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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research aims at exploring the relationship between self-differentiation, emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction among married women in Shahroud. The research is of Descriptive and correlational type. The Sample of the study included 170 married women in Tehran who were selected through random-cluster sampling method among counseling centers. They completed Enrich Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire, self-differentiation and emotional intelligence scales. The data were analyzed using Pearson Correlation Coefficient and regression. The results indicated that there existed a significant and positive relationship between self-differentiation and marital satisfaction, between emotional intelligence and self-differentiation and between emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction (P< 0.01). The results also showed that 70 percent of marital satisfaction variance could be explained by emotional intelligence and self-differentiation and its components.

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View 3972

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The present research under the title of "Women's Social Participation and its Effect on Family Welfare" was performed in the city of Tehran, District 9. The researcher aims to answer the fundamental question of whether there is a relation between social participation of women and the welfare of families in this district. For this reason, the theoretical framework and the related researches were studied in this field and six hypotheses were raised. Then, out of the statistical population of 6250 families, 256 women aged 15-60 years old form Tehran, Dist. 9, were selected and studied as sample. The data were gathered through questionnaires and interview and after statistical analysis, the results indicated that: There is no meaningful relation between each of the six aspects of women's social participation and education and training of family members. There is a meaningful relation between women’s political participation and observing hygienic principles of family members. There is a meaningful relation between women's associative participation and observing hygienic principles of family members. There is no meaningful relation between each of the six aspects of women’s social participation and monthly income of the family members. There is a meaningful relation between women’s associative participation and the amount of time which family members allocate to leisure times. There is no meaningful relation between each of the six aspects of women’s social participation and family nutrition. There is a meaningful relation between women’s religious participation and security feeling among family members. There is a meaningful relation between women’s local participation and security feeling among family members. Moreover, regression analysis indicated that among the six participatory variables (religious, charity, associative, local, political and economic) only the local and charity participatory variable had a meaningful relation with family welfare and based on the research findings, we can conclude that the more women’s charity and local participation, the more their family welfare will increase.

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View 2174

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The present study aimed at investigating the relationship between attachment styles, marital commitment and marital satisfaction. The study population ineluded married students from Allame Tabatabai University during the academic year 2011-2012. The sample consists of 115 married students selected from the population by convenience sampling and completed the study measures. The study measures were attachment questionnaire, marital commitment questionnaire and marital satisfaction questionnaire. Correlation method was used to analyze the study data. The study results indicated that there is a significant positive relationship between secure attachment style and personal commitment and a significant negative relationship between anxious and avoidant attachment styles and personal commitment. Also, there is a significant positive relationship between secure attachment style to marital satisfaction and a significant negative relationship between avoidant and anxious attachment styles and marital satisfaction. The last result indicates that there is a significant positive relationship between personal commitment and marital satisfaction.

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View 3415

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Transsexuality is one of the issues that have recently been put forward in legal, social, and medical communities and has attracted the attention of the experts. "Transgender" means reversing gender from male to female and vice versa. The issues concerning bisexual people or bisexuality is not a novel phenomenon; rather, since past times there have lived people with bisexual disorders. Transsexualism and transvestism are two of sexual deviations. Regarding the definition for transgender, there is not complete consensus among the lawyers, sociologists, biologists, psychologists, scholars of ethics, and psyehiatrists. With regard to the importance of family, identifying the damages to this institution is also of great importance. The present research addresses such issues as the effect of transgender on committing illegitimate crimes, etc. Furthermore, it examines the various issues of transsexuality from the viewpoint of criminology. Finally, some points will be allotted to the problem of transgender from judicial policy perspective.

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View 1366

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The purpose of this study was to survey the relationship of spiritual intelligence emotional intelligence and self-Efficacy with organizational citizenship behavior among women employees in Behbahan universities. The research method was descriptive and of correlation type. The study population includes all the women employees in Behbahan universities (N=160) and 113 of them were selected by using simple random sampling. Data collection was carried by field survey Field and its tools were the questionnaires. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and then by using Pearson correlation coefficient and regression to test the hypotheses. Analysis results showed that there is a significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior. There is also a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior. Finally, there is a signification relationship between self-efficacy and organizational citizenship behavior.

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View 1868

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The purpose of this study was to study the relationship between critical thinking and identity styles. For this purpose, random sampling method was carried out in two stages. Firstly, two cities were chosen out of Lorestan Province by cluster sampling, and in the next step two universities were chosen out of the Payame Nour universities of the two selected cities, and then 35 people were chosen randomly out of each university (70 students). After selecting the sample group, California Critical Thinking Skills and Berzonsky Identity Style questionnaires were simultaneously administered to the subjects. The collected data were analyzed by using statistical methods of Pearson's correlation coefficient, Regression Analysis, ANOVA and t-tests. The results indicated that there is a significant and negative correlation between diffuse identity style and total score of critical thinking (level of significance of 0.03), as well as analysis scale of critical and analytical thinking scales (level of significance of 0.03). Also, the results obtained by using the t-test indicated that among the identity styles and critical thinking scales, there are significant differences between the two groups of humanities and sciences in analysis scale (significance level of 0.03), deductive scale (significance level of 0.008) and comparison scale (significance level of 0.25). In other words, the sciences group has higher scores on comparison and analysis scales. The results suggested no significant difference between the means of the identity styles and critical thinking in the two groups of men and women.

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View 1266

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The aim of this research is to examine the relation between job satisfaction and marital satisfaction among high school teachers. The research method is of correlation type. The statistical Population included all married high school teachers of Kohgilouyeh city (Dehdasht). In this research the sample consists of 260 persons (170 men and 90 women) who were selected through cluster random sampling method. The research tool includes two questionnaires of Minnesota job satisfaction and Enrich marital satisfaction. T-test of independent groups, Pearson correlation coefficient and Regression has been used to analyze the data. The findings of this study reveal that there is not a significant difference between men and women in job satisfaction and marital satisfaction, And that there is not a meaningful relation between marital satisfaction and gender and level of academic education. However, the results showed that there is a meaningful relation between job satisfaction and marital satisfaction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1666

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Prenatal care can help to reduce the incidence of prenatal illness and death by promoting health recognizing danger signs, and introducing where to seek care for pregnancy complications. The purpose of this study was determining the prenatal care quality in Tabriz Therapeutic-Health centers. This was a cross-sectional descriptive study to evaluate prenatal care services in three domains: service quality; technical quality; and customer quality. Using stratified random sampling, 400 PNC clients were assessed in 45 pre-natal clinics. A questionnaire and mothers’ files were used to assess the care process. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire were assessed and confirmed. To analyze the data, lick x2, T-test correlation and ANOVA were used. The findings showed that the quality of prenatal care in 68.8% of cases was moderate, in 21.3% of cases was poor, in 9.5% of cases was good and in 0.4% of cases was not acceptable. Forty hundred subjects, averaging 29.3(±9.4) weeks pregnancy, were included. Assessing different care processes demonstrated the following compliance to standards: counseling process 11.6 per cent; history-taking 49.5 per cent; vital signs assessment 53.4 per cent; physical examination 30.2 percent; obstetrical examination 19 percent; blood tests 93.8 per cent; urinary tests 86.9 per cent; clients' education about pre-natal-risk 64.4 per cent. The findings showed that the quality of prenatal care in 68.8% of cases was moderate. Health care workers have an important role in the improvement of the quality of prenatal care. The findings of the research have an important role in the planning of health and medical authorities of Iran regarding the improvement of quality of prenatal care via providing training, in-service education and evaluation of health workers during the period of employment.

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