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In order to study the effects of water stress on growth parameter of wheat at different phonological stages, this experiment was conducted as split plot design with four replication. Main plot were include: jointing stage, anthesis and seed filling period. Sub plot were: Irrigation at field capacity, 75% field capacity,50% field capacity,25% field capacity. The results showed the highest and lowest dry matter accumulation obtained with applying water stress treatment at jointing stage and seed filling stage, respectively. With increasing water stress, the amount of dry matter decreased significantly. Also in greater water stress the value of LAI and NAR decreased.

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For studying genetic variation for grain filling rate and grain filling period  and relationship with grain yield, 10 barley genotype: Bomi, Torkaman, Eize, Siah, Sahra,1-yeknavakht, 14G, 11G, 5G and 15G, cultivars ,introduced by Golestsn agriculture research centre, Were studied in randomized complete block design at 4 replication at 84-85.were studied. This genotype varied for both rate and duration grain filling parameter and had significant difference. Torkaman had maximum grain filling rate and minimum was for 1-yeknavakht.the average of grain filling rate was 1.59 mg/day and average of grain filling duration was 29.8 days. Positive correlation between grain filling rate and duration with grain yield showed that, they increased from low yield genotype to high yield.14G had maximum and Torkaman had minimum grain filling duration. Negative no significant correlation between grain filling rate and grain filling duration.14G showed that have higher grain yield than other genotype and with receive lower GDD, achieved to the physiological maturity

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The experiment was conducted during 2005-2006 at the Agricultural Research station, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch, to evaluate the effects of deficit irrigation regimes on proline, soluble sugars and potassium accumulation of three bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. A split plot layout with a randomized complete block design with four replications was used. Irrigation treatments (irrigation after 70, 90 and 110 mm cumulative evaporation from class an evaporation pan) were considered as the main plot and wheat cultivars (Mahdavy, Ghods and Roshan-back cross) as subplots. Irrigation after 70 and 90 mm cumulative evaporation did not differ significantly for proline and soluble sugars, but differed for K. Furthers delay in irrigation from 90 to 110 mm cumulative evaporation significantly increased proline and soluble sugars. Percent of soluble sugar and the amount of proline were significantly affected by cultivars. Ghods and Roshan-back cross had the highest and lowest percent of soluble sugars, proline relative water content and number grain per spike, respectively.

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This study evaluate the effect of ethephon as a plant grows regulators (0 , 0/56) and plant density (76000 , 86000 plant/h) on growth indices of grain corn (sc 400) under different irrigation periods ( 7, 11 and 15 days) as factorial- split plat experiment according to randomized complete block design with three replication carried out in 2010. The result showed that, moisture stress for 15 days will reduce 13 percent leaf area index compared to untreated plant. Treatment density 8.6 plants per square meter in all three irrigation LAI than the treatment density was 7.6 plants per square meter. Irrigation treatments 7 days ethephon consumption growth rate in high density 14 percent and in low density decreased 7 percent.

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In order to study the effects of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers on yield and yield components of Hobit soybean (Glycine max L.) an experiment as factorial in RCB design with three replications was conducted during 2008 at Bojnourd. Factors were Nitrogen fertilizer (0, 50, 100, and 150 Kg N/ha), and Potassium fertilizer (0, 80, and 160 Kg K2O/ha). Results indicated that N and K fertilizers significantly effected on seed yield. With increasing fertilizer application, seed yield increased significantly. The number of pod affected by all factors, but the number of node per stem, the number of seed per pod, 100 seed weight, and seed yield per branches were not affected.

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This experiment was to determine the beneficial effects of hydroprimed seeds on some physiological and quality of safflower cultivars in the field under drought stress. A split-factorial experiment arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications using three safflower cultivars (Kuseh, PI and IL111), two seed treatments (control and 6 h hydropiming) and three irrigation regimes (60, 75 and 90% soil moisture depletions of available water) were used and leaf area index (LAI), net assimilation rate (NAR), chlorophyll and carotenoid contents of aerial parts and oil and protein content of the seed were determined. Proline and protein contents increased as drought levels increased, while oil content and NAR increased under moderate and reduced under high drought levels. LAI and carotenoid content, however, reduced under drought stress. Hydropriming increased LAI and net assimilation rate and proline, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents of aerial parts and protein and oil contents of seeds under stress and non-stress conditions.

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This investigation was conducted in the year of 2008 at personal farm in Garmsar. Treatments were laid out in a compelet randomized block design with 7 treatments and three replications. Treatments were contain: 1- to fire of straw and stuble, plow. disc and furrower. 2- gathering and transmission of straw and stuble out of farm, plow, disc and furrower. 3- plow, disc and furrower. 4- stalk shredder, plow, disc and furrower. 5- stalk shredder, plow, disc, 50 kg/ha urea and furrower. 6- stalk shredder, plow, disc, 100 kg/ha urea and furrower. 7- stalk shredder, plow, disc, 50 kg/ha urea, 10 ton/ha, animal manure and furrower. The results of this experiment showed that, maximum amount of leaf protein (%15/97) total yield of corn equal 47/65 ton/ha obtained from treatment of 7 (stalk shredder, plow, disc, 50 kg/ha urea, 10 ton/ha animal manure and furrower) that laid at same group with treatment of 6 (stalk shredder, plow, disc, 100 kg/ha urea and furrower) with yield of 46/16 ton/ha and had no significant difference with together.

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This experiment was done on a factorial based on a Randomized Complete Block Design whit four replication in 2008. The factors included three levels of the Zeolite (0, 10, 20 tones in the hectare) and three levels of the irrigation (the irrigation after 80,120,160 millimeter evaporation from class A pan) based on the factorial on the rape cultivar of Opera. The comparison of the means showed that the different levels of the zeolite have the significant effect on the ratio of the root to the shoot, the length of the shoot, the length of the root, the dry weight, FGP. The different levels of the irrigation also have the significant effect on these characters. Also, by using the zeolite, we can reduce the unfavorable effects of the drought stress on the characters like the abnormal seedling and the usage of the more a month of the zeolite (20 tones in hectare) increase the dry weight of FGP significantly.

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