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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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سردبیر محترممتن حاضر در راستای مشارکت پژوهشگران و اعضای هیات علمی در بررسی ارتباط پارازیت های ماهواره ای با آسیب به سلامت و با دیدگاه کمک به اعضای کمیته بررسی وجود رابطه مذکور، جهت تصمیم گیری بر اساس اصول و شواهد علمی تدوین گردیده است. نظر به استناد برخی مدافعین ایمن بودن پارازیت های ماهواره ای به اظهار نظر کمیته کاری سازمان جهانی بهداشت در مورد میدان های الکترومغناطیسی فرکانس رادیویی، پس از نقل نتیجه ارزیابی کمیته مزبور به بحث بیشتر در مورد مساله پرداخته می شود.

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Objective: Anemia is the most common health problem, which affects a considerable number of world populations. Iron deficiency is responsible for more than 50% of all cases of anemia. Food fortification is an important strategy for improving the nutritional situation of populations and has been implemented in few countries for many years. Flour has been offered as a suitable food vehicle for fortification with iron. Fortification of staple foods such as flour must be subjected to evaluation to demonstrate whether or not fortification has been effective.Methods: We performed a systematic review of the literature by searching the electronic databases of Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), PubMed,, WHOLIS, SID and Google scholar. We also screened reference lists manually. We searched literature published up to December 2013 for English language literatures and up to 1392 for Persian language literatures to identify studies describing the effectiveness of flour fortification with iron. The selection criteria were trials of flour fortification with iron that assessed effects on hemoglobin, serum ferritin and prevalence of anemia, iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia.Results: In all 44 papers were included in this review. In general three types of studies were identified. (i): Data from 20 trials showed that flour fortification with iron resulted in a significant improvements in all iron status indicators. These trials were conducted in Uzbekistan, India, Brazil, China, Brazil, Kenya, Vietnam, Zambia, South Africa, Chile and Australia. (ii): Twenty-four trials categorized as moderately efficacious. Thetrial was considered to be “moderately efficacious” if some iron related parameters improved significantly. These trials were conducted in Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kenya, Kuwait, Bangladesh, Argentina, Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Zambia, China and South Africa. (iii): There were no significant changes in iron related indicators in 28 trials. These trials were conducted in United States, Brazil, Bangladesh, China, Brazil, Thailand, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Kuwait, Argentina, Morocco, Ivory Coast and England.Conclusions: The findings were contradictory on the effectiveness of flour fortification with iron in different countries. A meta-analysis of the studies is recommended to identify the overall effect of flour fortification on anemia and iron deficiency.

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Objective(s): The most important and most basic elements of leadership is style of management. Leadership style impacts on patient care and quality of care. This study aims to determine the leadership styles in obstetric ward of hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and to compare indicators of obstetric services that have been done.Methods: In this cross-sectional study 70 midwives working in the maternity hospital of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Arash, Baharloo, Comprehensive Women, Vali Asr, Ziaean) were studied in the summer of 1392. Information about the leadership style was gathered using "multifactor leadership questionnaire" which was filled in bymidwives. Data of ward indicators was collected through interview with the director of the ward and director of statistic department part of hospital.Results: Data was analyzed with SPSS software, version 20 and NonParametric Pearson statistical test was done. The dominant leadership style (60%) of managers of Gynecology and Obstetrics wards of Hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences was passive or non-interference.Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between transformational and midwives satisfaction index (P<0.05). Since the directors of wards does not have sufficient information about the new leadership styles (transformational, etc.) and rarely use this styles, they are in need of courses on importance of using these kind of styles to improve indicators of these wards and increase motivations and abilities of their personel.

