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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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If we accept that the aim of syntax is to control the tongue in speaking without error and the aim of logic is to protect thought against error in judgments, so the aim of ethics will be protect humans against error in the behaviors. When human take step in the straightforward way without any carnal desires and with blindly mimics, so the aim of each science except ethics is to prevent error in the judgments and its respective issues. However, the purpose of ethics is to create a community based on fortunate, leadership of justice, security and cooperation for protecting life against ravages and tyrannies and something guides society into revolt and revolution and also directs it (life) to more perfection. This concept refers to the human and society improvement in observing the straightforward way. In this article, the effort is to discuss some issues of ethical values with reference to Quran ad some literally samples or narrations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the history of Iran, many events lead to the formation of constitutionality. The emergence of constitutionality by itself put forward the changes of attitudes towards literature, ethical and didactic contents such as justice action, patriotism, and humanity. By putting forward these contents the prose and verses of this period are complete reflection of truths as well as the expression of derivation and oppression of people. Therefore, the verses of this period entered to the heart of people. Finally, the direct expression of the social and ethical in verses of this period are different and impressive.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Shah name is one of the literary masterpieces and because of its comprehensiveness of subject, variety of stories, and philosopher composer is a combination of epic, lyrical and didactic literature. Examining these dimensions leads to better understanding of this literary masterpiece and its composer. This research tries to survey the manifestation of didactic literature and its different branches in Shah Name by using the analysis of content. Subjects like attention to religion and religious teaching, advices and ethical results at the end of stories, praise of knowledge and science, ethical excellences, composer modesty speeches and etc …. A didactic and ethical atmosphere governed in Shah name. Ethical messages in Shah Name in two ways presented first story theme and direct address. One of the lasting secret of Shah Name is Firdausi’s advice which originates from his philosophical thoughts, religion and nation. Since these advices are not personal but humanitarian and its therefore comprehensiveness goes beyond particular time and place and include many things.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Sadie has composed the seventh chapter of Boostan under the title of in the world of education. His purpose in composing this chapter is to teach the methods of education and ethics. Most of researchers believe that Sadie’s works, especially this part, is under influence of Arabic culture and Islamic thoughts. This article shows that the source of Sadie’s thoughts in the issues of education is coordinated well both with Arabic and Iranian culture. The results of this research represent the necessity of attention to the Arabic sources for discovering of the ancient Iranians’ views and its effect on Persian literature. The chronological sequence of Iranians’ point of view to Arabic and Islamic thoughts shows that the people of the Persians were familiar with so many of educational and ethical affairs which today considered as Islamic or Arabic. Therefore, they have gone beyond the field of Iranian culture and Pahlavi texts and have entered to the realm of Arabic culture. Unfortunately, the references to the Iranian view in the explanation and interpretation of Persian texts have been neglected by researchers, so it is necessary to pay attention not only to the effectiveness of the Persian literature from the Arab literature but also to the effectiveness of the Iranian culture.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the epistemological questions in the field of literature is the quality of synchronic relationship of literary discourse with philosophical schools of thoughts and corresponding social events on the one hand and its diachronic relationship with other times especially with the present day literature on the other. It is a topic that warrants investigation because of the challenges the present day human being is struggling with namely, lack of spirituality and nihilism, western racism, profiteering, deviation from ethics and magnanimity, extreme individualism, etc. Undoubtedly the essence of Attar’s works especially his masterpiece Manteq-o-Tair, having a mystical culture and moving beyond ethnocentrism and focusing upon limpid human emotions and keeping down personal and social emotions, has given his works a cosmological/universal function and made him a figure not limited to any specific time and place. And that’s why his thoughts have been applied across time and have got an incremental relationship with the present time. The present study employing a descriptive- analytic and hermeneutic approach intends to explore and clarify Attar views which could serve as a response to the spiritual challenges and conflicts encountered by the contemporaryhumans. In short, the research has revealed that from Attar’s point of view ignoring self knowledge and turning a deaf ear to the call of the instinct has led the man to complex challenges and no considering the spiritual and divine aspects of the human existence and intuitive knowledge versus factual knowledge has paved the way for disunity and violence.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Generally speaking, the narrative action of a story is determined through two states of beginning and ending. Although these two elements play important roles in the subjects of modern writing story, in articles and speeches related to farsi writing story nearly no attention has been paid to them. In Farsi writing story we see too much negligence concerning story enduing in comparison to story beginning. The act of ending in different fields of arts ranging from cinema music, painting, and archetecture to story and poetry have been the center of attention for an artist. However, in the field of the theories of criticism the term of ending isn’t an old one. In farsi speeches and articles specially in the field of story and narration you won’t find any independence article about ending. However, among global articles especially in the field of literature the subject of ending is among the frequently used ones in literary criticism. Many prose and verse masterpieces of farsi literature have didactic aspects that is, the main aim of story teller is to express the result, therefore there is a logical relation between the story and the result taken from it. In the present article, the envestigation of ending in the classic narration (story, anecdot fable) and modern story and its relationship with the story plot have been examined. The attempt in this article is to investigate the historical course of this element and its semantic evolution from critics’ point of view.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Parvin Etesami is one of the pioneers of modernity poetry in Iran. The rational foundations of her poetry should be considered as a response to the needs of enlightening era in constitutional period. Realism and relying on the wisdom, will, and responsibility of human for her/his destiny constitutes her social outlook. Avoiding of delusion and emphasizing on work and effort in her poetry is a lookout which are coordinated well with the demands of modernity era. With regard to language and style, following clearness, balance, using formal language, realism and meaning analysis especially within the framework of debate and allegory are branches of her neoclassic poetry. Therefore, all these factors have contributed for critics to place her within the modern poets.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main aim of a poet in composing didactic poetry is to teach philosophy and ethics and to explain and specify religious, educational, philosophical, instructive issues and thoughts. Expressing philosophical and ethical doctrines in Persian poetry started in the fourth century and gradually manifested itself in the most of poetic style. Didactic poetry either appeared separately and independently just like long poems and stories that exclusively pay attention to didactic doctrines or are scattered in other literary works. Firdausi’s Shah Name and Hafiz’s Divan are among literary works which contain instructive contents at highest level. These two literary works contain epical and lyrical aspects that were considered from long times ago as manifesto of living for both the elite and common people. The point on which this research paper is based on is the tone of expressing ethical contents and the philosophical and instructive thoughts of these two poets. One of the poets had chosen a detailed approach and the other one a brief approach. The words of one poet are explicit and clear and the other one is mysterious and satirical. Therefore, this paper tries to study and represent different ways of expressing didactic ideas by these two poets.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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