This research administered with the purpose of investigate the role of supervisors, leadership style components (including transformational leadership, leader–member exchange, supervisor support and ethical based leadership) in personnel's empowerment in Esfahan Haier factory. From research statistical population (total of Haier factory personnel in autumn 1388 with 525 personal) 332 persons selected with the use of stratified random sampling for participation to research. Research was correlational study and for research data collection, questionnaires which used were transformational Leadership (with 22 items, cronbach alpha=0.6 to 0.94), leader–member exchange (with 7 items, cornbach alpha=0.88), ethical leadership (with 6 items, cronbach alpha=0.92), supervisor support (with 11 items, cronbach alpha=0.94) and psychological empowerment (with 12 items, cronbach alpha=0.78 to 0.9). Pearson's correlation coefficient and stepwise regression analysis were used for data analysis. The results of stepwise regression analysis showed that for first component of psychological empowerment, that is significance, leader-member exchange, high performance expectancies, group goals and intellectual role model, for second component of psychological empowerment, that is competence, leader–member exchange, intellectual role model, high performance expectancies and ethical based leadership, for third psychological empowerment, that is sellf–determination, supervisor support and high performance expectancies, and finally for fourth component of psychological empowerment, that is impact, supervisor support, personal support, leader member exchange, intellectual role model and ethical leadership has significant predictive power (P<0.05 or 0.01).