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Objective(s): Obesity is affected by genetic, behavioral and cultural factors and has severe negative impact on body and mental health. The objective of this study was finding the possible association between overweight and depression, in regard to socio-economic factors Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted on 400 high school girls found by simple random sampling.Questionnaires including demographic information, "Depression Anxiety Stress Scale DASS42", and "Rosenberg self-esteem, physical activity MET" were filled by pupils. Weight was measured using Seca digital weight scale having 100g precision, and height was measured using inelastic tape installed on wall with 0.5 centimeter of accuracy. Data was analyzed using Chisquare, t-test, ANOVA and logistic regression statistical.Results: Prevalence of overweight and obesity was 21.8%, and prevalence of depression was 54.7%. The depression prevalence was significantly higher in overweight and obese subjects (P<0.0001). School stage, weight perception, body fitness satisfaction, birth order, and family history of obesity were factors affecting the association of obesity and depression.After adjusting for these factors in multivariate logistic regression model, the association of obesity and depression remained significant.Conclusion: Due to significant association between overweight and depression and regarding high prevalence of depression in high school girls, paying more attention to obesity and its complications including depression is necessary.

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Objective(s): Stress and coping are one of the most reported problems by adolescents and may be the biggest problem in psychology field that can affect greatly on mental and physical health. the aim of the study was to apprise the stressors, coping strategies and influential factors among male adolescents.Methods: An analytic cross-sectional study was carried out to examine effects of stressors, coping strategies and some demographics variables on perceived stress in 402 male adolescent in Tehran, Iran. Adolescent stress and coping process questionnaire and perceived stress scale were used to collect data. A multivariate regression was performed to assess factors related to perceived stress.Results: The mean age of adolescents was 15.44 (SD=0.68) years. The mean value of perceived stress for the whole sample was 17.99 (SD=6.02). Cognitive/emotional coping was the most frequent coping style. The findings revealed that there were significant relations between perceived and accumulative stress. In multivariate regression analysis the accumulative stress, social resources (P<0.01), parent's education and grade point average (P<0.05) were found to be significant predictors of perceived stress.Conclusion: The findings suggest that increased level of perceived stress is associated with accumulative stress, social resources and parent's education. Therefore seems by reducing problems face to adolescents and enhancing parents 'knowledge about stress and reinforcing social resources can prevent perceived stress increment. More related studies can show a good perspective.

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Objective(s): substance abuse in Iran is an illegal and unacceptable act so people at the beginning of drug abuse trying to hide their drug abuse from family and community. Secrecy in drug abuse makes families to be aware too late about addiction of their young children and cannot be able to help them at the appropriate time. The aim of this study was to find out the hiding methods in addict men referred to drop in centers (DICs) of Ahvaz, Iran.Methods: This was a qualitative study using a content analyses approach. The data were collected via a semi constructed indepth interviews. The sample was selected from DICs in Ahvaz, Iran. The constant comparative analysis was performed to analyze the data.Results: The mean age of participant was 21.29±5.13; the mean age of drug abuse onset was 16.9±3.11. The secrecy were classified in seven categories including: secrecy with abusing family trust, secrecy via working, secrecy with rapid changes of puberty, secrecy with aggression, secrecy with changing the method and location of use and secrecy with role-playing.Conclusion: The findings might help families to prevent the drug abuse among young adolescents in onset.

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Objective(s): To translate and evaluate the the myocardial infarction dimensional assessment scale (MIDAS), as a diseasespecific quality of life scale in patients with myocardial infarction in Iran.Methods: After permission, the questionnaire was translated. Then face validity, content validity, concurrent validity and criterion validity were assessed. In order to evaluate the construct validity, known-groups comparison (patients with and without smoking) was performed. For criterion validity the Short Form 36 (SF-36) was used. Cronbach's alpha coefficients and the test retest were used to assess the scale reliability.Results: One hundred patients with myocardial infarction participated in the study. The criterion validity showed high and significant correlation between most the MIDAS and the SF-36 scores. The Cronbach's alpha for the scale ranged from 0.74 to 0.887 and test-retest reliability (ICC) within 2 weeks, in all dimensions was greater than 0.90.Conclusion: The findings suggest that the MIDAS is a valid and reliable disease-specific scale and can be considered for measuring health outcomes in research and clinical settings.

