The present research under the title of "Women's Social Participation and its Effect on Family Welfare" was performed in the city of Tehran, District 9. The researcher aims to answer the fundamental question of whether there is a relation between social participation of women and the welfare of families in this district. For this reason, the theoretical framework and the related researches were studied in this field and six hypotheses were raised. Then, out of the statistical population of 6250 families, 256 women aged 15-60 years old form Tehran, Dist. 9, were selected and studied as sample. The data were gathered through questionnaires and interview and after statistical analysis, the results indicated that: There is no meaningful relation between each of the six aspects of women's social participation and education and training of family members. There is a meaningful relation between women’s political participation and observing hygienic principles of family members. There is a meaningful relation between women's associative participation and observing hygienic principles of family members. There is no meaningful relation between each of the six aspects of women’s social participation and monthly income of the family members. There is a meaningful relation between women’s associative participation and the amount of time which family members allocate to leisure times. There is no meaningful relation between each of the six aspects of women’s social participation and family nutrition. There is a meaningful relation between women’s religious participation and security feeling among family members. There is a meaningful relation between women’s local participation and security feeling among family members. Moreover, regression analysis indicated that among the six participatory variables (religious, charity, associative, local, political and economic) only the local and charity participatory variable had a meaningful relation with family welfare and based on the research findings, we can conclude that the more women’s charity and local participation, the more their family welfare will increase.