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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (پی در پی 80)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (پی در پی 80)
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Background & Aims: The aim of medical practice is to preserve and improve health and healthcareworkers, especially nurses, are responsible for the providing care with safety. Medication injectionsafety is of utmost importance as the most common method in induction, maintenance and terminationof anesthesia in patients. This study aimed to evaluate the medication injection safety in operating roomsettings.Materials & Methods: This observational study was performed in the operating rooms of a teachinghospital affiliated to Urmia University of Medical Sciences in 2014-15. In this study, performance ofemployee was studied in three stages of injection practice: pre-injection, during and post-injection in asix-month period. Data collection was conducted by the World Health Organization standard checklist.Results: During the study period, 345 injections were observed in two operating room settings. Comparison of three injection stages showed the most (89.7%) and the least (40.5%) conformance inpre-injection and post- injection stages, respectively. Paired t-test showed that the conformity of safeinjection practice on the basis of gender was statistically significant (P=0.024). Pearson correlationcoefficients showed direct correlation between safe injection conformity with age and work experience. Correlation between safe injection conformity and working experience was statistically significant (P=0.014).Conclusion: Based on the results and findings of the study, the importance of principles for safeinjection practice was found in the operating rooms. Highlighting the importance of the issue andcontinuing education will lead to change attitudes and practice and ultimately help to improve thesituation.

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    3 (80)
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Background & aim: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in developed anddeveloping countries. Its early and rapid detect by screening methods can increase women’s survivalrate. Among breast cancer screening techniques, breast self-examination is the simplest, the mostapplicable and the least expensive screening method. The purpose of this study was to examine femalestudents’ knowledge, worry and screening behavior toward breast cancer in Urmia University ofMedical Sciences, 2014.Materials & methods: This cross–sectional study was conducted on 334 eligible and female studentsof Urmia University of Medical Sciences, in 2014. To collect data, a valid and reliable questionnairewas utilized. The questionnaire included demographic information, the students’ knowledge and theworry toward breast cancer. The study data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, meanand standard deviation) and inferential statistics (independent t-test, ANOVA and chi-square test).Results: The findings suggested that more than half of the cases (60.2%) were Turk concerning theirethnic, and about 65.3 of the subjects were studying in undergraduate level, and about 10% of studentswere reported to have a family history of cancer. Average score students' awareness about breast cancerwas a little more than average total score (23.13 ±4.77). But the average score of concerns about breastcancer was less than the average total score (6.77±2.56). Only 24.6% of the study samples have donethe breast self-examination behavior. Awareness and breast self-examination behavior had a significantrelationship with variables such as Grade Point Average, level of education and their academic year (P<0.05). A significant relationship was also observed between BSE and knowledge of students (P<0.05).Discussion: This study shows that health knowledge, health worry and breast self-examination behaviorwas inadequate, and the students were far from optimal situation. Therefore, it is essential that healtheducators and providers of health services design and implement educational programs and campaignsfor different groups of women, to improve their KAP (knowledge, attitude and practice) regarding breastcancer

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    3 (80)
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Background & aim: In the postpartum period, Mothers encounter with new responsibility stressors suchas breastfeeding and depression that can be associated with other complications. Based on such factorsthis study was designed to clarify the stressors in the first and second months of postpartum inprimiparous and multiparouse.Materials & methods: This descriptive comparative study was conducted on 400 primiparous andmultiparous mothers referring to Mashhad health care centers in 1390. They were selected by multistagesampling method. Data collection was done by a questionnaire based on Hung and Helen. Postpartumstressors were modified with maximum 910 for nulliparous women and 940 for multiparous in the firstand second month after delivery. The questionnaires were completed when they were referring to thehealth care centers. The data were analyzed by using descriptive and analytic statistics.Results: Mean deviation scores stress rates in nulliparous women were 242.5±157 and 228.7±179.8 in the first and second months, respectively. They were 223.8±135.7 and 208.9±163.5, in the first andsecond months of multiparous women, respectively. Comparison of stress intensity in the first andsecond month in two groups showed that nulliparous women had higher scores on the two timesseparately. On both months, the first baby shower stress for primiparous and lower back pain stress formultiparous mothers had got the highest score.Conclusion: According to the different stressors among both groups of nulliparous and multiparouswomen, their educational needs are totally different.

