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Introduction and Objectives: This study aims to design a model in which the relation of social capital and cultural outlook can be illustrated and get analyzed.Methodology: This study carried out using a questionnaire including 37 items over 60 lecturers at both Islamic Azad University and Islamic School in District 4. Afterwards, a model was introduced and tested based on the research literature using LIZROL SOFTWARE to depict relation between social capital and cultural outlook. The reliability of the questionnaire is estimated around 84% using Cranach Results: The regression indices (92.0=GFI 0.و 93=AGFI) in the model confirms its Validity.Conclusion: On the whole, it can be said that increased social capital may influence the participation rate, honesty, trust, and mutual cooperation. Consequently, the defined achievements in 1404 outlook can be more affordable.

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The semiotics of the Heaven’s Reflection in the Holy Koran is the topic of a descriptive and interdisciplinary research that tries to meet these symbols through using semiotics.The heaven in the holy Koran denotes to be the eternal place of the emancipated people and has been referred as Jannah (Garden), Firdaus (Paradise), Rizvan and And (Eden).In this research, Islamic literature on the eloquence and the rhetoric of speech has been taken into consideration and at the same time Jacobson’s theory of communicative functions of language- broadly speaking, similar to this Islamic tradition ‐ has played a leading role.To meet these ends, the frequency of the six functions of the language in Jakobson's theory (Referential, Expressive [emotive or affective], Conative, Poetic, Phatic and Metalingual) has been verified in all verses containing heaven.And with a clear focus on these sort of verses, every aspects of functions have been scrutinized to see if they have a dominant function in the text or not, or what kind of functions do they represent simultaneously.At the end of the day, the research has been designed in a way to have an introduction, review of literature, methodology, findings, conclusion and suggestions.The review of the literature and conceptual framework of the research has four parts: Heaven in the Holy Koran, semiotics, Koran’s Rhetoric and literary devices and finally the language functions.Annotating, or better to say, underlining key words and phrases and the patterns in the text such as repetitions, contradictions, similarities and so on, are all based on the close reading method. In this research, 283 verses about Heaven have been used as the unit of analysis. Research findings show note worthy points to ponder about related verses to heaven.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Research Objectives: Islamic social programs affect all of human society’s relationships (such as economical and political). Therefore taking financial researches in Islamic countries, calls for understanding the effects of religion on people life and society’s, that financial dimension is one of the most important aspects of this effects. The aim of this study is to study those aspects of Islam that affecting the finance alrelations between individuals.Method: This researches been done using correlation analysis by using Factor analysis and DMTEL techniques and tries to determine the most effective aspects for applying in financial researches The study population includes allreligious affair specialists (Those studying the religious sciences) and financial experts (Activists in different areas of financial).Results: Given the out puts of the DMTEL techniques, people's point of view in financial issues and people's point of view in personal affairs are dependent variables and the total affect in dependent variables can be ascribed 30% to people's point of view in spiritual issues, 15% to people's point of view in social relationships, 14% to people's point of view in Khums and Zakat, 18% to people's point of view in being good‐tempered, and 24% to their point of view in good and philanthropic affairs.Conclusion: shows that people's point of view in spiritual issues, good and philanthropic affairs, being good‐tempered, social relationships, and Khums and Zakat, are the most influential in their point of wives in financial issues and personal affairs.

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Introduction and Research Objectives: The main purpose of this paper, the planning system to identify opportunities and challenges confronting the Islamic Propagation Organization styles of are misleading.Method: The main question is whether the paper between the opportunities and challenges confronting the current system of planning and organization of advertising there is diversion?Results: The results of this research and development will be collected in the form of nine hypotheses. The final result is obtained in support of the rule, having a strategic plan of organization, knowledge organization tools and methods to deal with Nhlh diversion, the organization's existing resources in the virtual space, poor communication and interaction with other units of, the Islamic Propagation Organization, the capacity is relatively high in all educational and cultural products.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Research Objectives: The aim of this study is considering moral and intellectual human dimensions as one of the essential components to reach art full development. For this purpose, according to zero based theory induced by natural and living systems cycle, we consider three cycles of production, distribution and usage and then articulate the behavior of variables affecting human development in a non‐linear and dynamic space and therefore remind system managers and regulators of their roles.Method: This study is a theoretical‐applied research and its methodology, regarding subject and goals, is of cause and effect kind and its implementation is rather nonlinear mathematical modeling. In execution, the research method is a combinational method.Results: In dynamic model, the sensitivity of subsidiary and fixed variables were analyzed by considering their cause‐effect relations and the most sensitive one was identified. Considering the model, one can find that:a) In production process, the most important damages affecting on intellectual human dimensions are weak knowledge management, lack of capacity management, inefficiency of supervising system and distrust (prejudice), lack of pluralism, lack of comprehensive theory on health and weak policymaking; b) In distribution process, the most important damages affecting on intellectual human dimensions are unilateral transfer of information,Censorship, lack of financial support, lack of transparency, lack of capacity management, inefficiency of social security coverage system and offense; c) In usage process, the most important damages affecting on intellectual human dimensions are lack of motivation (no motivation), personal and mental causes and social cynicism.In spite of being distinguishable, behaviors are never similar and it is impossible to exactly specify their details. As behaviors are rather qualitative than quantitative In order to give a primary prediction, it is necessary to use non‐linear planning and computer simulation to identify qualitative patterns and behavior as a whole.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Research Objectives: Ethical issues and orientations of organizational culture in non‐governmental organizations lead managements toward professional ethics knowledge. They expect this knowledge to offer standards and principles of ethics for solving professional problems. Helping to non‐governmental organizations in order to promoting professional ethics and finding the affective factors on professional ethics is the purpose of this study.Method: Research method in this paper has an applying purpose and experimental performance that. It is checking Impact of culture on professional ethics.Results: According to study results, there is no significant relationship between cultural dimensions and ethics in nongovernmental organizations and it is probable that there are other factors in ethics.Conclusion: The managers in nongovernmental organizations should emphasize on immoral behavior pre‐requests and moral basis and should extract and repeat the methods that individuals can form ethic as a habit based on it. Although, for encouraging staff to professional ethic they can use it as a main criteria in a rewarding structure to reduce possibly exertion of ethic policy.

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Critical thinking is a skill and on which learner can achieve teaching goals during an achieve mental process only after receiving key points from teacher. This capability can enhance subject remembrance by students and deliver them to training target with clarity. One of the benefits of this skill is that it can widen thinking horizons on student over learning topics that is reached by their active attendance in training processes.This study was aimed to determine the critical thinking situation of accounting students in Islamic Azad university‐ science and research branch.This study was done on 73 Islamic Azad university‐science and research branch. The subjects were selects with randomized stratified method. Then their critical thinking was investigated using California B questionnaire containing34 questions.The result showed this important fact skills and abilities of Islamic Azad university-science and research branch did not improve by going to upper year education.

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Introduction and research purpose: Not suitable for Milk consumption‐related data in the country. This will have long‐term consequences for the health of the people is very frightening. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to examine the impact of advertising planning and management in developing culture of milk.Method: The purpose of this research is based on a survey of applications and depending on how the data is a descriptive study.The population in this study consists of 27 advertising companies in Tehran‐Eighteen persons, experts and managers from Varna and 20 faculty members in the field of advertising. Due to the limitations of all members of the sample were considered and were questioned.Findings and Conclusion: The results confirm the hypothesis; culture milk-according to respondents' perspective-is under planning and managing advertising and promotions management and planning, advertising, religious beliefs, social customs, local values, lifestyle and influence people's beliefs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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