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The effects of plant growth regulators and type of explants on plant regeneration of two tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cultivars (Isfahani and Shirazi) under salt stress and without salt stress were studied. Different explants (leaf, stem, hypocotyl and cotyledon) were cultured on media with different hormonal combinations and different concentrations of NaCl (0, 40, 80, 120, 160 mM). After 40-45 days, callus production and plant regeneration was evaluated. NAA (0.4 mg/L) and IBA (0.2 mg/L) in combination with BAP (2 mg/L) were the best auxins for callus production in cultivars Isfahani and Shirazy respectively. Among 4 explants for callus production, stem was the best explant in two cultivars. Medium with IBA and BAP was the best for plant regeneration from different explants in two cvs too. The potential for of the plant regeneration was as leaf > stem > hypocotyl > cotyledon respectively in cultivars. Isfahani and leaf > stem > cotyledon > hypocotyl in cultivar. Shirazy. With increasing of NaCl callus production decreased and two cultivars showed different plant regeneration ability in NaCl using stem and leaf explants. No somaclonal variation was observed accoding to assessment of morphology and RAPD-PCR analysis on regenerated plants. The difference between cultivars showed on callus production and plant regeneration originated form various genotypes.

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Sesame seed having a high oil percentage with good quality is known as the queen of oil seeds for human nutrition. The aim of this study was to determine suitable varietiese in terms of oil and protein content and oil quality. The varienties investigated are Zodras, Oltan, Yekta, Hendi, Varamin, Chini, Karaj1, Moghan local, Nazok tak shakheh and Nazok chand shakheh. For the seed freshness, seed samples were germinated for 24 – 72 hrs and the germination rate was found to be 84 – 100 %. The overall mean weight for 1000 seeds was 2.796g. The oil content, based on dry weight was measured using the soxhlet method, and the qrand mean was 51.16%. Analysis of variance revealed the existence of significant variation for oil content at 1% level of significance. The mean amounts of the five fatty acids namely palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic were 8.99, 5.98, 44.47, 34.69 and 0.87 percent, respectively, which were detected and measured by gas chromatography. Using the Kejeldal method for the determination of total protein content. The overall average of seed protein content in the ten varieties was 24.02%. The existence of significant variation was at 1 % level between the varieties. A negative and significant correlation was detected between oil and protein(r=-0.655**). In addition, a noticeable relationship was observed between seed color, seed oil content and the percentage of linolenic acide.

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View 1511

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In order to comparison the effect of various the values wheat, barley, sufflower and sunflower residues on weeds control in chickpea, an experiment was conducted in 2003 at Agricultural Research Center of Jahad-Keshavarzi Ardabil based on randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments were no using of plant residues and herbicide, twist hand weeding and using of 2 and 4 kg per plot of wheat, barley, sufflower and sunflower residues. The results showed that application of wheat, barley, sufflower and sunflower residues decreased dry weight and number weeds, while grain yield increased. The highest grain yield (0.767 ton/ hectare) was obtained in treatment of twist hand weeding and in application of 2 kg per plot of barley residue (0.761 ton/hectare). The least grain yield (0.541 ton/hectare) was obtained in treatment of without control. The other experiment in order to study various the values of Lentageran herbicide on weeds control in chickpea was conducted based on randomized complete block design with three replications at the same year and local similar with nine treatments. The treatments were: control ( without of weeds) , twist hand weeding (the first stage 20-30 days and the second stage 50-60 days after emergence) and using of various the values of Lentageran herbicide (0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3 and 3.5 lit/hectare). The results showed that maximum grain yield was obtained in twist hand weeding (with yield of 0.816 ton/hectare) and application of 2 lit/hectare Lentageran herbicide (with yield of 0.796 ton/he). The least grain yield was belonged to treatment of without control of weeds with yield of 0.542 ton/hectare.

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In this study a simple method for the induction and development of somatic embryos from Canola (Brassica napus L.) hypocotyl explants is determined and reported. Hypocotyl explants were found to be more suitable than other plant parts for somatic embryogenesis. A low concentration of sucrose (20 g/lit) enhanced somatic embryogenesis, but greater concentrations (60 g/lit) decreased embryogenetic potential of the Calli. On modified MS medium containing 2% sucrose, 1 mg/lit 2,4-D, 2 mg/lit NAA and 2 mg/lit BAP each explant developed calli. Different NaCl concentrations (0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 mg/lit) were tested and somatic embryogenesis was improved in the presence of 6 mg/lit NaCl. Embryoids developed shoots on the same medium and rooted after being transported to a medium supplemented with 1 mg/lit IBA. Regenerated plants were transfered to pots after adaptation to dry condition and produced flowers normally.

