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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In recent years, the subject of understanding the values that customers are looking for in the company's proposals, creating value for them and managing them over time has become one of the key elements of the business strategy of market-oriented companies. In this regard, the purpose of the present research in the first phase is to provide an integrated view of the concept of customer value by linking the strategic perspective (customer value from the perspective of the company) and the marketing perspective (customer value from the perspective of the customer). Then, in the second phase, the research goal was to determine the priorities for creating a sustainable value based on the intelligent marketing intelligence system based on the Rough theory set. In this research, based on the study of theoretical foundations, first, based on three groups of studies in the field of marketing, strategy and gaining competitive advantage, we worked out a model for the creation of a stable value based on intelligent marketing information system. Then, based on the participation of ten experts from the field of marketing, the model indexes were developed and the options for implementation of intelligent marketing intelligence system were matched and Rough theory analysis. The results show that the customer expectation index as a component of expressing value based on the marketing perspective is the most important indicator in the developed model. Among the three options is internal resources, intelligent marketing and marketing research as the options of intelligent marketing information system., Marketing research should be considered as the first priority in order to facilitate the implementation of intelligent intelligence marketing system in order to create sustainable value.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the longstanding problems in cultural studies and the impact of human behavior in cultural change is to predict how this dynamic concept is disseminated and evolved. The Mem word is the basis for describing the expansion of thoughts, beliefs and cultural phenomena based on the evolutionary principles of mathematical application and modeling, which helped to resolve the problem long ago. The foundational approach has provided a good basis for modeling cultural evolution in the mimetic way. The basis factor is a model that includes one or more factors along with the environment in which the agents are located, so that they can provide interaction, communication, and decision making for the agents and can accurately measure the outcome of the interactions after a certain number of collisions. In this article, we have studied one of the subcategories of applied culture, organizational culture, and how we evolved the organizational culture. The theory of the power of the fault line is one of the most accurate computational models of organizational culture dynamics, which shows the effect of the similarity of the characteristics of individuals in team solidarity and coherent culture. Given that the outcomes of this research provide a fairly accurate picture of the impact of different factors on organizational culture changes, it can be of great help to strategic planning of the organization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective of this study was to explain the empowerment atmosphere and empowerment perceptions of educational administrators at universities. In this study, the eight components of empowerment atmosphere, such as (clear objectives, spirit, fair behavior, partnership, teamwork, appreciation, communications, healthy workplace) and five components of empowerment perceptions (competence, self-determination, impact, meaning, trust) were examined. The statistical population consisted of 160 managers. Sample of 113 of population were selected through sampling formulas. The statistical methods used in this research are descriptive and exports factor. In order to answer the assumptions of the study, the library method and field-work were used. Required data through two valid questionnaires were collected and included of 53 items collectively. They data were set based on a Liker scale from very high to very low levels. The results showed that the empowerment atmosphere has a direct impact on the empowerment perceptions among Shahid Beheshti University educational administrators and also, all empowerment atmosphere components (such as: clear objectives, teamwork, partnership, healthy workplace) have positive effect on empowerment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research has been carried out using the fundamental conceptualization method and the data are used by semi-structured in-depth interviews with twenty experts in information systems and cyberspace as well as people with experience in news and management. The obtained data were analyzed and interpreted using open, axial, and selective coding. Concepts have come to be divided into four main categories of concepts related to government actions in the field of cyberspace and control or release, strategies and solutions of people in opposition to the control and filtering and / or government constraints and software, strategies and actions of the telegram to attract more audience and sustainability. The members were divided into different channels for survival. The axial dimension in the first dimension is derived from three categories of alternate media selection, resistance, and use of filtering and self-adaptive. In the area of governance, two parts of the will or correct type of action that the experts consider to be important to the state and the sovereign will be successful at the same time, and that soft part of the behavior of the sovereignty is the central issue of accepting its diversity and its critique. And there is also a real-world government solution, which is the central concept of control and filtering. In the section of channels and networks active in the telegram, the central concept of independence and the correct transfer of news has been selected, which emphasizes the independence and coverage of reality. In the final section, the concept of user safety and efficiency has come to light. In fact, the continuation and maintenance of the audience and user of the telegram should be based on user continuity and security. Because of this security is the privacy that users adhere to.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the age of new information exchange technologies, every type of communication activities are considered as a national capital and a support to achieve the objectives of development programs and finally the Independence and Self-sufficiency of the countries. Broadband network development is not exceptional and Due to the importance of these projects is one of the priorities of every countries as well., so the main thing to implement them is funding and providing financial resources, because currently the way to provide finance and executive budget is one of the most important challenges which the developing countries are facing in infrastructure projects and utilization of the products and services derived from them. Considering the specific circumstances of developing countries and financial crises in these countries, it’ s hard to provide finance for implementing large-scale projects, so choosing an appropriate method for funding of projects and infrastructure plans is an important issue. In this research we study about the methods of funding in cooperative infrastructural projects worldwide and we present a model to provide financial resources for infrastructure projects of the cooperatives and especially with emphasis on broadband. The conclusion of this study is that; the Bottom-up investment model is used for the projects implemented by cooperatives. In the end we tried to modify those models with Iran condition using Islamic tools. We used "asset sokuk" as Islamic tool in our proposed model.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The use of Internet marketing capacity in Iran has grown steeply in recent years and has received a large share of virtual space activities. Such marketing is emerging in Iran; therefore, many aspects of this kind of marketing have not yet been analyzed. Therefore, the present study investigates the role of internet marketing capabilities on the growth of the international market with regard to the role of export capabilities, by conducting research on Iran's leading export companies. The research method is descriptive, survey and correlation. The statistical population of the present study includes all employees, managers and experts in the sample companies of 1396. The results indicate that Internet marketing capability has a positive and significant effect on the availability of information and capabilities of the international network. Also, the results confirm the impact of international strategic orientation on the capabilities of the international market and the impact of international market capability on the growth of the international market. However, the impact of the availability of information on the strategic orientation of the international and Internet marketing capabilities was not positively and significantly impacted on the strategic orientation of the international community.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Various communities in various periods have encountered with the events with unique features and the theorists of these communities to recognize these new phenomena attempted to conceptualize and theorize them based on various theoretical systems. Under cultural and political dominance of western modernity in the form of academic discourses in non-western countries, in non-academic layers of these countries and mostly by the Intellectualswith more relationship with social context, it forms as prior form of new concepts and theorizing in social field. Oil issue and its social outcomes in contemporary Iran is the thought issue of many social Intellectualsand theorists. Dutch disease as a condition in which the oil-sale revenue is dedicated to unduly import of goods and creation of false increasing demand is one of the outcomes of oil issue in contemporary Iran and it has been investigated for years before 60s decade in European Netherland by Iranian Intellectuals. The present study attempted to analyze two works of the Intellectualsdetecting the risk of this disease as directive and consciously or indirectly by interpretive method in the form of objective hermeneutic method. These two Intellectualsare Jalal Al-e-Ahmad and Mohammad Ebrahim Bastani Parizi who referred to Dutch disease in the book of "Plagued by the West" (Gharbzadegi) and “ Desert epic” (Hemaseye Kavir) respectively, but in the other terms and notions and some of outcomes of this phenomenon were also mentioned.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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