Objective of this study was to explain the empowerment atmosphere and empowerment perceptions of educational administrators at universities. In this study, the eight components of empowerment atmosphere, such as (clear objectives, spirit, fair behavior, partnership, teamwork, appreciation, communications, healthy workplace) and five components of empowerment perceptions (competence, self-determination, impact, meaning, trust) were examined. The statistical population consisted of 160 managers. Sample of 113 of population were selected through sampling formulas. The statistical methods used in this research are descriptive and exports factor. In order to answer the assumptions of the study, the library method and field-work were used. Required data through two valid questionnaires were collected and included of 53 items collectively. They data were set based on a Liker scale from very high to very low levels. The results showed that the empowerment atmosphere has a direct impact on the empowerment perceptions among Shahid Beheshti University educational administrators and also, all empowerment atmosphere components (such as: clear objectives, teamwork, partnership, healthy workplace) have positive effect on empowerment.