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In the ecological researches, the plant diversity was important. The goal of this research was inventories of diversity in ecological groups in Kelarabad protected forest area with an area of 59.4 ha. At first step, 77 sample plots (400 m2) were taken systematic randomly. Then obtained data about trees, shrubs and the other plants was analyzed by TWINSPAN method and 4 ecological groups were determined. In the next step diversity indices including: species diversity, evenness and richness indices were calculated in all of 4 ecological groups. The comparison of diversity indices between groups were performed with ANOVA tests. The results showed that Shannon-wiener function and Simpson index in 2nd and 3rd groups are showed more amount then 1st and 4th groups, and there are significant difference between them. The Minhinick index didn’t show any the significant difference between groups, but the highest amount of Margalef index was the in 1st group. The diversity with augmentation of evenness is increasing in 4 groups. Because there are not slope, altitude and geographic aspect, therefore diversity is influenced protection factors in this studied area.

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Soil and water salinity reduce plant growth and many agricultural products. Grasspea is annual crop and related to fabaceae genus. Grasspea is high adaptable plant to unfavorable environmental factors. It is cultivated in semi tropical zones. Effects of different salinity concentrations on seed germination percent, proline concentration, MDA, germination index, root and shoot length and weight of four grasspea cultivars include Ardabil, Sharekord, Mashhad and Zanjan, were studied. The experimental design was a factorial in basis of completely randomized design with three replications. Different salinity concentrations at four levels include 0, 6, 12 and 18 ds/m were applied. Result showed that salinity had significant effects on seed germination percentage and germination index. The most and least of germination percentage were observed in 6 and 18 ds/m respectively. Salinity had significantly effect on root and shoot length, dry and fresh weight, proline concentration and MDA of seedlings. Increasing salinity reduced root and shoot length, dry and fresh weight of seedlings and enhanced proline and MDA in them. Sharkord cultivar had the most germination percentage at 18 ds/m sodium chloride. Sharkord and Ardabil cultivars were the most resistant and sensitive cultivars respectively.

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View 972

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The aim was to studying biodiversity of herbaceous species in related to physiographic factors (elevation, aspect and slope) in forest ecosystems of Zagros in north of Ilam, Arghavan reservoir region. For this study, 228 plots (1.5×1.5 meter) were selected based on random systematic method. In total, 88 herbaceous species belong to 71 genera and 24 families were recognized. Result showed that aspect had strong effect on richness and diversity of herbaceous species, while it hadn’t effect of evenness. Species richness and diversity were obtained higher in south aspect than north and west. Result also showed that elevation had significant effect on diversity and <1630 m elevation had high species diversity. Whereas elevation hadn’t effect on richness and evenness of herbaceous species. Furthermore slope hadn’t significant effect on diversity, richness and evenness of herbaceous species. 

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Clavulanic acid is a Beta-lactam antibiotic produced by Streptomyces clavuligerus. In this investigation, effect of rapeseed oil and soybean oil on the antibiotic production was studied. The amount of 0.1 – 20 g/l of the oils was supplemented to the basal fermentation media, which were containing malt (medium 1) and malt + dextrin (medium 2) as carbon sources. Maximum concentration of clavulanic acid was obtained in the media supplemented by 0.25 g/l rapeseed oil and 0.5 g/l soya oil. Enhancing effect of the oils was seen in the media containing up to 1 g/l of the oils. However, concentration of clavulanic acid was decreased in the media containing more than 1 g/l of the oils.

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In order to isolate and identify endemic bacteria which affect in bioleaching process on low grade copper sulphide, twenty four samples of water, soil and sludge were collected from various sites of Sarcheshmeh copper mine. These samples were cultured. Bacteria growth was observed on seven samples. Isolation and purification stages were implemented on these samples. Then bacteria were identified using morphological and diffrentional experiments. The total isolated bacteria of seven samples were gram negative Bacilli which were able to oxide the pyrite, elementary sulphur, tiosulphat, copper sulphide and ferrous iron. These oxidations were mainly accompanied by changes on pH and culture medium color. The purified bacteria had the same characteristics of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans bacterium from the point of view of morphological characteristics and differentional experiments. The adaptation of this bacterium to the high concentration of copper was performed on consequently cultures. The adaptated bacterium was a mutated species of endemic T. ferrooxidans which was completely grown on propitiate medium for 24 – 48 hours and was able to tolerate the solute copper up to 15269 ppm.

