Understanding of the components and factors affecting success on e-learning helps the decision-makers adopt a suitable policy for investment in effective factors and re-design or omit non effective ones. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to identify the critical success factors in the academic e-learning centers. The present study is developmental regarding to the objective, and qualitative concerning data collection. The sample includes 10 main experts having management, research and teaching experiences in the domain of E-learning. The participants were selected through purposive sampling. To identify the factors, semi-structured interview was used as the data collection instrument. Then, the collected data was analyzed through open codifying and axial codifying based on content-analysis. The critical success factors of academic e-learning centers, based on the ideas of the participants, were found to be 7 factors: learner, instructor, technology, management, pedagogy, evaluation, and outdoor beneficiary, which should have 47 features to reach success.