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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study develops an approach to obtain effects of advertising on the demand for dairies in Iran when consumption of dairies has a peculiar constructive role in social health and in nourishment. Investment in advertising of dairy industry was applied as a new policy in the country's Third Developing Program to enhance dairy consumption. Since more than 40 present of milk enter milk industries is absorbed by Pegah Firm factories, this Firm was selected as the major corporation in milk industries for a preparation of useful strategies in people's dairy consumption. Using the constant parameter model and OLS method, the most important factors influencing the consumer dairy demand in Iran were determined. Results of the study indicated that advertising has a positive and significant impact on consumer demand for Pegah products. The estimated impact parameters of advertising variable for milk, yoghourt, cheese and Doogh were 0.29, 0.12, 0.3 and 0.23, respectively, while the most important factors influencing the demand of Pegah products were identified as price, income, price of substitute and complimentary goods, population being urban or rural and populations of the age between 10-20 and 45-65 years.. Based on the results of the study, marketing decisions, as well as advertising policies in Pegah Milk Industries were the effective policies in increasing consumer demand.

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The purpose of this research was to design a model for e-learning in higher agricultural extension and education in Iran. A descriptive-correlational survey approach was employed in the study. Responds were filled in a web-based closed question questionnaire. Reliability and validity of the instrument were determined by investigating the attitudes of e-learning and extension specialists. The study population consisted of graduate students of agricultural extension and education in Iran. A sample of 86 students was selected through stratified random sampling method. Based on the results, the main components for e-learning in higher agricultural extension and education in Iran were listed as: (1) Students, (2) faculty members, (3) Educational interactions (4) Supporting Factors and finally (5) learning management system. Based on factor analysis, five most highly ranked items on requirements for students into e-learning in higher agricultural extension and education were identified as: responsibility, participation and creativity, IT skills, motivation and virtual ability. The most important item in requirements for faculty members was learning management and feedback. . By factor analysis, factors of e-learning success in higher agricultural extension and education were reduced to the two main factors of: interactions, supporting factors and contents, and educational tools. 

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Expansion of sprinkler irrigation system is one of the projects placed at top priority among the government programs, to partly overcome water limitation in agricultural sector. Extension and development of this system is faced with many economical, social and technical problems that diminish the demand for these systems. Non-adoption of sprinkler system by farmers is the result of one or more of these problems. There are many such different factors of individual, cultural, social and economical aspect among farmers that exert strong impact on adoption. Identifying these factors and targeting them through appropriate policies is one of the best solutions regarding adoption of water saving technology among farmers. The main objective of this study is an evaluation and determination of effective factors that affect adoption, and extension of sprinkler systems in Isfahan province. Logit model was employed to describe farmer behavior regarding determinants of adoption. Based on the findings the number of family labor and land fragmentation have their negative effects on adoption of rainy simulated irrigation systems while the size of the farmland, literacy level and type of farmers' job, the farmland slope, soil heterogeneity, average of water limitation and seasonal limitation of water as well as possibility of loan taking have their positive effects. Moreover, such variables as age of farmer, the kind of exploitation of farmland, soil being clay or sandy in texture, high water limitation, as well as access to human labor have no significant effects on adoption.

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View 1893

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This research was conducted based on survey strategy with purpose of investigating the information seeking behavior patterns of Tomato growers in Badouleh District. Validity of questionnaire as data gathering instrument, confirmed by selected experts and Coronbach Alpha coefficient (equal to 0.68 - 0.75 range for deferent parts of questionnaire) used to confirm its reliability. The population of this research included all tomato growers (N=780) in Badouleh District (Dashty County, Bousher Province) and an appropriate sample selected (n=95) by Cochran formula. Data analysis accomplished by using SPSS/WIN software based on appropriate statistics. In descriptive findings, information seeking items in several categories, information sources, information sources and information appropriateness indicators of tomato growers, prioritized based on mean and coefficient of variation. In addition, information satisfaction, information accessibility, information appropriateness and information seeking developed as combined information index (CII). In analytical findings, calculated Pearson coefficients of correlation, indicated that there is a significant relationship between age, experiences, getting loans, membership of local institutions, participation in extension courses, information satisfaction, information accessibility, information appropriateness and information seeking (CII). Using stepwise regression led to a linear equation including experiences, getting loans, membership of local institutions, information satisfaction, information accessibility and information appropriateness as independence variables and R2Ad coefficient indicated that this linear equation explained about 72% variance of information seeking (CII)as dependence variable.