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    3 (80)
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Background & Aims: Hypertension is one of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Education about monitoring and controlling of blood pressure can reduce the cost of treatment, and the patientfrequent hospitalizations. The devastating effects of the disease on the body’s vital organs need special attention. The present research aimed to study the effect of Short Message Service (SMS) on adherence to treatment advicein the patients with hypertension referred to Seyyedal Shohada Medical and Educational Center, Urmia, Iran in 2014.Materials & Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 82 patients with hypertension who referred to Seyyedal Shohada Medical and Educational Center, Urmia, Iran, and had the inclusion criteria were selected usingconvenience sampling method. Then, they were randomly assigned to two groups of training via SMS, and control.Data collection tool included demographic questionnaire and Hill-Ben's treatment adherence questionnaire whichwas filled out in two steps before and after the intervention. Data analysis was performed in SPSS 16 usingdescriptive and inferential tests.Result: The results of this study showed that the mean scores of adherence were not statistically different betweenthe intervention and control groups (p=0.112). But Mann-Whitney test indicated a significant difference betweenthe two groups in adherence after intervention (p=0.000).Discussion: Findings obtained from the present research demonstrated that training and remote follow-up via SMSlead to adherence promotion of patients to treatment advice. Therefore, healthcare teams and nurses of thesepatients are recommended to apply such training methods.

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    3 (80)
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Background & Aims: Nowadays, the prevalence of chronic diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has been increased, and its clinical status has been exacerbated. This study aimed toassess the correlation between self-efficacy and clinical status indexes in chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease patients.Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was performed in February 2013 to July 2014 on 81 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients referred to a respiratory clinicin Ahvaz. We assessed the self-efficacy of patients by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Self Efficacy Scale, exercise tolerance by 6-Minutes Walking Test, dyspnea by Borg Scale, and fatigue by Fatigue Severity Scale. At the end, descriptive and analytic statistics in SPSS software were used fordata analysis.Results: There was no correlation between self-efficacy and exercise tolerance in patients (P=0.09). Butthere was a negative significant correlation between self-efficacy with dyspnea (P=0.003) and fatigue (P=0.03).Conclusion: The research finding with detection of clinical status indexes in chronic obstructivepulmonary disease patients can persuade the care giver to provide the effective plan in self-efficacy, andthen in clinical status improvement.

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    3 (80)
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Background & Aims: Although there are many evidences about the beneficial effects of probiotics, their anti-obesity effects are not clear yet. Previous studies have shown both decreasing and increasingeffects of different probiotics on body weight. Some of the probiotics, which may decrease weight, areL. plantarum, L. acidophilus, L. fermentum and L. gasseri. In this research, we studied the effect of cosupplementation of these Lactobacillus species on weight loss in overweight and obese women.Materials & Methods: This single center, double-blinded, randomized, placebo controlled interventiontrial was undertaken on 80 women with body mass index (BMI) between 26.5 and 36.27. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either two capsules of probiotics (LactoFem) per day containing 109 cfu lactobacillus or lactose placebo for 3 months. Anthropometric measurements and lipoprotein profile were evaluated before intervention and 3 months afterwards.Results: After 3 months, 0.36% reduction in body weight (p=0.05), 0.35% in BMI (p=0.04), 0.45% insubscapular skin fold thickness (p=0.01), 4.42% in total cholesterol (p=0.00) and 7.96% in LDL cholesterol (p=0.00) was noted in the intervention group, but there were no significant changes between groups.Conclusion: Results showed co-supplementation of Lactobacillus species had beneficial effects onanthropometric measurements and lipoprotein profile in obese and over weight women.

