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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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One of organizations requirements is knowledge sharing among organization persons in the era of learning. Hence, the identification of factors affecting the implementation of knowledge sharing is very important. In this study, the relationship between the Five Factor Model personality dimensions (extraversion, adaptation, consciousness, neuroticism, Openness to experience) and knowledge sharing behavior is investigated to help managers and organizations in effective implementation knowledge sharing. For this purpose, questionnaire was designed to measure these variables and after ensuring the reliability and validity by confirmatory factor analysis, this questionnaire was distributed among a sample of 332 students from the School of Management. Research method is Survey- correlation research and it is specifically, based on structural equation modeling. The result showed that the dimension of agreeableness has positive and significant effect on knowledge sharing. But neuroticism has negative and significant effect on knowledge sharing.

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Companies are always looking to use all possible means to achieve success and effectiveness. Today, is notable the use of people with more subjective and skills specific characteristics. The importance of the issue of spirituality and religion, especially spiritual intelligence, felt the various aspects of new era. One of the necessities in the field of anthropology, is according to scientists from the perspective of the human Spiritual dimension that defines the human being has biological, psychological, social and spiritual. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between spiritual intelligence and communication skills. Methods of descriptive/co relational. The population of the study justice minister, staff, Lorestan University in the academic year 91-92, Which include 520 of which 220 patients a class based on table krejcie and Morgan as were selected. The instruments used were: 1. Spiritual intelligence scale Hild Brant reliability 0.88, 2. Communication skills inventory Barton, with a reliability of 0.80.The date collected through the questionnaire white the appropriate statistical methods such as tables, graphs, mean, frequency, frequencies, standard deviation, one-group t- test, t-independent, a multivariate analysis of variance, person correlation and multipath anova and regression the same method of analysis was. The results that were obtained from the review questions and research hypotheses are: communications skills, spiritual intelligence is much lorestan university staff. Component of spiritual intelligence the only predicator variable personal means of communication. skill and other variables, these variables were not significant predictors, between spiritual intelligence lorestan university staff in term of age, years of service and education, there is no difference and communication between staff skills lorestan university of demographic characteristics (gender, age, work experience, and education), there is no difference.

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One of the strategies for achieving the knowledge-based economy and wealth creation is High Technologies Transfer. Depending on their needs, all governments and knowledge-based corporations are transferring High Technologies at different technology readiness levels. In this study, the researcher seeks to identify and rank the individual and organizational factors affecting High Technologies transfer at different levels of readiness. For this purpose, the research method which has been used is qualitative -quantitative. Ten theoretical experts have been interviewed in the qualitative section and 100 practical experts have been interviewed using questionnaires in the quantitative section, also the results were analyzed. In qualitative section, analysis method is coding and in quantitative section, analysis methods are ANOVA and Friedman test. The findings revealed that the influence of individual factors on technology transfer is more than of organizational factors and also suggest this fact that by increasing the level of technology readiness the influence of individual and organizational factors on the success of technology transfer increases. Government and knowledge-based corporations will increase the possibility of success in transfer of High Technologies and will reduce its risks by considering individual and organizational factors that influence the transfer of High Technologies at various technology readiness levels.

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This article discuss about public policy implementation for cultural space in Iran. We want to design a model for implementing cultural policy. And will explain the factors of the model and the relations between them. Then we will compare the proposed model with the other famous models on the word. The proposed model created with the qualitative methodology which is Grounded Theory (GT). With presenting comparison table in this article the basic element or factors of different policy implementation models have compared with our proposed solution which is “designing the cultural policy implementation model for Islamic republic of Iran”. Three point of view and paradigms in public policy implementation are explained in this article; 1. Top-down approach; 2. Bottom up approach; 3. Synthesize or hybrid approach.

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The purpose of this study is evaluating the impact of organizational culture and leadership style on knowledge management considering the mediating role of technology acceptance. The hypotheses were tested against the data collected from a sample of 54 manufacturing companies in Qazvin province, using the variance based structural equations modeling (partial least square technique) and path analysis method. The findings reveal that organizational culture and transformational leadership have a positive impact on knowledge management, but there are no positive impacts between transactional leadership and knowledge management. And also transactional leadership does not impact technology acceptance positively. Among the factors explaining transformational leadership, motivation and inspiration (most of all), individual attention and intellectual stimulation have a positive impact on knowledge management, while none of the transactional leadership indicators have significant influence on knowledge management and technology acceptance. Finally, findings indicate that acceptance of technology also has a significant and positive impact on knowledge management. The results of this research help managers to understand the impact of their leadership style and organizational culture on the acceptance of technology so that they can improvetheir companies’ knowledge management.

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In the current age, having entrepreneur approach to public administration in public organizations is one of the critical issues that affect the output of the organizations, especially in developing and less developing countries. Although the approach is vital for public organizations, but unfortunately, few studies focused on it. The nature of the study is quantitative and based on applied and descriptive-survey method. Our population is comprised of 205 employees of oil industry research center. The data analysis is conducted through correlation, regression, and path analysis. The study found risk taking, innovativeness, and proactiveness are three important variables which influenced the process of public entrepreneurship. Also the study found that specialization, goal ambiguity and multiplicity, and political influence didn’t affect the public entrepreneurship in the sample of the study.

