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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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علوم رفتاری

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آموزش مستقیم یک مدل ویژه از آموزش معلم محور است. این روش از لحاظ تاکید بر اهمیت آموزش (چگونه مطالب به شاگرد آموخته شده است) و نیز اهمیت طراحی برنامه درسی (به دانش آموز چه چیزی آموزش داده شده و به چه ترتیبی) با دیگر رویکردهای آموزشی متفاوت است.

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The aim of this study was to assess the degree of focus social books paid to citizenship issues and also the degree to which they approached the role of citizenship. The study was to inform the community of educationalists on the role of citizenship and to apply it in the society.The research method used was descriptive and of content analysis type where the sample and population were the same; the population was the social science books which were used at high schools in all four grades during 2008. The reverse questionnaire as the instrument was administered. Each questionnaire contained units and categories. Using integrated theories of Marshal, Janoski and Turner, two analytical models were made: in the first model, the analysis was the combination of Marshal, Janoski and Turner theories and the second one was Janoski' s model of active citizenship based on the ability to influence the policies and passive citizenship and the right of existence. The findings demonstrated that the concept of citizenship in social science books ranked as follows:1. Political citizenship: 38.88%2. Civil citizenship: 30%3. Social citizenship: 17.42%4. Cultural citizenship: 9.35%5. Participatory citizenship: 0.09%Comparing the active (the ability to influence policies: 89.16%) and the passive (right of existence: 10.84%) citizenship, the passive one had priority.

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Due to the rapid development of sciences, technology and complexities therein, decision making conditions in today's organizations have certainly been more strict than before. Nowadays, organizations cannot proceed mechanically and quite formally. The present situation has been more organic; management levels have changed and the management profession has become more complex than the past.The chaos theory is among recent proposed issues and prevalent in all scientific fields. This theory has been significant in social sciences, organizational theories and management. This paper seeks to introduce the theory and its application in organizational decision making.

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Emotions are closely linked to personality. Palachick (1992), in this respect, states: "personality indicates emotions which have been merged with each other and stabilized during life". Emotions affect every humane attempt. It seems, also, they play a crucial role in mis-behaviors and mental disorders.Stern Bach (1996) believes all diseases are psycho-physical and some of the illustrate more emotional aspects. Pycho-physical disorders develop when physiological responses in emotions are so intense which eventually leads to disadaptation (Khodapanahi, 1990.This research investigated the validity, reliability, and norm evaluation of Zuckerman's sensation seeking scale administered to Abhar IAU students.The statistical population was the entire Abhar IAU students numbering 12000 of whom 600 were chosen based on stratified random sampling.The data gathering instrument in this study was Marvin Zuckerman's Fifth type sensation seeking scale developed in 1978. This scale has been modified according to the Iranian cultural attributes. Due to the role of emotions in human beings' mental health and that emotion is one of the crucial issues in personality and individual differences, a standard instrument is needed to measure the degree of emotional desire and to distinguish psychological problems. Thus, doing this research was felt to be crucial based on the Iranian social culture.

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This study sought to measure the correlation between 'organizational citizenship behavior' (OCB) and 'organizational change adoptability' (OCA).The statistical population included the headquarters of Tejarat, Mellat, Saderat, Eqtesade Novin, Refah Kargaran, Sarmaye and Sina banks, comprising 3980 employees and managers of whom 350 made the ultimate sample. The tests implemented in this study were Pearson's correlation, structural equations model and path analysis. The findings indicated that OCB had a significant positive correlation to OCA. Three aspects of OCB including courtesy, civil behavior and work ethic were also correlated positively to OCA, but two other aspects, namely, friendship type and nobility did not have a significant correlation to OCA.In this research, the relationship between cultural balancing and organizational structure was approved. As a result OCB has a higher effect on OCA in a change facilitating culture and in an organic structure with low formality, complexity and concentration.

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Aggression is a strong emotion experienced by everybody in living and vocational settings. Despite of cultural distinctions, its nature is similar in all societies. In this article, from traditional, liberal-psychological and feminist perspectives each of which has its own reasoning, the role of family and types of this phenomenon and whether it is individual or social has been investigated through documentary method.The reason to the stability of aggression, stemmed from cultural structure, dominant masculine ideology, cultural factors to bias and economical dependency of women, is explicitly clear. From the gender point of view, teaching to aggression against women is justified due to its controlling effect and men's responsibility which, anyhow, leads to women's sub-ordination. The continuation of home and social aggression against women leads to social aggression crisis and accordingly to psychological health disorder of the society and eventually to the lack of social tolerance.

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The present study investigated the degree of relationship between religious beliefs and psychic health. The population under study was the whole male and female students of Abhar IAU, studying in 2008-2009 scholastic year. Through random sampling 400 subjects (200 males and 200 females) were chosen. To test the hypotheses, religious beliefs and mental health questionnaires were implemented.After data collection, the research hypotheses were examined and Pearson's correlation was used to estimate the degree of correlation between the two groups and the followings were found: About the first and main hypothesis, i.e. "there is a significant correlation between religious beliefs and mental health", the relevant H0 denoting the lack of significant relationship was rejected.Concerning the second hypothesis which stressed a significant correlation between religious beliefs and mental health of the male students, the statistical analysis indicated that there is a significant correlation between religious beliefs and mental health of male students with %99 confidence level and Pearson's correlation index of.14. So, the relevant H0 was rejected.The last hypothesis mentioned the correlation between religious beliefs and mental health among female students. The statistical test, i.e.Pearson's indeed of.17 verified this correlation.

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This study tried to examine the relationship between learning disorders and delinquency. To this purpose, a sample of 100 juvenile delinquents who were kept under the custody of Tehran's detention camp were chosen randomly and were asked to take three different tests: a) a reading ability test; b) a spelling test; c) a general mathematics test. Investigation of the prevalence of learning disorders among participants was one of the main objectives of the study. The results showed that 50% of the participants were either the first or the last children of their families. 61% were not educated higher than guidance school level and 74% were raised in low-income families. According to the findings of the study, there was no meaningful relationship between learning disorders and delinquency, however, a meaningful relationship was observed between the types and the frequency of committed offences and learning disorders. Also, learning disorders were found to be more prevalent among delinquents than ordinary people.

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Emotional intelligence is a general term denoting effective function.Intelligence can be assumed as the ability perceive and manage excitements and feelings to assist intellectual, decisional and communicative activities.Based on Goleman's (1988) findings, those who possess high emotional intelligence know how to control and direct emotions and feelings of theirs and others.Emotional intelligence is comprised of a set of skills and individual talents signifying the perceptions of how to control excitements and feelings. An individual possessing high emotional intelligence has got the talent and skill to recognize, perceive and control feelings (Fayyazi and Ahmadi, 2007).The goal of this research was to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence (social) on improving faculty members' instructional efficiency in IAU branches, Zone 2. Emotional intelligence was studied in respect to the four independent variables of self-awareness, self control, social awareness, and communicative management and their effects on the dependant variable of instructional efficiency regarding the extraneous variable of 'university working setting'.The theoretical base was Goleman's (1989) model and its questionnaire was implemented after some modifications, pre-testing and estimating Chrobach's Alpha. Having estimated the sampling volume through 'proportionate-to-size-sampling' method, the desired samples were identified and data gathering started. The SPSS package was used to analyze data.Documentary and survey methods were implemented.The results indicated that there was significant correlation between selfawareness, self control, social awareness and communicative management of faculty members and their instructional efficiency. It was also shown that working setting at as an extraneous variable changed the correlation between self-awareness and self-control but it did not affect the correlation between social awareness and communicative management to that of instructional efficiency.

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