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One of the basic aims of crop production is always working on new research areas to develop new crop planting methods to increase the benefits of agricultural productions. In order to increase crop yield, improving planting methods might be recommended. To examine new planting methods including raised bed planting, an experiment was conducted using different furrow openers on grain drills under moist and dry soil conditions. This experiment was established in north of Khuzestan in 2009. A moldboard plow with 25 cm working depth followed by twice 10 cm depth disc harrows was used for soil preparation.Two methods of seed planting including planting in moist and dry soil conditions using grain drills equipped with fixed and spring loaded furrow opener were applied. The effects of bed width and also seeding row space of 60 and 75 cm on seedling emergence and grain yield were evaluated. A completely randomized block design with three replications was used wheat (Triticum aestivum L) variety for this study was Attila with the norm of 165 kg/ha which was sown at 40 mm depth for all treatments. Results showed that moist planting on raised bed by 75 cm distance between rows using spring loaded furrow openers improved seedling emergence and produced significantly (P£1%) higher grain yield. This treatment was able to increase 33% greater grain yield than flat planting. Conventional planting which did not put fertilizer under the seed bed, followed flooding irrigation produced the lowest amount of grain yield. Harvest index was significantly (P£1%) greater where new planting methods and raised bed were compared. More grain yield was produced under moist (5467 kg/ha) seeding conditions compared to dry (4133 kg/ha) seeding soils. Finally, the highest harvest index and grain yield were produced where the moist soil with grain drills equipped spring loaded furrow opener and row space of 75 cm were applied.

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In arid area such as, Iran rainfall is low and evaporation is high. Therefore, accumulation salts on the surface of soil in these areas are unavoidable. For that reason application, practical method for determination water requirement for reclamation soil is necessary.The primary aim of this study is to evaluate mathematical models of desalinization in two zones of northeastern Khuzestan province (southwestern Iran) without the use of a soil amendment. At each experimental site, were applied four leaching-depth treatments (25, 50, 75 and 100 cm of water) and two soil-amendment treatments (with and without sulfuric acid), for a total of eight treatments, in one-meter-square plots. Also, were established four replicate plots of each treatment. Before and after each leaching, were collected soil samples every 25 cm from the surface to a depth of 150 cm and were measured the electrical conductivity of each sample. Then11 mathematical models were developed using SPSS 12.0 software. In each model, the ratio of the net depth of irrigation to soil depth was used as the independent variable (X), while the ratio of the difference between the final electrical conductivity and the equivalent electrical conductivity to the difference between the initial electrical conductivity and the equivalent electrical conductivity was used as the dependent variable (Y). Statistical analysis of these mathematic models indicates that in zone one and two, the cubic equation is the best and the s equation is the worst equation for desalinization. In addition in these regions the cubic equation is the best and the logistic equation is the worst for desodification. Generally, the cubic equation obtained here can be generally applied to determine the appropriate leaching depth in the Shavoor plain in northern Khuzestan province, southwestern Iran.

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This study was to determine the density and the ratio of maternal to paternal lines, paterntal lines of corn seed production as a split plot design in randomized complete block with four replications in the 1388 farm seed production agro-industry company martyr Beheshti province implemented respectively. Density (60, 70, 80 and 90 thousand plants per hectare) as the main factor and planting pattern of maternal and paternal lines and 6: 2 to 4: 2 in the sub-plots were considered. Analysis of variance showed density only single grain weight and cob weight per square meter and had no significant effect on the rest of the other characters did not work. Rated mean values of these two traits showed only a single grain density to reach 90 thousand plants, but finds a significant decrease in cob weight from 60 thousand to 80 thousand plants did not change significantly and only with a density reaching 90 thousand plant finds a significant increase. Analysis of variance showed that maternal lines than to paternal of only single plant biomass have significant effects on other traits and the other has no effect. The interaction between these two factors, but only had influence on grain weight. So much so that the ratio of 4 lines of maternal density increased seed weight continuously decreased while the ratio of 6 line maternal density increased to 80 thousand per plant, seed weight increase, but increasing it to 90 thousand per plant, seed weight decrease.

