The aim of the present study was to investigate intolerance of uncertainty among divorced and non-divorced women as predictors of depression, anxiety and stress. The study is of causal–comparative type. The statistical population of the research includes all of the divorced women supported by social welfare organization who referred to consultation centeres of Khoy (Social welfare office and Tara consultation center) and undivorced women. Out of this statistical population, 70 people were selected by available sampling method and 70 people from undivorced women were selected based on age and education. After collecting the data and information by depression, anxiety and stress questionnaires and intolerance of uncertainty scale, the data were tested by spss software and by using Multivariate variance analysis (MANOVA), Pearson correlation and stepwise regression analysis. The analysis showed that there is a significant difference between divorced and undivorced women in terms of depression, anxiety, stress and intolerance of uncertainty (p< 0.0001) and that divorced women have higher depression, anxiety, stress and intolerance of uncertainty than undivorced women. Furthermore, the stepwise regression analysis showed that among secondary scaleof intolerance of uncertainty, only stressfulness of uncertainty and negaliveness of unexpected events and avoiding them are significant predictors of depression, stress and anxiety among women. Based on research findings and research background, reduction of intolerance of uncertainty can cause reduction of different levels of depression, anxiety and stress. so, treatment based on reduction of intolerance of uncertainty and increasing skills of ambiguity tolerance is necessary before starting treatment of sensation and anxiety disorder in divorced women.