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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Kashmir is a geographical region in the north-west of the Indian high mountains of the Himalayas.Kashmiri language is spoken primarily in the Kashmir Valley and the other regions of Jammu and Kashmir. Kashmiri language is a member of the Dardic subgroup of the Indo-Iranian languages. It is due to prolonged contact between Kashmiri and Persian languages from 14thto 19thcentury, Persian language has left deep influence of linguistic features and literary styles on Kashmiri language. This influence could be studied in three parts: lexical borrowing, phonological changes and grammatical borrowing. The aim of this paper is to study the influence of Persian language in the valley of Kashmir and Kashmiri language, form the language borrowing perspective by using library resources and previous works to confirm and reveal the cultural ties between Iran and Kashmir from ancient times and in different historical periods. Novelty of the research is to study Persian fundamental influence on the Kashmiri language and suggests that this influence is due to spread of Islam in this region by Muslim (Iranian) mystics and missionaries. Research results indicate that the influence of Persian language, in addition to lexical borrowings, has caused deep changes in the grammatical other constructions of Kashmiri language and if this influence had continued, based upon the reasons mentioned above, perhaps, this language would have been replace with Persian.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this research, the language –tension function of light has been studied and analyzed in Sohrab Sepehri’s poem statement system. This research’s main goal includes studying and specifying the tension system function, the tension layer and the light semiotic aspect in Sepehri’s poem language by emphasizing on the East of Grief and the Green Volume poems collection. Our main question is how language tension system of light leads to generation of aesthetic process and how this system can perform a role in semiotic process. In fact, the goal of present research is to represent how language-tension system of light creates a permutation situation for statements and how this process can lead to light notability. The research’s theoretical framework is tension pattern based on the post Greimassian semiotic systems. In tension system, the intensive and extensive layers play the roles together in interaction. Our hypothesis is that the light statement system of Sepehri’s poem subordinates to ascendant tension structure and the descending tension structure is in the service of ascendant structure. The language-tension system of light plays the key roles both with permutation and notability function and ultimately the process of aesthetic statement comes off with light notability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 755

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Besides personal skills, individuals require some additional skills which are crucial to help them maintain a successful life in a community. One of them is the ability to communicate and develop social relationships. The current study aimed to investigate the effect of auditory training in social functions of elementary school bilingual Persian-Kurdish students in the town of Sar-pol-zahab. To implement the research in which a descriptive and analytical method is used, first the types of listening are defined and then the challenges and obstacles in the way of them happening are discussed. In addition, auditory training methods in teaching listening skills are explained for teachers. The data includes the assessment of the auditory skills improvement of Kurdish-speaker students whose auditory skills are being trained by teachers. The data is accumulated via questioners and processed by statistical methods. The results of this research are presented in the statistical analysis section.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Working memory capacity (WMC) is shown to be correlated with explicit learning conditions, but not implicit (Reber, Walkenfeld, & Hernstadt, 1991). However, recent study shows that the relationship is more complicated (Tagarelli, Borges-Mota, & Rebuschat, 2015) and some other factors such as linguistic complexity can mediate the relationship between WMC and learning condition. This study investigated the relationship between WMC and acquisition of two English linguistic structures with varying degree of complexity, namely past simple tense and relative clauses under explicit and implicit learning conditions. Fifty-nine intermediate Persian learners of English took part in this study receiving either explicit or implicit instruction on two grammatical structures defined as easy (simple past tense) and difficult (relatives) at classroom setting. Their ability to use these structures was measured at three times; once before treatment and twice after it through a timed grammaticality judgment task and an elicited oral imitation task. Complex listening span task was used to measure their working memory capacity. The results of the two-way repeated ANOVA revealed that explicit and implicit instruction were significantly effective in development of easy and difficult structures. The results of correlation for working memory capacity and learning condition revealed that there is no significant relationship between WMC and learning under implicit condition. This result hold true for both simple and difficult linguistic structures. However, under explicit condition, differential results were found for different linguistic structures. Whereas no relationship was found for simple linguistic structures, the relationship between WMC and learning difficult linguistic structures under explicit condition was found to be significant.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (37)
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Reading comprehension skill is one of the fundamental and basic skill for understanding meanings and ideas available in the text. Attention to this skill especially for literary texts is one of the most important issues in the realm of language teaching. Using the right instruction methods for illuminating literary texts can confidently improve reading skills and reading comprehension of the students. Teaching reading comprehension texts based on critical thinking skills not only meets all the goals of literary texts, but also helps to improve the students’ reading comprehension. The aim of the current study is to investigate the effect of critical thinking skills on reading comprehension of Arabic literary texts among BA students of Arabic Language and Literature. The sample of the study consisted of 64 junior students of Arabic Language and Literature who were divided into two experimental and control groups. The experimental group was instructed based on critical thinking skills and the control group was instructed based on classical/traditional methods of teaching a text. The findings indicated that there is a significant difference between the performances of the groups and that critical thinking skills affects students’ reading comprehension skills. The methodology for conducting this study followed a quasi- experimental design. The population of the study was all bachelor Arabic language and literature students of Iranian universities, among which 64 junior students of Shahid Beheshti and Yazd Universities were chosen as the experimental and control groups respectively. The results showed that there is a significant relation between the incorporation of critical thinking skills in teaching Arabic literary text and an increase in the students’ comprehension. This means that using the sub-skills of the skills” inference, recognition of assumptions, interpretation, evaluating the arguments and deduction” which were covered in the literature can lead to increasing the students’ comprehension.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (37)
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This study investigated the stable comparison (SC) describing human appearance in the Russian and Persian languages so that it can compare and analyze the languages picture of the word of these two languages through these cultural marked linguistic units which are considered as the total- reflection of the languages picture of the word. The SC are special layers of phraseological unit neglected by the researchers, and it can be said that they reflect their speakers’ lifestyle, mentality and cultural color more than other types of phraseological units. This study was within a cultural linguistics research formwork and was the first attempt to compare and investigate the SC between the Russian and Persian languages. This was a statistical, comparative-analytical study aiming to answer the following question: Is there any difference between the Russian and Persian languages regarding the covert language’s picture of the word of the SC? It tasted the hypothesis that since Iranian and Russian are different with respect to their belief, ethnicity, and geography of their living place, a trivial culture with common ground will be found, and the effect of these factors should generally be observed in their language’s picture of the word.The results of this study were divided into the quantitative and content categories. According to the quantitative results, the distribution of SC was 0.3% showing the low level of cultural common grounds between Russian and Iranian and the significant difference in their cultural linguistic picture which confirms the hypothesis. With respect to the content analysis of the studied samples, the factors such as religious elements, beliefs, and behaviors (Russian: beautiful like God-Persian: like Usef); the characters and figures of mythological and literature (Russian: Koschei, Kolobok- Persian: Rostam, Rakhsh); historical characters (Persian: Omar, Yazid); and geographical climate and living tools (Russian: Kolomna verst- Persian: Moshk Saqa) played the major role in creating the difference in the language’s picture of the word of these ethnics.

