During 2002-2003 year, it is studied the pollution of economic fishes of the Boojagh Kiashar wetland to eye parasite of Diplostomum spathaceum , for this reason , the fishes consist of Exox lucius (39 pieses , Rutilus rutilus (36 pieces) , Blicca bjoerkna (153 pieces), Tinca tinca (4 pieces), Cyprinus carpio (71 pieces), Carassius auratus (89 pieces), Scardinius erythrophtalmus (119 pieces) and Rutilus frisii kutum (81 pieces) , removed to laboratory as alive, after catching by variation tools of catching, and by helping the fiberglass tathing – Tub, and it was studied laboratory, and was recognized this parasite by creditable recognition key. It is specified that 6 pecies of Esox lucius , Carassius auratus, Rutilus rutilus, Cyprinus carpio, Blicca bjuerkna, and Rutilus frisii kutum, were polluted to Diplostomum spathaceu . After registering the information and by helping Statistics analysis, and there was not observed any pollution to this parasite in two species of the Ticna tinca and Scardinius erythrophtalmus. According to results, the highest percent of pollution to this parasite was related to Rutilus frisii kutum (77.87 %) and lowest related to Carassius auratus (24.72 %), and the highest average of abundant ± Standard deviation was related to Rutilus rutilus (14.71 ± 14.21 number), and lowest related to Carassius auratus (1.82 ± 1.05 number), the highest average of abundant ± Standard deviation was related to Rutilus rutilus (11.06 ± 13.77 number) and lowest related to Carassius auratus (0.45 ± 0.94 number). So, according to statistics study, there was differents the pollution rate to specimen of fish, Age, Sexuality and Seasons.