. The result of analysis of variance showed that the effects of foliar fertilization were significant on plant height, vase life of cut flower and N, P and K contents of leaf. Foliar fertilization lilium with concentration of 4000 ppm created the height vase life of cut flower. The effects of cultivar were significant an all measured traits except on vase life of cut flower and P and Zn contents of leaf. The Arcolano cultivar was superior to Conca cultivar in respects to the measured traits. The effects of plant density were significant only on K and Fe contents of leaf. But plant density of 30× 25 had higher bulb and flower yield and quality. The results of this study indicate that for increasing yield and quality of cut lilium planting of Arcolano cultivar, with density of 30×25 cm and foliar fertilization of lilium plant with a complete fertilizer (Foster fertilizer+Ammonium nitrate) with concentration of 4000 ppm is recommended.

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Pomegranate (Punica granatum L. that one Punicaceae) is one of the important economical and commercial horticultural plants cultivated in arid and semiarid parts of Iran. Also, due to the long history of pomegranate cultivation in Iran, genotypes from different regions with obvious similarities in appearance but with different names can be observed. Thus, the precise discrimination between. genotypes is essential for effective management for future pomegranate breeding programs. In this study, AFLP markers based on seven primer combinations (EcoR I/ Tru1 I) were used to evaluate genetic variation and Phylogenic relationship among 31 different. genotypes of native pomegranate belonging to seven of Iran provinces. According to the cluster analysis, a relatively low genetic diversity was observed across the.genotypes studied. Also, the results showed that the clustering of the cultivars didn’t concerne to morphological traits. The derived dendrogram proved that. genotypes are clustered independently from their geographical origin and their denomination. Heterozygosity index, Principal co-ordinates analysis (PCoA), Gst Index and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed noticeable similarity among studied populations and observed variation within populations was very low and near zero. The high level of morphological traits diversity in Iranian pomegranate and low level of polymorphism in genome organization of these. genotypes determined by AFLP markers may be related to the somatic propagation and also type of pomegranate pollination.

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View 855

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Pepino (Solanum muricatum), a new vegetable crops, is from Solanaceae family and cultivated as annual crops. In order to investigate the effects of mulch on weed dry weight in pepino and soil humidity and temperature, an experiment was conducted based on randomized completely design with three replication at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad green house, during 2009. Treatments included rice straw mulch, wood chips mulch and control. Sampling was recorded at four stages. The result indicated that the effect of mulch was significant (P<0.01) on weed dry weights. The highest and the lowest of weed dry weight were achieved in control and woody chips, respectively. mulching caused decrease of soil temperature and increase of soil humidity and also decrease of weeds. Wood chips successfully decreased soil temperature and increased soil humidity compared to rice straw mulch and control.

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Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration of the global atmosphere has increased during the last decades.Increasing global atmospheric CO2 concentrations are expected to influence on plants. Coleus is an ornamental plants, that is due to its attractive foliage are considered. In order to evolution of high CO2 concentration effects on rooting. morphological and anatomical traits in two coleus spices (C. scutellarioides and C. blumei) a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with 3 replications and 6 treatments were conducted at the greenhouses of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad at 2010. Treatments were two coleus spices and 3 concentration, of CO2 380 (as a control), 700 and 1050 ppm. Leaf cuttings plants were placed under increasing CO2 concentration during of 30 days. The number of leaves, stem diameter wet weigh, dry weight, length of stoma, width of stoma, size of stoma and stomatal density were measured. Results indicated that increasing CO2 concentration from 380 to 1050 ppm leading to increase of 25.3, 32.4, 20.5 and 75 percentage in number of leaves, stem diameter, wet weigh and dry weight respectively. Also these results showed that with increase of CO2 concentration decreased length of stoma, width of stoma and size of stoma, but increased of stomatal density. The highest mean density of stomatal to 30.7 per mm2, which was related to the interaction of carbon dioxide concentration of 1050 ppm and C. is scutellarioides than other treatments showed significant differences.