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    2 (37)
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The process of compound predicates (CPr) formation in Persian has got little attention on behalf of linguists. This paper aims to situate the components of Persian light verb constructions in contexts that can be justifiably invoked as a motivation for CPr formation. The authors believe that CPrs can be considered as direct or indirect products of incorporation process.We hold here a broad concept of incorporation, namely X incorporation (XI), in which X indicates categories including nominals, adjectives and prepositional phrases.This process, explicated by means of some concepts from Cognitive Grammar, involves CPrs originating from complete clauses, and then passing through a compositional path where a nonverbal and a verbal element are selected out of a clause and end up in a complex predicate. In such a hypothetical path, a verb argument is occasionally omitted and the verb complement or adjunct, having a higher cognitive salience, is incorporated to it. The investigation will continue with focusing on the LVCs constructed with LVkardan ’do, make’, as the most frequently used light verb in Persian. The paper will also explore how different paths could be associated with different ‘heavy’ meanings of kardan. Moreover, each CPr may further provide speakers with constructional schemas upon which other LVCs formed with a given LV can be sanctioned. Considering different kinds of LVCs explained in this paper, we can say that the semantic contribution of LVs falls into one of the two following possibilities depending on how the LVC in question is formed:i. Compositional path is directly conceivable. When this is the case, the semantics of LV is equivalent to, or derived from, a main or extended sense of its non-light counterpart, as in emtehan dadan ‘to take an exam’ (lit. to exam-give), xab raftan ‘to fall asleep’ (lit. to sleep N-go), and lane kardan ‘to nest’ (lit. to nest N-do).ii. Compositional path is indirectly accessible through a constructional schema.In this case, the LV’s semantic contribution can be thought of as dissolved in the constructional meaning of the relevant schema, as inimeyl zadan ‘to email’ (lit. to email N-hit) whose LV has nothing to do with ‘hit‘, but imports a sense of ‘communication’ immanent in the constructional schema X+zadan which is in turn inherited from telegraf zadan ‘to telegraph’ (lit. to telegraph N-hit).iii. The compound verb is a denominal verb in which the light verb serves to verbalize a non-verbal element. In this case the semantic contribution of the light verb is to add processual meaning to the predicate.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Teaching professional translation is a pedagogical process based on learning in which students of translation play a crucial and dynamic role. According to Fiola’s definition of the framework of professional translation, translation student as the first and most significant elements in the formation of the desirable framework are recognizable considering their previously learned knowledge, motivation, and needs for educational materials. According to Kiraly’s recommended model of socio-constructivist approach, meetings these requirements demand independence and responsibility on the side of translation students. In the present study, 112 undergraduate students of French language translation were given a questionnaire which has been prepared based on their educational needs to challenge their status, role and contribution in the acquisition of the required skills for translation, so that their week points and the reasons for their failure in being good translators could be identified. This questionnaire, which has been conceived according to the theoretical framework of research (educational needs put forward by Jemar for teaching translation and the socio-constructivist approach recommended by Donald Kiraly), allows us to answer the following questions: 1. Have students of French language translation in Iran found their proper place in the course of their study? 2. Do they have the independence, the active involvement, and the sense of responsibility needed for acquiring the skills and requirements on their path to become a translator? 3. Do they show diligence and do they dedicate enough time to study and compensate for their lack of knowledge and linguistic problems? The results of the study indicated the lack of independence, active involvement and sense of responsibility amongst translation students which does not conform to the socioconstructivist approach. Limited general knowledge, less than perfect mastery of Persian and French languages, and most important of all, lacking strong motivation when entering the field are among the reasons that hinder their progress towards becoming top-notch translators. In fact, the main reason lies in the lack of sense of responsibility and diligence to surmount these difficulties. According to the socioconstructivist approach, teaching translation using authentic materials with the aim of introducing the requirements of the professional world of translation to students and also focusing on team work to encourage motivation and independence from professors in students, are among recommended solutions together with revisions applied to the curriculum and to the admission system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this paper, we are suggesting a website, which we have calledColloNet, for explaining lexical collocations based on frame semantics. It is going to be connected to Frame Net that is a network drawing frames of lexemes. This network not only helps us comprehend the nature of collocations, but also is an introduction to more computational linguistics researches. We have considered the word ‘dast’ to explain different functions and applications of this website. The data are collected from two Persian corpora: Bijan Khan and Persian Database. A descriptive-comparative-analytic approach has been used to compare and analyze the frames, in which the collocates, the base and the whole construction are being defined. Consequently, by comparing frames and analyzing the relations between elements, we can not only understand the type of collocation (such as simple, metaphoric or metonymic), but also obtain some information regarding historical, political, social and cultural motivations behind collocations.