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The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a family of proteolytic enzymes that degrade different components of the extra cellular matrix (ECM), play important roles in tumor development and invasion. MMP3 also known as stromelysin-1, has been shown to influence tumor initiation and progression (5 and 23). A single adenine insertion/deletion polymorphism (5A/6A) at position -1171 MMP3 gene promoter regions causes the elevation of the transcriptional level and local expression of MMP3. This study is about 5A/6A polymorphism role on susceptibility and metastasis in breast cancer. The MMP3 SNP was genotyped by polymerase chain reaction- restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis in 120 cancer patients and 60 controls in Isfahan. The breast cancer group was divided into a group without metastasis (M-) and a group that they had developed metastasis (M+). The 5A allele was more prevalent in the M+ group than in control (p= 95% OR= 2.91 CI= 95%).The difference between M- patients and controls was not significant. Regarding to our results, we suggest that the risk of breast cancer in progressive position and metastasis has been increased in homo and heterozygous carriers of the 5A allele.

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View 1025

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Morphological features and mitochondrial cytocrhome-b DNA sequences were analyzed to study geographic variation in two populations of the less mouse-eared bat Myotis blythii (Thomes, 1906) occurring in two contrasting environments in northern Mesopotamian plain and mid-zagros. Mitochondrial cytochrome-b fragments were amplified from wing samples to examine population boundaries and phylogenetic relationships with other such populations. DNA sequences for phylogenetic survey were used in PHYLIP software including maximum-parsimony, maximum-likelihood and neighbor-joining method. Comparison between cranial measurements from all specimens collected in these two areas indicates that some attributes have significant differences. Molecular analysis demonstrates that specimens from mid-zagros mountains show a greater genetic cohesiveness. However, phylogenetic analyses of cytochrome-b don’t reveal a clade of haplotypes from western populations in the northern mesopotamian plain.

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During 2002-2003 year, it is studied the pollution of economic fishes of the Boojagh Kiashar wetland to eye parasite of Diplostomum spathaceum , for this reason , the fishes consist of Exox lucius (39 pieses , Rutilus rutilus (36 pieces) , Blicca bjoerkna (153 pieces), Tinca tinca (4 pieces), Cyprinus carpio (71 pieces), Carassius auratus (89 pieces), Scardinius erythrophtalmus (119 pieces) and Rutilus frisii kutum (81 pieces) , removed to laboratory as alive, after catching by variation tools of catching, and by helping the fiberglass tathing – Tub, and it was studied laboratory, and was recognized this parasite by creditable recognition key. It is specified that 6 pecies of Esox lucius , Carassius auratus, Rutilus rutilus, Cyprinus carpio, Blicca bjuerkna, and Rutilus frisii kutum, were polluted to Diplostomum spathaceu . After registering the information and by helping Statistics analysis, and there was not observed any pollution to this parasite in two species of the Ticna tinca and Scardinius erythrophtalmus. According to results, the highest percent of pollution to this parasite was related to Rutilus frisii kutum (77.87 %) and lowest related to Carassius auratus (24.72 %), and the highest average of abundant ± Standard deviation was related to Rutilus rutilus (14.71 ± 14.21 number), and lowest related to Carassius auratus (1.82 ± 1.05 number), the highest average of abundant ± Standard deviation was related to Rutilus rutilus (11.06 ± 13.77 number) and lowest related to Carassius auratus (0.45 ± 0.94 number). So, according to statistics study, there was differents the pollution rate to specimen of fish, Age, Sexuality and Seasons.

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View 1251

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Some studies have shown that oxytocin affects many physiological phenomena via the central nervous system with unknown mechanisms. In the present study the effect of oxytocin administration in locus coeruleus and its interaction with α2 adrenoceptors antagonist on anxiety behavior in male rats was investigated. The wistar adult male rats weighing 285±15 grams were divided in five groups: Receiving saline, oxytocin (2ng/2ml), yohimbine (3.3mg/2ml), yohimbine + oxytocin, saline + oxytocin in locus coeruleus nucleus. The anxiety behavior evaluated with elevated plus maze. Results indicated that oxytocin increased anxiety in elevated plus maze but no effect in locomotors activity. Yohimbine as a a2 receptors antagonist in locus coeruleus increased anxiety and did not affect locomotors activity. Anxiogenic effect of oxytocin in presence of yohimbine increased but did not change locomotors activity. These results suggested that oxytocin may influences neural factors in locus coeruleus nucleus and probably changes anxiety parameters via a2 – adrenoceptors system.