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Objective (s): Family physician and referral system (FPRS) were introduced as a health system reform in Iran, in 2005. The aim of this program was to improve: accessibility to medical services, equity in health care and productivity of human resources. As such general physicians and midwives took responsibility for service delivery. The first step of FPRS was implemented in all rural areas and small cities. The Aim of this study was to assess the satisfaction of midwives as one of the key providers.Methods: This was a national cross-sectional study. The study population was midwives working in FPRS through the country. A random sample of midwives responded to a standard questionnaire. Satisfaction was assessed in 4 different areas: contracts, implementation, facilities and housing conditions. Data were analyzed by SPSS software.Results: In all 1772 midviwes participated in the study. Most respondents were women (99.8%), married (64.5%); aged between 21 to 40 years (97.1%) and worked in rural areas (62.1%). The satisfaction with contract was very low (8.7%). Satisfaction with program implementation was 9.6%. Satisfaction with facilities ranged from 16.0 to 27.6%. Satisfaction with housing condition ranged from 4.0 to 44.2%.Conclusion: The study findings indicated that the midwives’ satisfaction with the program was low. It seems that improving housing condition is a key point in service continuity in deprived and remote areas of the country.

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Objective (s): Oral health literacy and oral hygiene self- efficacy are part of interpersonal factors witch beside environmental and social factors affect oral health. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship of oral health literacy and oral hygiene self- efficacy with DMFT and Gingival index in students.Methods: This was a cross- sectional and correlational study. Using categorical random sampling method, 281 students of Ardakan University were selected to participate in this study. Data was collected by oral health literacy instrument, oral hygiene self- efficacy questionnaire, DMFT and Gingival index. Pearson’s correlation test and stepwise regression analysis were applied to analyze the data.Results: A significant negative correlation was observed between oral health literacy and oral hygiene self- efficacy and its dimensions with DMFT and Gingival index. The results of stepwise regression analysis showed that two dimensions of oral health literacy and oral hygiene self- efficacy had significant role in prediction of DMFT and Gingival index. Reading comprehension and brush self- efficacy had the highest and lowest influential role in the prediction of these indices respectively. Also, results showed that health literacy and oral hygiene self- efficacy are better predictors for DMFT than Gingival index.Conclusion: Results of the present study showed that oral health literacy and oral hygiene self- efficacy have key role in the prediction of DMFT and Gingival index and that through enough education, especially in reading comprehension and floss self-efficacy; we can probably reduce the DMFT and Gingival index.

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Objective (s): Breast cancer is the most common types of cancer and the second cause to death consequent on cancer in women. More than 90 percent of patients will be treating if cancer early diagnosed. BSE is one of the effective methods for early detection of breast cancer. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of methods of health education in the promotion of BSE among female nurses.Methods: This study is a controlled intervention that performed on 105 nurses in Zabol, which 35 people in the intervention group with lecture method, 35 people in the intervention group with cell phone method and 35 people in the control group. Preintervention researcher made questionnaire was completed by the subjects, then intervention was implemented in the intervention groups.3 months after the intervention, post- test was conducted by using the same questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using SPSS 19 and paired t- test, one way ANOVA and chi- square tests and, p<0.5 was considered significant.Results: One Way ANOVA test showed that pre- intervention mean scores difference of the knowledge, attitude and practice between the intervention groups and the control group is not statistically significant (p>0.5) But this difference was significant after intervention (p<0.5). After the intervention, a significant increase was occurred in the mean score of knowledge, attitude and practice in the two intervention groups, but this difference was not significant in the control group. It was also shown that this increase in mobile phone group is significantly more than the Lecture group (p<0.5).Conclusion: The result of this study represents the positive effect of education via mobile phone and lecture methods on promotion of health and protective behavior associated with breast cancer.

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