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The purpose of this descriptive-survey research was to assess the attitude of the farmers, bakers and consumers toward cultural and social factors influencing wheat, flour, and bread losses. The population of the study was constituted of all the farmers, bakers and bread consumers in Tehran, Khuzestan, Golestan and Kermanshah provinces. A sample of 1500 farmers, 600 bakers, and 6000 consumers was selected using multistage stratified random sampling method. An instrument (questionnaire) was developed by the researcher to gather the required data. This instrument constituted of three sections as according to the purpose and objectives of the study. Based on the results, there was a positive attitude among farmers indicating that social and cultural factors do influence wheat losses. There were no relationship observed between age, educational level, and experience of farmers, and losses of wheat. In general, local leaders incurred less wheat losses than the other producers. The Results revealed that proficiency, positive attitude on bread, positively influence the prevention of flour and bread losses. Also, the perception of bakery workers toward bread as a holly gift does reduce losses. Consumers had correct understanding of bread value and the factors influencing its losses.Nevertheless, there was a positive relationship observed to be existing between educational level of households and their bread losses.

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The purpose of this study was to assess the professional educational needs of agriculture instructors. The research method was a descriptive-correlation one. The target population consisted of agriculture instructors of agricultural training centers of Mazandaran and Golestan provinces, Iran (N=104). In total, 89 questionnaires agriculture instructors were gathered and analyzed. Validity of the instrument was verified by a panel of experts consisting of faculty members specialized in agricultural extension and education. A reliability analysis being conducted resulted in a Cronbach's alpha value of 0.81. Based on Borich needs assessment model, a number of 24 modified professional competencies from previous researches were developed to assess the educational needs of agricultural instructors. Overall competencies were analyzed and ranked using Mean Weighted Discrepancy Scores (MWDS). Findings in the study revealed a number of four educational needs by agricultural instructors including: getting to know internet application in classroom teachings, getting to know different evolutional methods, how to motivate students to learn, and the teaching of problem solving skills, respectively. Results obtained from Spearman' correlation indicate that there is a significant correlation between the age, the factors of years of agricultural teaching experience, number of participations in in-service courses and the dependent variable of in-service needs rate. It is worth noting that significant differences were observed among educational need rates of respondents as regards the suggested season for in-service courses.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze factors influencing farmers' participation in irrigation networks management, with an approach to compare two groups offarmers (one in irrigation networks with WUA (Water Users' Association), and the other in networks lacking WUA). The methodological approach was a descriptive correlational and causal-comparative study of the survey type. The target population in the study consisted of 2551 farmers involved in the irrigation networks in Khorasan-e- Razavi Province, Iran. Using stratified random sampling technique, 335 participants were chosen. Data were collected through a questionnaire and were analyzed using SPSS, V.13 software. Content and face validity of the instrument were assessed and confirmed by the faculty members of Agricultural Extension and Education, Agronomy and Irrigation Departments at Tarbiat Modarres University, and also by the Specialists Board of Agricultural Jihad Organization and Regional Water Joint-stock Company in Khorasan-e-Razavi Province. The reliability analysis was conducted and cronbach'es alpha values for the various sections of the instrument were estimated to be between 0.73 and 0.86. The descriptive findings of our study indicated that the majority of farmers' participation in irrigation network management was approximately at an average level. The results obtained nom Pearson Correlation Analysis indicated that there were significant and positive relationships between variables, namely farmers' behavior regarding the best farm water management practices, extension contacts, communication channels, social capital components and farmers' attitudes regarding WUA with farmers' participation status in irrigation network management. T-test with independent samples revealed that there was a significant difference between the mean of two groups of respondents in irrigation networks with, and without WUAs in their participation in irrigation network management. Also, the classification result nom forward stepwise logistic regression model analysis indicated that the most important discriminating factors of two groups of farmers who participate in WUA and Non-WUA include farmer's age, annual income, social solidarity and the status of farmers' participation in irrigation network management. Generally, these variables could correctly classify some 75.8% of all the subjects.

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Computer and Internet in educational and research dimensions can increase the level of students' knowledge and ability. The purpose of this research was to study and make an analysis of the factors influencing the use of computer and Internet in educational research activities of students. Survey method was used to gather data. The statistical population of the study included graduate students of the University College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran (N=709) from which a sample of 91 members was randomly selected. Reliability and validity of the instrument were verified through obtaining the opinions of faculty members and through an application of Cronbach's Alpha (0.89). The findings revealed that the most important variables influencing the use of computer and Internet from a student's viewpoint were increasing the number of computer sets in the department, carrying out regular computer educational terms, as well as carrying out regular related English courses in the Educational Department. Factor analysis indicated that five most highly ranked factors influencing the use of computer and Internet were: attitude, educational, technical, environmental, as well as economical ones which respectively covered 1833, 16.78, 13.65, 11.92, and 10.08percentof total variance (70.76%).