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View 837

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Retinoids are lipophilic compounds derived from vitamin A that affect many metabolic and developmental processes. They do physiological and pharmacological functions by regulating transcription of specific target genes. As we know central nervous system controls foodintake and body weight through hypothalamus. Nucleus accumbens also regulate foodintake, body weight and metabolism by connection with hypothalamus. In this study we investigated the effect of retinoic acid (RA) microinjection into Nucleus accumbens shell on body weight and foodintake. Rats were anaesthetized with ketamin- xylazine (60mg/kg - 4mg/kg,i.p) and cannulae were implanted bilaterally in the nucleus accumbens shell (AP=1.7mm from bregma, LA=0.8mm, DM=5.6mm from scale). After recovery period retinoic acid (1.5 ,3 ,6 mg/Rat) were injected daily (volum 0.5ml) for 4 successive days and body weight and foodintake were measured daily. The results showed that centrally injected retinoic acid in nucleus accumbens didn’t affect food intake but decreased body weight significantly. It shows relationship between nucleus accumbens and hypothalamic area that regulate foodintake and body weight. Therfore RA can change foodintake and body weight via the nucleus accumbens shell.

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View 851

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A multivariate statistical analysis was performed on morphological characters of tour populations of Aphanius vladykovi. Factor Analysis revealed that interlocality morphological variations are due to some morphometrical characters such as total length, predorsal length, preventral length, preanal length, head length, head width and head depth. By using oneway ANOVA Analysis of the 72 meristic and morphometric characters examined for males and females , 55 were significantly different (p>0.05) between all populations samples. In this study, three localities for Aphanius vladykovi were found for the first time.

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View 1020

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Anuran amphibian are known vertebrate. They have been studied systematically in Iran, recently. In order to study biosystematics of anura in the Markazy Province and compare with Khorasan Province, 122 specimens were collected from six stations (Arak, Ghadamgah, Shazand,Farmahin, Delijan, Khomein) at spring and summer (2004- 2005). Samples were transfered alive to the zoology lab, identified and were fixed after karyologic studies. Identification based upon karyology and morphologic characters showed that anuran samples belong to marsh frog, Rana ridibunda and green toad, Bufo viridis with a set of 26 (2n=26) and 22 (2n=22) chromosomes, respectively. The phonetic studies between populations of two species, 14 characters in frog and 17 characters in toad were measured. T-test analysis between sexes were significant in 12 characters for frogs and only one character for toads (P<0.001). One way ANOVA between populations for each species were significant in 13 characters for frogs and 6 characters for toads (P<0.001). Difference between multivariate mean vectors confirmed in T2Hotelling for populations and sexes of marsh frog (P<0.001). Length of foot and femur were discriminated distinct sexes based on discrimination analysis with 89 % correct grouping for frogs and space between pellicle with 92% correct grouping for toads. Discrimination analysis between populations discriminated groups based on two functions with 78%correct grouping in frogs and 88% correct grouping in toads. Cluster analysis based on centroids grouped populations resulted from geographical, ecological and genetical conditions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Vesicular transport is the predominant mechanism for exchange of proteins between membrane-bound organelles in eukaryotic cells. COP-coated vesicles are transport intermediates of the early secretory pathway. COPII-coated vesicles emerge from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in order to export proteins towards the Golgi complex. COPI-coated vesicles instead appear to be involved in both antrograde and retrograde transport within the Golgi, as well as mediating the recycling of proteins to the ER. Using cryosectioning and immunogold labeling of mouse hybridoma cells, the in situ distribution of one subgroup of COPI-coated vesicles, one retrograde-targeted molecule (KDEL receptor) as well as cargo headed in antrograde direction (monoclonal antibodies against MAP-2) were mapped. Electron microscope immunocytochemistry reveals that this subgroup of COPI-coated vesicle is present mainly in the pre-Golgi compartment and cis-face of the Golgi stacks. When double labeled with KDEL receptor-antibodies, coat-antibodies labeled clearly the same population of vesicles and pre-Golgi elements. Notably, analysis of double labeling for coat proteins and monoclonal antibody showed that positive pre-Golgi vesicles were not labeled for antrograde cargo. These findings establish a probable function of the studied population of COPI vesicles in the retrograde transport from the pre- and cis-Golgi to the ER.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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