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The present research initially presents a brief description of two perspectives on the nature of intelligence. Then, it explains the theoretical framework of the research by overviewing the literature on bilingualism and cognitive development. This research primarily aims to explore the impact of bilingualism and gender on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences in a sample of monolingual and bilingual high school students (fourth graders) of Fars and Khuzestan provinces in Iran. To fulfill this objective, 448 monolingual and bilingual students were selected from among 67031 students in the 2012-2013 academic year. They were administered Multiple Intelligences Survey questionnaire developed by Armstrong (1993) and the results were analyzed through SPSS software. The findings revealed that the bilingual students rated themselves higher on linguistic and logical mathematical than monolingual peers. Moreover, the male students gave higher self-estimates for logical-mathematical intelligence than their female peers while female students gave higher self-estimates for linguistic intelligence than their male peers. The results of such studies, which indicate students’ differences on intelligence, may lead to the awareness of curriculum developers and teachers to diversify teaching activities based on learners’ learning styles and intellectual abilities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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A bunch of studies have been published in various formats of books and papers about Hafiz status and art in the field of Persian literature. Due to the large amount and the continuous process of such studies and in order to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, it is necessary for them to be reviewed especially considering the authors’ pen. The results of such reviews can be applied to address the lacks of this field. This study examines the historical process of Hafiz studies and their subjects as well. Since the beginning of the process (1919) up to 2010 about 2068 studies have been conducted. This study reviews the historical trend of Hafiz studies first in the format of papers, then checks the reasons of their ups and downs due to their quantity and quality. The stories are categorized under five historical periods and eight headings of: description of verses, critical review of books and studies about Hafiz, introduction of various Divan corrections, and the introduction of new versions, character analysis, Hafiz’s life and thoughts, Hafiz and the others, aesthetics (of Hafiz’s poetry). This study shows the rising process of the production of the studies since the beginning up to the third historical period due to the holding of two Hafiz’s memorial conferences. In the fourth period, this process quantitatively falls down but qualitatively rises till the fifth period when both quantity and quality of the papers escalate due to the introduction of new literary topics and the advance of criticisms.

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The aim of this study is to describe the inflectional structure of Persian verbs based on the theory of Words and Paradigm. We aim to clarify the nature of paradigm or verb inflectional patterns in Persian and the way the multiple roles of inflectional patterns such as person and number can be separated and transparently expressed. Therefore, we extracted sentences from Persian grammar books and analyzed the structure of their verbs. These structures include Person and Number, Participle, Voice, Infinitive and Mood. Results showed that one-to-many or many-to-one correspondence of the inflectional properties of Persian verb can be described using Word and Paradigm model. This model is different from Item and arrangement or Item and Process models, due to the fact that words are considered as a totality for analysis. In the frame of the two mentioned models, words are divided into a sequence of discrete units. In addition, it became clear that the inflectional structures of the verb in Persian are of a morpho-syntactic nature and considering a layered structure for the verb helps to separate the multiple functions of the inflectional structure of Persian verb. Therefore it is possible to describe the characteristics of Persian Verb in the frame of Word and Paradigm model.

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