In the poetry of Palestinian resistance poets, in the years after World War II, everything is hidden in the clouds of despair and sorrow. And poets sometimes just draw an apparition of their lost paradise in their poetic dreams. This position was continued in Palestine poetry until Egypt revolution. After the revolution 1952, Jamal Abdo-nnasser had some emprises that cause the unity & nationalism reinforce among Arabs. And by victories of the revolutions all over the world, Palestinians became hopeful about the future. In this situation a poet came to the scene of fighting and thought that everything in his eye is different with the past.His optimistic look to the Palestinian resistance and their stability, make him to see everything bright and hopeful. He transfers a great deal of positive energy to his readers. His optimistic look probably has made him such popular in his audiences’ views.This article has decided to begin with an introduction in Palestinian resistance`s genesis and hase a brief overview of Samih Alqasim’s life.Then it would study some of the factors and signs of immortality the power expressed against difficulties, using the art in resistance poetry, universality in the poems of resistance, expressing optimism and happiness, and sensitivity and lack of negligence in the poetry, are among these factors.