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In order to investigate mustard effect on seed yield and seed oil and protein content, an experiment with factorial arrangement within a randomized complete block with four replications was conducted in 2007 at field research of Mollasani Agricultural Extension Center, Ahvaz, Iran. Treatments included, mustard density at five densities (0, 7, 14, 21 and 35 plants m-2) as primary factor and canola density at three densities (60, 80 and 100 plants m-2) as secondary factor. The results indicated that seed yield, oil percentage, oil yield and protein yield of seed canola were significant affected by interaction between canola and mustard densities, but protein percentage of seed canola wasn’t significantly. the increase in mustard density at various densities of canola caused to reduction in seed yield (87, 89 and 80 percentage decreasing in 60, 80 and 100 plants of canola, respectively), oil percentage (26, 47 and 52 percentage decreasing in 60, 80 and 100 plants of canola, respectively), oil yield (90, 94 and 90 percentage decreasing in 60, 80 and 100 plants of canola, respectively) and protein yield (85, 86 and 75 percentage decreasing in 60, 80 and 100 plants of canola, respectively). In addition, enhanced canola density increased oil percentage, while the highest oil yield was obtained in 80, 100 and 60 plants of canola, respectively. Protein and seed yield had a similar to change pattern in various density of canola. The highest protein and seed yield observed by 80, 100 and 60 canola plants, respectively. In addition, enhanced mustard density decreased seed yield and oil percentage, but was differ this decreasing at various density of canola. While was opposite protein percentage.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In order to study of heat stress effect on yield and grain growth process in maize inbred lines and hybrids, fifteen maize inbred lines in 2007 and twenty eight hybrids from combination of eight selected inbred lines in 2008 were evaluated in two planting dates, 6 July to coincide heat stress with pollination and grain filling period time and 27 July as normal planting to avoid high temperature during pollination and grain filling period using a randomized complete block design with three replications, in Shushtar city as tropical region in Khuzestan province. Grain yield, grain filling period, grain dry weight and plant growth period were deduced in inbred lines and hybrids under heat stress conditions. But, grain filling rate in inbred lines, and ASI in hybrids increased in heat stress. Inbred line K166B, under heat stress, produced the highest grain yield and the second under normal conditions and hybrid K18×K166B produced the highest grain yield under both conditions, while line K3651.2 produced the highest grain yield under normal conditions. High yielding inbred line, K3651.2 under normal conditions, showed serious reduction in yield under heat stress conditions. Proportionally, similar reductions occurred for grain dry matter content and grain filling period, as well as plant growth duration. While inbred line K166B and hybrid K18×K166B showed high grain yield under both conditions and grain filling period, grain filling rate, grain dry matter content and plant growth duration similar under both conditions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Direct measurement of soil hydraulic characteristics is costly and time-consuming. This method is partly unreliable due to soil heterogeneity and laboratory errors. Instead, soil hydraulic characteristics can be predicted using readily available data such as soil texture and bulk density using pedotransfer functions (PTFs). Artificial neural networks (ANNs) and statistical regression are two methods which are used to develop PTFs. In this study, the multi-layer perceptron neural network with Levenberg-Marquadet training algorithm and backward logistic regression model are used to deriving this functions for water final infiltration rate in soil, using readily available soil properties such as bulk density, effective prosity and soil texture. The results showed that linear regression with mean square error 51.9 (cm day-1) has better performance than neural network with mean square error 118 (cm day-1).

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The terminal seasonal drought is one of the tensions which reduces yield of wheat in dry and semiarid areas. Farmers In some areas, including Isfahan, resist irrigating for some reasons like, lack of irrigation water and coincidence of the irrigation steps of wheat final growth with spring planting. And this cause water wheat farms be deprived from one or two terminal season irrigation. This study was performed with the purpose of selecting of genotypes that are effected by terminal seasonal tension drought, with 16 advanced lines of bread wheat that are of the WS-87 series and are among lines of grain Research Department of research institute of spike and seeds reformation and production. under condition of terminal drought tension (stop of irrigation after appearing the first anthesis) and statistical plans, randomized complete block with 3 replications in crops year of 1387-88 in Agricultural Research Station in Kbvtrabad Isfahan. Studied Traits, seed performance and component performance including number of spikes in unit of area, number of grains per spike and grain weight, and also days traits to heading and days to physiologic maturity were studied. Results showed that differences between numbers from functional point and number of spikes per unit of area, seed weight, days to heading and days to physiologic maturity at the level of 1 percent error, and number grain per spike, at the level of 5 percent error were noticeable WS-87-15, WS-87-2, WS-87-8 and WS-87-16, lines hat maximum performance with respectively 4655.3, 4505.3, 4486 and 4241.7 kg in the Hktart, and are in a shared statistical group. lowest performance in this study refers to, WS-87-3 line, with the rate of 3383.3 kilograms per hectare that is placed at the E statistical group. According to the performance of components, genotype WS-87 -15 is introduced as most appropriate genotypes for drought stressful conditions, terminal seasonal drought tension conditions.

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In order to determine effect four weed species on yield and yield component of Canola (Brassica napus L.). for this reason effected appointment on the grain yield of Canola and enforcement experiment, to effected of four weed species competition on yield and yield components of Canola var. Hayola401 in Shush region. a field experiment conducted at Mianab sugarcane cultivation and industry Co. in 2009-2010. The experimental were compared in a Randomized Complete block design with 4 Replication and 10 treatment, the treatment of research were 1- EliminationMalvasylvestris 2- E. Sinapisarvensis 3- E. Lotus corniculatus 4- E. M. sylvestris and S. arvensis 5- E. M. sylvestris and L. corniculatus 6- E.L. corniculatus and S. arvensis 7- E. total Broad leaves weeds 8- E. total narrow leaves weeds 9- E. total weeds (controlled without weeds) 10- Not E. weeds (controlled with weeds).Results showed that there was significantly differences in grain yield and noticeable differences in weed drywight between treatments. This study showed the most competition and interference with main crop (Canola), is dependent to Sinapisarvensis of most effects and Malvasylvestris is the secondary effected on main crop.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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