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Undoubtedly, one of the important issues which has been con sidered by contemporary Persian and Arabic poets, is Orientalism and Occidentalism. These two items have high frequency in poetry of so many poets, including Hafiz Ibrahim from Egypt and Iqbal Lahori from Pakistan who has a book in Persian poetry. These two poets, not only in their country, but also in other countries are famous for campaigning against colonialism, and there are numerous common concepts in their poetry about West and East, relying on the view of the American school of comparative literature concerning lake of influence between two poets as the base of comparison and also use of analytic-descriptive method. Therefore, this article tries to study the image of East and West in the poetries of these two poets.

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In the poetry of Palestinian resistance poets, in the years after World War II, everything is hidden in the clouds of despair and sorrow. And poets sometimes just draw an apparition of their lost paradise in their poetic dreams. This position was continued in Palestine poetry until Egypt revolution. After the revolution 1952, Jamal Abdo-nnasser had some emprises that cause the unity & nationalism reinforce among Arabs. And by victories of the revolutions all over the world, Palestinians became hopeful about the future. In this situation a poet came to the scene of fighting and thought that everything in his eye is different with the past.His optimistic look to the Palestinian resistance and their stability, make him to see everything bright and hopeful. He transfers a great deal of positive energy to his readers. His optimistic look probably has made him such popular in his audiences’ views.This article has decided to begin with an introduction in Palestinian resistance`s genesis and hase a brief overview of Samih Alqasim’s life.Then it would study some of the factors and signs of immortality the power expressed against difficulties, using the art in resistance poetry, universality in the poems of resistance, expressing optimism and happiness, and sensitivity and lack of negligence in the poetry, are among these factors.

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The reflection on death and rebirth are overwhelmed among Arabian nationtions, especially Palestinians is known in Darrish's poems. He accompanies some myths and the historical symbols in order to create the innovative concepts of life and death, because he is lead the readers to the real concept of lie. The real concept of life. The symbols and myths of his poems are producing and clear, they are some means to transfer his message, hence this study is to examine them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Ibn Moghafa's Arabic Translation of kelile and Damene from Pahlavi is considered to be an innovation in literary and prose style which had been welcome by Arab writers and literary figures. The translation acquired a very lofty place in Arabic literature and seriously influenced future literary texts.Far from denying the Iranian and Indian origins of the text, the present study aims at demonstrating the fact that the Arabic translation had been influenced by Nahj-ol-balaghe as there are at least 8 statements and tens of themes in the text which are originally from Nahj-ol-balaghe. One might conclude that Imam Ali (peace be upon him) has been one of Ibn Moghafa's sources in translating Kelile and Damene. Moreover, the translation could not have been welcome by Arab writers save by following Imam Ali's thought.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Komayt Ben Zeyd (60–126 H.) was one of the popular poets in Omd’s period, who composed many poems in defense of his opinion. His poctry is a flame of jihad and battle against Omayyed's cruel rulers. The old and new historians and writers expressed various and sometimes conflicting openions about Komayt's political-religious tendencies. A group know him as he has Zeidi religion as a Shia’s hyperbolists or as a Rafezi, to belong to from political view he is a fanatical Nazari (Yemen antagonistic). Some questioned his boing a Shia and criminated him to antithesis. The writer in this research, set to realize and check the historians’ views and thoughts, and tried to show a real scene of Komayt’s ideas with the reliance uopn poet's poems and historical documents and reasons.

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Badr Shaker Alsyab status due to political and social chaos plenty of negative changes in the Iraqi political scene, and the severe crisis due to his physical and mental, for the interpretation of the myth of the vote and took refuge in his thoughts. Password rule on the rise and transformation Syab is very evident because of the personal aspects to feel something other than herself can not help him with death. Iraq due to political crisis, like the situation to the same Syab, because of drought need to have fertility. Therefore; was decided of the myths that many of the poems s Syab, two myths "Tmmvz" and "Cerberus", must be examined. In the most One poems s Tmmvzy of Sayab He did face masks on Tmmvz to show that his death is like death Tmmvz; fertility and to bring not vitiate. By inspiring of this myth he tried to bring a new life and uprising among the Arabs, and to create a utopia which was the dream of making it, the researcher makes. To show the reality of his death in Iraq the Cerberus applied to the painful and yet so artistically killed Tmmvz being the goddess of life and fertility password is to portray. Cerberus in his poetry become codified for dictatorial power in Iraq has been.

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Abo-I-atahia is the best poet in Arabic literature known to have founded Austerity poetry. He could rightly be considered as a pioneer in this area of Arabic poetry.Howerer. In persion poetry, a poet known for his austerity poetry and for his lengthy ballads in the field is the popular poet Noser Khosrow Ghobadiani Balkhi.The main themes dealt with in the present reseach, which is based on French School of coparative literature are as follows:a) Introducing austerity poetry and its development in Arabic and persion literature.b) Comparing themes and structures (similar or different) of Abo-lat ahia and Naser Khosrow austerity poetry. The main finding of this part of the research is that Naser Khosrow, being Fomiliar with Abo-L-atahia, has been influenced by his poetry. Howerer, in Naser Khosrow's austerity poetry, what are more prominent than imitation and influence, are intertextuality, association, common expenence.

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