In this study. physico-chemical characteristics of white prawn (penaeus in die us) pond were determined in Behshahre zone (closed to Grogan bay). Samplings have been done at spring and summer in 1999. 52 samples were collected from five stations before sunrise and after sunset hydrochemistry factors such as: Temperature, pH, salinity, nitrogen, phosphorus, DO, BOD5 were determined base on standard method. The result showed that Min. and Max of water temperature, pH, salinity were 24. 1-31.4oc, 8.09-9.21, 33.5-36.9 ppt respectively. The fluctuation concentration DO, BOD5 NH4+/N, NO2 -N, NO3-N, PO43- were 3.48-11.92, 3.08-5.36, 0.082-0.277, 0.001-0.0076, 0.011-0.038, 0.022-0.092 mg/l respectively, during culture period. Finally, with considering two important factors such as: Temperature and salinity and comparing with other prawn culture country (Such as: India, ...), the southern part of Caspian zone is quite suitable for of prawn Penaeus indieus.