The purpose of present study is, a randomized trial to compare the effects of aerobic and resistance regimens on coronary risk factors in young and athlete men, fifty-one sedentary students as volunteers were randomized to three groups with mean±SD of age, height and weight included endurance (n=17, 21±17years, 1.76±0.1cm, 69.3±6.19kg), resistance (n=18, 22±2.23years, 1.72±0.12cm, 70.10±6.94kg) and control (c=16, 22±3.4 years, 1.74±0.08cm, 73.6±4.88kg). Endurance training program include running at 60-70% HRR for 30-45 min, 3days/ wk and resistance training program including perform 3set, 3 days /wk, 10-12 repetition, with 60-90 second for recovery, using seven exercises for 12 weeks. The results of two way analysis of variance showed that: Both experimental groups have a significant increase in maximal oxygen consumption, and the endurance training group also showed a reduction in BMI and body fat percentage, p<0.05. In Endurance group TG (8%), TC (7%), and LDL-C (14%) and in resistance group TG (11%), TC (71%) and LDL-C (12%) decrease significantly. The HDL-C levels also significantly increase in endurance (5%) and resistance (9%) training groups (p<0.05).