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Comparative advantage of corn in comparison with other competing crops was Investigated applying Linear Programming, to 2004-2005data related to classic index (DRC) in Khuzestan. Results showed that corn benefits from a comparative advantage in all cities of Khuzestan province with acreage having been increased in the cultivation pattern of 37.5 % of the cities. In addition, comparing optimal cultivation pattern as resulted from linear programming models with crop ratings, based on comparative advantage indices indicated that restrictions, availability of resources, variable cost of tradable and non-tradable inputs as well as yield will lead to comparative advantage in production shift from one crop to another. Such factors such as supporting policies, rotation, resource constraint and exchange rate might also have their own effects on comparative advantage combination and on optimum cultivating quantity.

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There are many determining factors such as changes in Information Technology, increasing number of students enrolling in pursue of education, and need to just in time education that attract attentions to E-learning. In this direction, there are more attentions required to be paid to Applied-Science Education because of its nature. Instructors as the basic cornerstone of every education system are main determiners in the use of E-learning, therefore their attitudes are very important to be sought in this respect. The main propose of this research is to analyze the Instructors' Attitudes toward e-learning in Agricultural Applied-Science Education. The statistical population was the Instructors in Jahade-Keshvarzi Agricultural Education Centers (N=603). A sample was selected by using Stratified Random Sampling Method (n=175). Research instrument was questionnaire, developed by researchers to gather the required data. Validity of the questionnaire was tested through Coronbach Alpha which was about 0.77-0.89 for different sections of the questionnaire. Data analysis was done through SPSS Software, using descriptive statistics, T & F tests as well as Regression. The variables of: age, use of computer, use of internet, research competency in internet, electronic communication competency, explained 40.5 percent of the whole variations in the overall attitudes toward e-learning.

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Issues including limitation of usable farming lands, soil destruction, greenhouse gasses effect, excessive dependency on non-renewable resources, malnutrition, and scarcity of food stuff, put emphasis on necessity of sustainability in agriculture. Therefore, an evaluation of sustainability achievement in agriculture is indispensable and unavoidable. The purpose of this descriptive survey research was to assess the agriculture practiced by sustainability of irrigated wheat farmers in Sarpole-Zahab Township, based on 12 indicators of DSR (Driving force- State- Response) model. The statistical population for the study was the irrigated wheat growing farmers in Sarpole- Zahab Township (N= 3712). A sample of 351 farmers was selected using cluster sampling method. To establish the validity of the survey instrument, a panel of faculty members at Razi University with professional experience in extension and sustainable agriculture reviewed the instrument. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated to establish reliability. Results indicated that, in general, the sustainability level is very low. Based on taxonomy analysis, sustainability level in 75 % of the rural areas was from low to moderate. Regression analysis revealed that educational level, land under leguminous crops, area of land holdings, level of tendency to hire employees, membership in cooperatives, and age are the most respective important predictors of agricultural sustainability as regards irrigated wheat growing farmers. A utilization of under pressure irrigation systems, organic farming, increasing land under cultivation of industrial crops, as well as to diversify income resources are recommended for an achievement of agricultural sustainability. 

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Employment is one of the major concerns of the governing body in any country. Reports about the status of persons employed show that the service sector as compared with agriculture and industry sectors has provided many more employment opportunities. In this regard, need arises as to examine the employment status of persons who graduated in agriculture majors from University of Tehran, University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The population for the study included all students who had graduated at MSc and PhD levels from the College of Agriculture during the years 1380-84.The sample population consisted of 108persons with results collected being analyzed through descriptive and analytic methods. The results show more than 57 percent of those who graduated from College of Agriculture within the above- mentioned four years were employed. It was also found out that there was a meaningful relationship between employment status as the dependent variable, and age, and efficiency of curriculum as the independent variables. The marital status as well as educational level had their impacts on employment status. The results indicated that there was meaningful relationship between type of employment and age. The gender, marital status, educational level and the path through which they were employed had their impacts on the type of employment. The educational level had its impact on the place of occupation too.

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Nowadays, there is a growing trend in demand for agricultural organic products as driven by consumers' perceptions of the quality and safety of these products as well as by the positive impacts of organic agricultural practices on the environment. The main purpose of this descriptive - survey research was to investigate consumer attitudes on Agricultural Organic Products (AOP), and the effective factors influencing their adoption of organic products. The target population consisted of consumers from (five provinces) in Iran. To select sample population, randomized sampling was employed, sample size being formed of 416 consumers. The questionnaire's validity was confirmed by a panel of faculty members of Tehran University. Reliability was employed through Cronbachs' Alpha with a=.818 showing the reliability of the questionnaire as acceptable. SPSS/win software was employed for data analysis, while factor analysis method being employed to identify the explaining factors of dependent variable's variance. Results showed that the most important factors in perception of OPs were awareness of consumers regarding disadvantages of pesticides and chemicals. The most important purchase criteria were good taste and safety. The most important method of presentation was to supply the products supply with appropriate labels. In addition, the results showed that four effective factors explained 69.7 percent of the total variance. The first factor was the educational one with 22.54% as the most important factor, the rest being supportive (19.8%), monitoring (15.3%) and economical (11.03%).

