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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This research was done to study the effects of study methods (Murder and reciprocal questioning) on students’ academic achievement. The statistical population was included 850 female students studying at the first grade of high-school in Bonab in 2011-2012.The research method was quasi- experimental with pre-test & post-test. Using random sampling method 80 students were chosen as the sample size, which included there classes, two of the, as test group and the third one as witness were used.At first a pre-test was given to the testes of three groups, then the test groups were trained in the methods of study skills during eight 45-minutes sessions, at last a post-test was given to them.The study skill was considered as independent variable, the educational development was considered as a dependent variable. ANCOVA and a correlatedt-test statistic were used to test the hypotheses.The results showed that there was a significant difference between the learning rate of the students who were trained by the study skills and that of the control group.

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Storytelling as an indirect method of providing a framework for training and promoting self-understanding, efficiency and unity of experiences, can have an effective role on children and teenagers’ health. Therefore, the aim of the study was the effectiveness of training the optimism pattern through the storytelling method on increasing school children’s academic achievement. The research method was quasi- experimental with experimental and control groups. The pre-test, posttest and follow- up stage were administered. To gather the data academic achievement test scores were used. Using the participants in storytelling workshop, the sample size was randomly chosen among the volunteers who added up to 31 people. Using the pre- test scores, matching group was chosen (experimental 15, control 16). The pre-test was administered 3 months after the completion of 12 treatment sessions and a follow- up test was administered six months after the post- test. Using descriptive and inferential statistics (t-test, ANOVA), the results showed that the mentioned method will increase the children’s academic achievement, it also showed that using this method may eliminate or reduce the other academic achievement problems, too.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The objective of the study was to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and the educational group managers’ transformational leadership styles in 13th region of Islamic Azad University. The research method was survey-correlation. The statistical population was all the educational group managers (320 people) in 2010-2011. Using Morgan table the sample was 175 people. The sampling method was simple random sampling. To gather the data two standard questionnaires namely: emotional intelligence (Siberia Sharing), and transformational leadership styles (multifactorial) were used. To analyze the data Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and multiple regression were used. The results showed that there was a significant difference between emotional intelligence and its components (self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivated, social-awareness, and social skills) with transformational leadership. The multiple regression analysis showed that among the emotional intelligence dimensions, self-awareness, self-regulation, and social-awareness were suitable predictors in determining the transformational leadership style.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1964

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One of the major issues for many teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) is finding a way of helping foreign language learners to produce acute and fluent utterances. According to the research finding the oral drill has a significant effect on producing accurate and fluent speech in second language instruction. Experts believe that English learners’ oral utterances enable them to gain more profound recognition of English sentence structure, and it will facilitate subsequent acquisitions. This study set out to investigate the effect of educational production- oriented program on increasing grammatical accuracy and task-based fluency in speech. The statistical population of the study was fifty Iranian sophomore students at Islamic Azad University of Tabriz. They were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Initial homogeneity of the groups was verified using a general proficiency test and an oral pre-test. Both groups received instruction for six sessions and were taught how to use different fluency and accuracy strategies to produce more fluent and accurate speech, the experimental group, however, was required to produce oral utterances based on a picture strip at the end of each session. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control group. The experimental group produced more accurate and fluent speech utterances than the control group on the post-test. The findings have significant pedagogical implications for (EFL) learners in highly limited contexts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The most longstanding theoretical formulation in the realm of curriculum is "Tyler rationale" that is reflected in the famous book of "Basic principles of curriculum and instruction". This article that performed with analytical method seeks to answer two central questions: 1) what contents of the Tyler rationale are still justifiable and reliable? 2) What are neglected subjects in the rationale? In this regard, features and elements of the Tyler rationale such as educational objectives; sources for setting educational objectives (learners, society, and subject matter specialists); selecting, organizing, and evaluating learning experiences; and the type of curriculum model was studied and interpreted. What distinguishes the present paper is use of Tyler interviews for better understanding his rationale.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The objective of the present study was to determine the relationship between the meta-cognition knowledge (cognitive strategies and meta-cognitive), implicit intelligence theories and attitude to the help-seeking behaviors with third grade mathematic students’ performance in guidance school of Tabriz. The statistical population was 10235 people, out of which 375 people were chosen through Morgan’s table. The sampling method was multi-stage random sampling. To gather the data four questionnaires were used (implicit intelligence theory, help-seeking, learning strategies, and researcher made). The data were analyzed through Pearson’s correlation coefficient, multiple regression, and academic achievement test. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the attitude and help-seeking behaviors with students’ mathematic performance. There was also a significant between multiple intelligence theories (innate & additive intelligence) with cognitive and metacognitive strategies. There was negative significant difference between innate intelligence with help-seeking acceptance. There was a positive significance between the use of cognitive strategies and metacognitive. The multiple regression analysis showed that help-seeking acceptance variable significantly predicts the mathematical performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Present study was done with the purpose of identifying and prioritizing effective factors on developing intelligent schools by means of descriptive sectional survey method (field study) in 2011. Statistical population was included 900 teachers and principals of schools of Sari township from which using Morgan table 270 persons were selected as sample size. The sampling was stratified random sampling method. To collect the data, researcher made questionnaire was used. In order to define validity, professor's judgment of this field was considered and the reliability was calculated 0.80 according to cronbach’s alpha. Data analysis was done by means of descriptive and inferential Friedman’s Rank test. The results showed that technological, educational, cultural, precedural, economical, legal and social factors were effective on developing intelligent schools, respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present study aimed at investigating the role of educational factors on educational quality in Tabriz Islamic Azad University from the professors and students view points. The variables affecting the educational quality are: management, staff, academic members, educational possibilities and equipment, scientific-survey possibilities, available services, students and class characteristics, and educational factors.The statistical population included 6335 students and 219 professors. Using cluster random sampling method the sample size was 361 students and 139 professors respectively. The research method was descriptive-survey. In order to gather the data a researcher made questionnaire was used. The reliability was obtained by the use of cronbach's Alfa. The results showed that all the above mentioned variables were affecting the educational quality. The professors believed that scientific members and services had the major role, the students believed that the management, students and class characteristic had greet role, but the role of staff, scientific-survey and educational equipment were equal in educational quality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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