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View 893

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The Clemantine tangerine is one of the early cultivars of citrus which relatively wide of citrus orchards in the world and Iran has allocated to itself. This research is to find the effect of Naphtalene Acetic Acid (zero, 100 and 200 mg/l), Potassium sulfate (zero, 10 and 20 g/l), and Zinc sulfate (zero, 2 and 4 g/ l) on quantitative and qualitative characteristics fruit as factorial design randomized complete block with three replications and in the assembly of 27 treatments on 8 years old Clemantine tangerine trees stocked by lemon. Dispersing occurred on 1 July when the fruits have 15 mm diameters. The results showed the most amount of size, weight, water ratio and vitamin C can be seen in trees which were treated by 200 mg/l of NAA, 20 g/l potassium sulfate and 4 g/l zinc sulfate and there is a significant difference to control case, The most amount of total acid was found in the same treatment, but there was insignificant difference to control. Most stiffness was related to treatment of 4 g zinc and 20 grams of potassium per liter was also used and minimal stiffness related to treatment 200 mg /l NAA.There was the lowest soluble solids related to treatment of 200 mg/l NAA and highest value in the treatment 100 mg/l NAA, 20 g/l potassium sulphate and 2 g/l of zinc sulfate that was also used.

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Selenium is a metalloid that it is antioxidant characteristics is proved for humans, animals and plants.However, some plants are known as hyper accumulators for selenium and sometimes seems to be useful for growth of some plants. In this paper, we have studied the effect of different selenium concentrations on growth and morpho-physiological characteristics of spinach. Seeds of spinach were germinated in germinator and seedlings were transferred to hydroponic cultures. The seedlings were grown in Hogland´s solution with different selenium concentrations (in form of sodium selenite) of 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 10 mgL-1 SeO3-2. The experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized design with four replications. Four weeks after treatments, morphophysiological characteristics including plant biomass, length of shoot and root, number of leaves, amount of chlorophyll a and b were measured. The results showed that application of different selenium concentrations had significant effect on morphological and physiological characteristics of root and shoot consisting wet and dry weight, root and shoot length and amount of chlorophyll. In this experiment, increasing selenium concentrations (except in 1 mgL-1 SeO3 -2concentration) decreased amounts of all mentioned characters in comparison with control. Morphological symptoms of selenium toxicity on spinach was chlorosis on young leaves and significant reduction in root and shoot growth.

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Considering to high lime in pistachio orchards of Iran, choosing of tolerant rootstock and cultivars to high pH is important. In order to investigate the effect of sodium bicarbonate on pistachio rootstocks factorial trail with two factors of sodium bicarbonate at 3 levels (0, 50 and 100 mM) and pistachio rootstocks at 4 levels (Atlantica, Sarakhs, Badami-e-Riz Zarand and Qazvini) carried out in hydroponic system. Bicarbonate caused growth reduction in all rootstocks. As the highest reduction in plant fresh weight was observed in Atlantica (70.39%) and Srakhs (51.92%) at 100 mM, and the lowest reduction in Qazvini (31.54%) rootstock. Sodium bicarbonate treatments at 50 and 100 mM caused RWC reduction, proline increase and Cu and Mn reduction in shoots and roots. So that, the highest reduction of Mn and Cu concentrations was observed in Atlantica and the lowest reduction in Qazvini (31.54%) rootstock. The results of this study showed that Qazvini is a tolerant rootstock to sodium bicarbonate, Sarakhs and Badami semi-tolerant and Atlantica sensitive rootstocks.

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Gerbera (Gerbereajamesonii) cut flower has magnificent economic value in international cut flower industry. Due to sensitivityto ethylene and to gray mold, it has a short postharvest life. In this research, the effects of pulsing treatments with Salicylic Acid (100 and 200 mg/L) and Methyl jasmonate (25 and 50 mg/L) for 24h on quality and vase-life of gerbera cut flower were assessed. Distilled water+Sucrose (4%) was applied as control treatment. Afther treatment application, the flowers were taken out and kept in distilled water+sucrose (4%) solution at 25±2oC.The highest vase-life was obtained in salicylic acid 200 mg/L (9.91 day) followed by methyl jasmonate 25 mg/L (9.66 day), compared to control (7.49 day). Among the treatments, salicylic acid (200 mg/L) decreased flower petal wilting, preservative pH, and microorganism growth and subsequently increased the absorption of preservative solution, soluble solids, cut flower stem diameter and vase-life, therefore it can be choose as best treatment in this experiment.

