Introduction and aim: Nowadays pay attention to Work Commitment & Self Control Culture in organization, actually is an ethical and humanistic view to work and organization. Because ethics in professional ethic lead to commitment to duties in the best way and without external control and the improvement of work result, social situation, inner satisfaction and calmness of person. Current study was done by the aim of the And Explanation of Strategies of Work Commitment & Self Control Culture Institutionalization of Mazandaran Province Azad University Units' personnel.Methodology: Social statistics were consisting of 1600 persons of Azad University Units' personnel which 310 persons were selected as sample statistics from Morgan table. Data were gathered through questionnaire and then hypothesis were tested.Results: The result of regression tests between variables showed that there was a significant relationship between cultural – social factors and self control culture, individual-personal factors and self control culture, family- training factors and self control culture and cultural – social factors and work commitment, individual-personal factors and work commitment and family- training factors and work commitment. And also the result of correlation test showed that there is a relationship between Work Commitment & Self Control Culture, cultural – social factors and, individual-personal factors, cultural – social factors and family- training factors, individual-personal factors and family- training factors. The Friedman results also indicated that among studied variables, family- training factors by rate of 3.40 and cultural – social factors by rate of 2.80 have the most and the least importance in the view of respondents.