Today, organizations can overcome with a few creative and entrepreneurs people and entrepreneurial projects on a flexible and innovative competitors, Soto overcome the problems and threats that organizations realize today whit them, only one solution is good, it is create context of entrepreneurial culture in the organization. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between organizational culture whit desire to entrepreneurial, in Zarghans company, This research is descriptive- correlational. The population of this study is employees (Loabiran Zarghan) Regardless of the manufacturing sector (N=107) We use simple random sampling (n= 86) who was chosen by Morgan table. We use two standard questionnaires one of them is entrepreneurship with 95 questions and and other, corporate culturewith26 questions. To determine there liability of this questionnaire, we used Cronbach's alpha and by83% and 66% were approved. For data analysis, we used the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results suggest, there is between organizational culture and some component of desire to entrepreneurship (Moderate risk, locus of control, clearness of thought, pragmatic and dream) Significant positive correlation, with component to lerance of ambiguity, there is a significant negative relationship The results show: the corporate culture with some of components tend to entrepreneurial(Need for achievement and challenging)There is no Relationship.