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Local planning is a basic principle as well as a major part of comprehensive rural development in which main emphasis is placed on local initiatives to make human interactions more active and dynamic. In local planning, all parties including local people, governmental bodies and NGOs interact to fulfill the basic goals of community development. One may find good examples of local planning experience in different parts of the world, particularly in ancient Iran, Egypt and Greek although over involvement of governmental bodies has caused many problems in the way of enhancing local people capacities. It is nowadays recognized that sustainable rural and agricultural development will not be achieved unless the capacities and competencies of local people are recognized, built, developed and utilized. Accordingly, this study was conducted to design a model for local extension planning, as extension is a basic institution to empower local people. The study was an applied research one conducted through a quantitative paradigm. The statistical population of the study consisted of all the state and local actors of extension system in Mazandaran province of Iran, Babol county and Lalehabad District. Out of this population, 581 people were selected as sample interviewed through questionnaire. The findings revealed that different actors had significant different opinions about the consequences of the extension program, role of actors and the necessities of setting up a local planning committee. This is while they are in agreement with respect to the necessities of linkages among the actors.

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This research was done with the aim of investigating attitudes of agricultural students toward outcomes of internship (training) courses. Methodologically, the research was carried out through a survey method. The population of the study consisted of all agricultural students of the Agricultural and Natural Resources Collages, University of Tehran who took their training (internship) course during 2004-2005 academic year (N=150). Census method was employed to collect data through a researcher-developed questionnaire. Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by agricultural extension and education faculty members of the University of Tehran. Calculated Coronbach Alpha coefficient as an indication of questionnaire's reliability was found equal to 0.82. Using SPSS soft ware, gathered data was analyzed. Findings of the research indicated significant differences among students with regard to their attitudes toward outcomes of internship (training) courses as by groping of variables, including gender of students, relationship between students and in charge educator during the internship (training) course, attendance in pre-course orientation session, selection of internship's location, as well as student's major. Also, research findings, showed a significant correlation among attitudes of agricultural students toward outcomes of internship courses as well as some independent variables, such as importance given to internship course by personnel in charge, application of ideas and lessons learned by students during the internship course, engagement of students in practical and professional affairs during the course, relationship between training practices and university lessons taken by students, student's satisfaction as related to the internship (training) course, regular attendance of students in the course, fitness of internship course with student's major, possibility of voluntary selection of training options by students, possibility of using related prevailing tools and equipments by students during the internship (training) course.

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This research was carried out with the main aim of determining the components of educational centers of the Ministry of Jehade Keshavarzi. The research was of a surveying nature. It was carried out through researcher made questionnaire. The questionnaire's face validity and reliability were confirmed through authorities view and coronbach's alpha (89.95%) respectively. The trainers at the Education Centers of the Ministry of Jehade Keshavarzi, whose number was 490 according to the latest prevailing census constituted the population of the survey. Classified Random Sampling was employed to pick up a sample of 107 subjects. It must be noted that the Ministry's Teaching Centers are classified into A, B, and C classes based upon the quality of teaching of their trainers as determined by the Technical and Vocational Institute of Higher Education. The results indicated desirable capability of the trainer in majority aspects of capability evaluation. Factor analysis of the research variables indicated the six factors of: decision making, job performance, self efficacy, professional growth, status, and impact with a variance determination of about 63%. Trainers' capabilities, as based upon means obtained when considering the aove mentioned factors stood at proper levels. Means Comparison Test (Kruscal- Wallis Test) indicated no significance among centers (A, B, C) as regards the capability factors.

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Overuse of chemical inputs and inappropriate use of water resources have caused unsustainability in most agricultural regions of Marvdasht County in Fars province. For an attainment of sustainable production of wheat, it is necessary to design appropriate communicational models for agricultural inputs and for water optimum usage; however, reviewing agricultural development literature revealed that most of extension efforts focus their attention on information delivery and on hard system technical aspects rather than fitting communicational relations of rich contents, suitable for stakeholders. This is while sustainable production of wheat necessarily requires using appropriate simultaneous information- communicational needs of stakeholders. This study attempts to measure chemical input and water usage in agricultural regions of three villages in Marvdasht, namely: Kheirabad, Ezabad, and Tajabad, by mean of a survey approach. Cochran's formula was employed to choose the study sample of 90 wheat growers. Data was gathered through observation, in-depth interviewing and through open and close ended questionnaire. A panel of experts verified face validity and a pilot study used to assess the reliability of the measuring instrument. Kruskal Wallis test, cluster analysis and correlational analysis were employed for data analysis. Findings revealed that, clear differences of three groups of farmers resulted in different information- communicational models of optimum chemical inputs and of water usage. This article presents these three models to sustainable production of wheat among the three groups of farmers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 2 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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