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The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plants under low temperature stress cause damage to plants. In order to evaluate of antioxidant responses of Page mandarin young trees (two years old) on different rootstocks under low temperatures, an experiment was conducted in a factorial plan based on completely randomized design. Treatment of temperatures were at seven levels include 9, 6, 3, 0.-3, -6 oC and 25 ± 2 oC (as control) and rootstocks were Sour orange, Citrange and Trifoliate orange. Results showed that, low temperatures increased electrolyte leakage, lipid proxidation, antioxidant capacity, superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, catalase and peroxidase enzyme activities (P<0.01). Due to effects of rootstocks lipid proxidation to 1.237 MDA mmol/gr leaf FW (P<0.05) reduced, while increased antioxidant capacity and catalase enzyme activity respectively to 72.87% and 0.431 IU/gr leaf FW (P<0.01). Results showed that interaction effect of factors were significant on, electrolyte leakage and APX activity (P<0.05). Therefore maximum electrolyte leakage to 86.97% and ascorbate peroxidase activity to 4.620 IU/gr leaf FW were observed in Page on sour orange in 6oC and Trifoliate orange rootstocks in 0oC respectively. The biochemical indexes showed that Page mandarin on Trifoliate orange compared with Sour orange and Citrange rootstocks had best tolerance to freezing stress.

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Using mulch to decrease and optimize water use is known as a practical method. For this purpose, a splitfactorial experiment based on complete block design with three replications on two melon cultivars was conducted in spring season of 2010 in Torbat-e-Jam. Interval irrigation treatments in three levels (6, 8 and 10 days) were considered as main plot and mulch (straw plus paddy rice, plastic and no mulch) and cultivar (Khatooni and Ghasri) were considered as sub plots in a factorial design. Results showed that there was a significant difference between plactic mulch and the control and also between interval irrigation treatments for fruit yield, ripening period, suger percentage, fruit weight and number of fruits on plants. Interaction effect observed between interval irrigation and mulch for number of fruits on plants, marketable fruit, yield and ripening period traits. The shortest period of ripening was observed for the 8 and 10 dey interval irrigation together with plastic mulch. Plactic mulch caused the suger percentage of both cultivars to increase as well.Plactic mulch for 6 day interval irrigation caused yield and fruit quality to decrease, but it caused yield and fruit quality to increase for more than 8 day interval irrigation. Regarding the advantages of plactic mulch which is the decrease of water use and the improvement of yield and fruit quality, using plactic mulch is recommended for dry land.

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Castor oil due to extraordinary physicochemical properties has numerous applications in pharmaceutical, chemical, hygienic, biodiesel and nowadays in food industries. During plant growth and development, as well as during postharvest and processing, different factors may affect caster oil properties. This study was conducted to evaluate oil content and physiochemical properties under different sowing dates under climatic conditions of Tehran. The highest seed yield (1590.67 kg ha-1) and oil yield (774.43 kg ha-1) were obtained from 5th April Sowing date, that had significant difference with other sowing dates. In analyzed samples oil content were (%34.45-49.97), moisture content (%0.97-2.12), refractive index (1.470-1.473), chlorophyll content (0.26-0.40 mg Pheophytin/kg oil), acid value (0.28-0.62mg NaOH/g oil), peroxide value (0 meq O2/kg oil), soponification value (165.62-181.34 mg KOH/g oil) and iodine value (82.43-89.22 g I2/100 g oil). The results revealed significant differences for moisture and chlorophyll content, acid value (p<0.05) and soponification value (p<0.01), however, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in samples for oil content, refractive index, iodine value and peroxide value. Results of fatty acid analysis by Gas Chromatography (GC) showed that fatty acids composition of castor oil was influenced by sowing date, as Ricinoleic acid (77.40-80.63%) was known the major oil fatty acid. Nevertheless, the highest amount of oil with best quality was obtained from 5th April sowing date.

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Study of magnetic field and seed hydropriming effects on tomato seed germination was done in laboratory of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. The experiment was as factorial experiment based on randomized completely design, which was including two level of hydropriming (use of dry seed and soaked seed in distilled water for five hours) and eight level of magnetic field (pretreatment of seeds in 15 and 25 mili Tesla magnetic field for 5, 15 and 25 minutes, permanent magnetic field with intensity 3 mT and control). Seed hydropriming significantly reduced mean germination time (MGT). Also it increased radicle length from 6.68 to 7.59 cm (14 percent) in comparison to dry seed. Seed hydropriming led to increasing shoot length, seedling length and vigour index by 7, 12 and 13 percentages in comparison to dry seed, respectively. Exposure of seeds in 3 mT permanent magnetic fields and 25 mT for 5 minutes increased root length by 29 and 25 percentages in comparison to control.These treatments indicated the highest shoot length, seedling length and vigour index.

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