The Islamic revolution in Iran established significant political as well as cultural transformation. The poetry of revolution and holy defense opened up new horizons and introduced new themes into the literature of Iran. Some of these new themes recurrent in the poetry of revolution and the holy defense include: call for awareness, returning to one's self, waiting for the promised, returning to heavenly love, stating the suffering of the deprived, criticizing tyrants, uniting heroism and mysticism, the memory of the martyrs, the grief over and envy for the martyrs, depiction of the martyrdom of revolution comrades, reflecting the culture of war and martyrdom, the presence of religion and its symbols, desire for martyrdom … . Ghader Tahmasbi, pen-named Farid, has included many of these themes in his three volumes of poems i.e. Pari-Setareha, Pari-Bahaneha, Pari-shodegan. Studying his works would be of great advantage to understanding poetry of the revolution.