Since it is costly to obtain related hardware and software and to gain expertise for working with the database data, and also for the purpose of having a wider, faster, and cheaper accessibility, and making more trust about having an updated data and information, using web environment and presenting GIS features in such domains are being developed per day. Web-based Geographical Information System (Web GIS) as the technology of publication and accessibility to local information from web-based domains can be of help in informing the visitors and tourists by sharing the local data. The present paper in addition to presenting the related basics, examines the function of Web GIS in tourism management regarding the present conditions and seeks to answer this question that whether Web GIS can be used as a tool for increasing the quantity and quality of informing the visitors and tourists and thus, the tourism industry of our country? For simplifying the issue and also making a relation between the theory and the function, a sample of this system was designed. After the investigations, it is concluded that regarding the present limitations, establishing such system will result in improving the tourism functioning. The present research is based on basic (theory) -functional research that by selecting the proper method of research makes it possible to fulfill the goal. For analyzing the data, such hardware as paper maps in different scales, GPS, scanner, printer etc. and such software as SQL (for analyzing the analysis of Web GIS database), Open Source software, Arc GIS 9.3, Office software pack, Java Script programming language for coding by AJAX language have been used. And in final conclusion, according to the findings of the research, some useful guidelines in the field of improved urban management have been presented.