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    3 (80)
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Background & Amis: Self-efficacy as the main predictor of nurses’ behavior plays an important role innurses’ professional behavior. However, the various aspects of this concept have not been taken intoconsideration. The present paper attempts to explore perceived self-efficacy of proficiency in pediatricnurses.Materials & Methods: This study is part of a larger study on the caring self-efficacy concept that wasconducted through content analysis and from a qualitative approach in 2014 in Iran. 27 nurses andpediatric clinical instructors participated in this research according to the purposive sampling employedin the study. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The collected data was analyzedusing conventional content analysis method.Results: The proficiency concept has two main categories “Technical Capabilities” including clinicalskills, creativity in care, Atraumatic care, and “care based on professional knowledge” includingKnowing That and Knowing How.Conclusions: This paper introduces “proficiency” as one of the most aspects of caring self-efficacy inpediatric nurses. This finding can be used by nursing administrators and instructors to help perceivedself-efficacy of nurses, especially in the area of pediatric caring and to enhance quality of pediatriccaring

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (80)
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Background & Aims: Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms of physical, psychological, emotional andbehavior that occur periodically and detrimental effects on the individual and society. The aim of thisstudy was to evaluate the effect of counseling on symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome areat university female students of Medical SciencesMaterials & Methods: This randomized clinical trial on 80 female students at the University of MedicalSciences was diagnosed premenstrual syndrome. Random sampling by taking the cloak was hiding. Information required to complete the questionnaire were collected through interviews. The data were analyzed with SPSS 16 software.Results: At baseline, before the intervention and control groups were similar with no significant difference. After consulting a group and at the end of the first and second cycle after the intervention asignificant reduction in all symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome, including physical pain, depression and irritability were seen (P<0.05).Conclusion: In this study, all of the counseling in reducing the symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome was effective and showed statistically significant. It can be group counseling in this study asan effective treatment recommended.

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Background & aims: Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men after lung cancerand the second leading cause of cancer death in men. In describing the epidemiology of prostate cancer, it is considered as a preventable disease. The aim of this study was to investigate and explain preventivebehaviors of prostate cancer based on the health belief model structures among male teachers of Urmiacity.Materials & Methods: This analytical cross-sectional study was conducted on 263 teachers who were selected randomly from from public schools in Urmia. Data collection was performed via aquestionnaire, which included demo graphic characteristics, items regarding HBM constructs, and aperformance checklist. Data was analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistical methods in SPSS software with version of 16 (frequencies, mean and standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficientand linear regression coefficient).Results: the study highlighted a significant relationship between mean scores of perceived susceptibility, benefits and barriers and self efficacy with the teachers’ performance on adopting the preventivebehaviors of prostate cancer (p<0.001). But, no significant relationship was observed between theperceived severity with the preventive performance of prostate cancer among teachers (p>0.05). Alsoamong the health belief model constucts, perceived barriers and benefits and self-efficacy were the mostimportant predictor of prostate cancer preventive behavior among teachers (p≤0.001).Conclusions: This study suggests that health service providers or health professionals should payattention to predictive constucts (perceived barriers and benefits and self-efficacy) in designing andimplementing health education programs regarding prostate cancer and its preventive behaviors.

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    3 (80)
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Introduction: One of the key factors affecting on job performance, is compensation mechanisms. Thestudy aimed to determine the relationship between compensation mechanisms and job performance among nurses working in hospital.Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted in 2014. The numberof 221 nurses at two hospitals (Valiasr and Lolagar) base on simple randomized sampling enrolled. Datagathered by two questionnaires for Compensation mechanisms and job performance. Data analysis wasdone by descriptive statistics and Spearman test.Findings: The results showed that the job performance of nurses is moderate (2.76±0.50). Among thecompensation mechanisms, persuasive years, higher education grants, job promotions and performance based pay had a high priority, respectively. Spearman test showed significant relationship between jobperformance and non-cash payment (P=0.0001), performance based pay (P=0.004), persuasive years (P=0.0001), decreasing the working hours (P=0.0001), increase in services tariff (P=0.0001), and monthly fixed amount (P=0.02).Conclusion: According to our results, it seems that Services compensation variable is a good predictivefor job performance. There were fewer tendencies for receiving cash benefits than non-cash payments for the nurses working in studied hospitals, proposed to be carried out as a pilot reform of compensation mechanisms and examine the impact of these reforms on variables such as job performance

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