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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of this study was the relationship between the moral intelligence components and instructional group managers' team leadership in Zahedan universities in the educational year of 2011-2012. Moral intelligence theory at first was presented by Borba (2005). He presented moral intelligence as distinguishing between rights and putting them into action. Lennick and Kiel (2003) presented four main moral intelligence principles (integrity, responsibility, compassion and forgiveness) for continuous organizational and personal success. Team leadership, at first was presented by Kim (2003). He defined team leadership as process of common interaction of employees in different aspects including the employees' interactions in work conditions decision making and problem solving. The method of the research was descriptive correlation. The statistical population of the study was 167 people, out of which 130 people were selected as the sample size through Morgan's table. The sampling method was stratified random sampling. The results showed that there was a positive significant difference between all of the moral intelligence components with team leadership.

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The aim of this research was to study the relationship between the empirical sciences high-school third graders after school activities (hours dedicated to doing assignment, studying text-books, supplementary books, participating in tutorial math 3 class) with their math academic achieving and determining the share of each activity in the process in zanjan city. The statistical population was all the district one and two third grade male students in public and private school which included 240 people. Using Cochran's formula 148 people were chosen as sample size. The sampling method was stratified random sampling. The research method was descriptive survey. The results showed that among all the after school activities, after controlling the intelligence variable, there was only a significant different between the hours dedicated to doing math assignment and math academic achievement. The other school activities didn’t show significant difference.

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The main objective of this study was to examine the relationship between the managers' communicative skills and schools organizational health in Parsabad. The research method was descriptive- correlation. The statistical population included all the managers and teachers in Prasabad which added to 157 manager and 1323 teachers. Using Cochran's Formula the sample size was 76 manager and 380teachers (five teachers for each manager). The sampling method was random sampling. The data were collected through two standardized questionnaires including Barton E. G. communicative skill questionnaire and Hoy et al. organizational health questionnaire. The data were analyzed through SPSS software and descriptive and inferential statistics. The results indicated that there was direct and meaningful relationship between managers’ communicative, speech, listening, and Feedback skills with the schools organizational health. The schools organizational health was relatively high.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study was conducted to determine the relationship between organizational intelligence with conflict management. The research method was correlation and applied research. The statistical population was managers and teachers of public high and guidance schools Maragheh city. It included 88 managers, using Cochran's Formula 44 managers and 256 teachers were chosen through ratio stratified sampling method. Research tools included organizational intelligence questionnaire (Albrecht, 2003) and Robbins conflict management, who had supported the formal validity and reliability using cronbach's alpha, coefficient, was about 0.89 and 0.83. Pearson analysis showed that between two variables, organizational intelligence and solution- oriented strategy in conflict management, there is a significant relationship, but the correlation between organizational intelligence with avoidance and control strategies of conflict management, there was no significant relationship. T-test results showed that between manager and teacher in conflict management strategy there was a significant difference, and managers were more solution- oriented than the teacher. In contrast, teachers tend to use avoidance strategy. This difference was also significant in terms of gender, as women were more solution- oriented than men. Also, between managers and teachers there was no significant difference in organizational intelligence.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present research was done to determine the comparison study of cognitive instructional effectiveness and behavior modification (using computer games) on Islamic Azad university Female students' locus of control. The population of the study was 300 people using available sampling were chosen. The research method was quasi-experimental. The locus of control test was run as pre-test. Among the examinees 45 people who got higher scores were chosen as the sample size and were divided into 3 groups through simple random sampling method. (15 people per group). The cognitive instructional group got eight session (each session one hour) intervention, the behavior modification group got eight session (each session half an hour) intervention, but the control group didn’t get any intervention. Then all groups were evaluated again through measurements which were used as pre-test. He results showed that the cognitive instructional and behavior modification were on increasing internal locus of control, but cognitive instruction was more effective than behavior modification.

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The purpose of this research was to investigate the extent of mental health and hardiness in different levels of religiosity among the teachers in Khoy township. The sample included 350 primary, guidance and high schools teachers (178 male and 172 female). The research method was causal-comparative, and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28), Kubasa's Personal Views Survey, and Golzari's Ma'bad questionnaire were used for gathering data. The data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance and two-way analysis of variance. The results showed that the hardiness and its components (except for the challenge) are different among levels of religiosity. People with high level of religiosity had high scores in the control and people with high and moderate levels of religiosity had high scores in the hardiness and commitment component. The extent of mental health and its components (depression, anxiety, somatic symptoms and social disfunction) were different among levels of religiosity. People with high level religiosity had low scores in somatic symptoms, and people with high and moderate levels of religiosity had low scores in depression, anxiety and social dysfunction. The results of this study emphasized the role of religion on mental health and had implications about the role of religion concepts on personal mental health and psychotherapy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of the personal study was to determine the relationship between mindfulness, coping style and emotional intelligence with mental health. The statistical population was 46000 students. Using Morgan table the sample size was 465 people. To gather the data mindfulness questionnaire, coping styles, emotional intelligence and mental health scales ere used. The results showed that there was significant positive difference between mindfulness with problem oriented coping styles, and there was significant negative difference between mindfulness with emotion oriented coping styles. There was a negative relation between problem oriented coping styles and mental health, but a positive relation was found between emotion oriented coping styles and mental health. The multiple regression results showed that mindfulness explained 7% of problem oriented coping styles, and 5% of emotion oriented coping styles and 10% of mental health component was explained by problem oriented coping and 18% of mental health was explained by emotion oriented coping styles.

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The aim of the research was to study relationship between the managers' emotional intelligence with their self- efficacy and mental health in three educational levels (elementary, guidance and high- school) in the five districts of this and Daniel Goleman's theory in four dimension: self- awareness, self- regulation, social self- awareness, relation management and self- efficacy, Sharir and Maddox theory and mental health based on Goldberg's theory in four dimensions: physical symtoms, anxiety, social dysfunction and depression were used. The statistical population included the three levels of school managers added up to 611 people. Using Cochran's Formula the sample size was 238 people. The sampling was stratified random sampling. To gather the data questionnaire was used. The reliability of the emotional intelligence, self- efficacy and mental health were 0.83, 0.76 and 0.78 respectively. The Pearson coefficient was used to test the hypotheses. The results indicated that there was a significant difference between emotional intelligence with their self- efficacy and mental health in three school levels in five districts of Tabriz.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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