Higher education system, as an investment in human resources, plays a key role in training people. It also plays a determinant role in different political, social, economic and cultural aspects of the society. Therefore, ensuring the quality of performance in higher education to prevent the waste of human and financial resources along with possessing the ability to compete in the future, wherein quality is supposed to be a significant component for organization’s survival, is an undeniable necessity. Hence, the purpose of this descriptive correlational study is to analyze the quality of educational services (QES) in College of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU). A structured questionnaire with close-ended questions was developed and its validity and reliability were confirmed. The target population of the study consisted of the students of College of Agriculture, TMU (N=674) out of which, according to Cochran Formula, 159 individuals were selected using simple random sampling method. Findings revealed that from students’ viewpoint, the quality of educational services in College of Agriculture, TMU could be prioritized as: 1) Reliability, 2) Empathy, 3) Responsiveness, 4) Assurance, and 5) Tangibles. The comparison of means indicated that there exists a significant difference between the satisfaction level of Master’s students and PhD. students, and also between, male and female students regarding the quality of educational services.