The Present study conducted during March-September 2015 on Ghabre Nakhoda Island in Khure Mosa Creek in Khozestan Province. Entrance of the Bridled Tern Onychoprion anaethetus (Scopoli, 1786) to Gabre Nakhoda Island started in mid-March and they leaved island after breeding in mid-September 2015. In 142 selected nests, breeding success rates, large and small diameter parameters, the shape, size, volume, and weight of eggs before hatching and chicks after birth were measured. Averages of large diameter, small diameter, and depth of nests were 23. 42± 0. 42, 19. 08± 0. 29, and 3. 07± 0. 17centimeter respectively. Averages of large diameter, small diameter, volume shape, and weight of eggs were 43. 43± 0. 23, 31. 11± 0. 15 mm, 20. 453± 1. 12 mm3, and 21. 98± 0. 35gr respectively. Average of incubation period was 28. 5± 1. 5 day. Average success of the nestling, post nestling, and fledging were 92. 60, 91. 44, and 73. 94 percent respectively. Most of the mortality was 12 percent at post-nestling and minimum was 5 percent at incubation period.