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The main purpose of this descriptive- correlative research was to study of the effect of organizational culture components on knowledge management in Agricultural Consulting, Technical and Engineering Services Ventures (ACTESV). The statistical population of the research consisted of all experts in the ACTESV in Zanjan Province (N=301). According to the Bartlett, et al. (2001), a sample size of 207 was selected using the stratified random sampling technique. The standard questionnaires were used to collect data. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts. The construct validity and the composite reliability of the research instrument were satisfied after making necessary corrections. The results showed that four components of organizational culture including mission, adaptability, involvement and consistency explained totally 41 percent of variances of knowledge management in the ACTESV in Zanjan Province. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that reinforcing organizational culture directly results in developing knowledge management in the ACTESV.

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People with different cultures use different strategies in the process of negotiation and the success of international negotiations is dependent on the negotiators ' ability to communicate effectively in different cultural conditions. The aim of this study is to identify the differences between the negotiation style of Iranian and Korean managers. For this reason, this research utilized a combination of quantitative and qualitative approach. The quantitative approach is done by statistical analysis of the questionnaires gathered from total 29 managers who are engaged in the international agreements between two companies LG and Goldiran. To get more clear results, the result of the questionnaires is then investigated in the interview with some of the managers. The finding of this research is that although Iranian and Korean negotiators have similar negotiation style, there are some differences in communication and outcome factors. At the end, practical recommendations for negotiators are offered.

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Employee voice, due to its role in improving the employees' and organizations' performance, has attracted the attention of researchers and managers in recent years. This study aims at developing an employee voice scale customized to Iran's context and also evaluating the influence of employee voice on employees' performance and creativity through the mediating role of job engagement. This study is considered as applied considering its aim and as descriptive- correlative study considering the way data is gathered. Knowledge employees of Kaleh Company were selected as the population of this research. Census sampling was used and 234 questionnaires were distributed among the respondents for gathering data. Explorative factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural modeling tests were used for data analysis. The results of testing the hypotheses indicate that employee voice has significantly positive effect on job engagement. Results also prove that job engagement has positively significant effect on employees' performance both directly and indirectly through the mediating role of creativity.

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This article studies organizational culture in IRIB based on Denison model. The main objective of the research is recognize organizational culture features and dimensions in IRIB. To do this the survey method is applied. To test reliability, Cronbach's Alpha was calculated 0.924. The statistical community of the research comprises All Employees in IRIB. After application of sampling formula to a small community, 352 participants have been selected and tested according to simple Classification and random sampling. For data analysis, Binomial test showed that Involvement, Consistency and Adoptability are not a proper state and are lower than the average state but Mission is the average state. According to Friedman test, respondents view Mission as the most important organizational culture features in IRIB.

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Empowerment within an organization is an ability that provides decision making opportunity by developing the span of authority, and it caused the breakage of traditional hierarchy of organizational structure. Among different dimensions of empowerment, its psychological dimension so has been considered by researchers in length of past years. Knowledge sharing is one of the factors which effects on psychological empowerment. The purpose of the present research is investigation of relationship between knowledge sharing and psychological empowerment. The method used in this study in terms of data collection is descriptive- survey method and in terms of research purposes, it is an applied research. Statistical population of present study includes 387 persons of Training and Education Employees of Mazandaran Province and its equal sample includes 172 employees. Data is collected by using standard questionnaires, and analyzed by SPSS and LISREL software. Results show that there is significant and positive relationship between psychological empowerment and all dimensions of knowledge sharing. According to observed results, knowledge sharing is a much strong factor that can lead to employees’ empowerment.

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Any attempt to modify existing Sciences based on Islam, needs attention to Islamic principles and structures. This process involves them in all stages of the production process of religious knowledge. Passive avoidance and use of all facilities and opportunities in the manufacturing process right wing Islamic human sciences and management, in particular, requires the design of a Islamic comprehensive model of management.This study is to explore the Nahj-alblaghah, especially Historical command of Imam Ali to Malik, to design Islamic public administration model. This research is based on content analysis and leads to1200 concepts, 500 indicator, 99 components, 18 categories and ultimately lead to a five-dimensional model, fundamentals, principles, methods, functions and kinds.

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Iran’s unique attractions and destinations make it of great potentiality forutilizing tourism industry. according to statistics of the international and national organization tourism, the situation of tourism in Iran is not suitable, which is a sign of an undesired situation in the industry and failing to make use of the existing capabilities and potentials of the country. Therefore, this research has used exploratory mixed method and qualitative content analysis in its qualitative part, and survey method and structural equations in the quantitative part in order to contemplate solutions for enhancement of tourism industry in Iran. After acquiring theoretical sufficiency by interviewing the experts of the field and applying qualitative content analysis on interviews, a questionnaire was designed and distributed through a survey. As a result, 15 major solutions were identified both in terms of government-related solutions and industry- focused ones. Finally, the two sets of solutions were harmonized to shape a model for enhancing tourism industry in the country.

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Today's organizations change their pay structure and pay for performance role increased in pay package. Performance pay in every organizational level has been appear. Many researches show that in high performance organizations, variable pay has critical role. Another variable that is very important in designing compensation strategy is pay dispersion. With using hierarchical linear modeling and real salary and wage data from Bank Mellat, research show that performance pay and pay dispersion influence performance and pay dispersion has a moderator role. Also research show that individual performance pay and pay dispersion are more important than group pay for performance.

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