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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background& Aims: Due to the wide range of personality disorders and as well as alternative model DSM-5 for personality disorders, this study aimed to cluster B personality disorder according to five factor alternative models Zuckerman-Kuhlman and ego strength. Method: The study population is included all students of University of MohegheghArdabili in 2015(N=14000). A descriptive correlational study in which 150 subjects were selected by stratified random sampling and responded to Millon clinical multiaxial inventory-3 (MCMI) and Zuckerman-Kuhlman personality questionnaire and Psychosocial Inventory of Ego Strengths. The data were analyzed with Pearson correlation coefficient and simultaneous regression. Findings: Regression analysis showed that elements of aggression-hostility directly and activity of Zuckerman alternative model inversely can predict antisocial personality disorder, elements of impulsive sensations seeking, aggression-hostility and neuroticism-anxiety of Zuckerman alternative model directly and ego strength inversely can predict borderline personality disorder, element of sociability of Zuckerman alternative model directly can predict histrionic personality disorder and elements of impulsive sensations seeking and activity directly and neuroticism-anxiety of Zuckerman alternative model inversely can predict narcissistic personality disorder. Conclusion: Findings of this research could be the first step to understanding the usefulness of the Zuckerman-Kuhlman five alternative model and ego strength by specialists in understanding cluster B personality disorders.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Sexual dysfunction, especially of erectile dysfunction is a relatively unknown disorder and resistant to treatment. This study aimed to assess effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on sexual of erectile dysfunction and comorbid psychiatric symptoms was done with it. The research is single-case designs by A-B. 28-year-old man who authorities based on the criteria of the study, the clinical interview based on DSM-V, hospital anxiety and depression scale )HADS), arizona sexual experiences scale (ASEX), international index of erectile dysfunction (IIEF-5) and psychiatrists definitive diagnosis of the disorder. The position of the baseline, the intervention began. participants was exposed to 8 sessions of 90 minute and a month after the intervention sessions, two sets of questionnaires administered in 2 consecutive months and was completed as a follow-up phase. The results of this study based on the visual analyses indicators and descriptive statistics showed that in the follow-up phase compared to the baseline, the intervention was effective of improve erectile dysfunction, in reduction of comorbidity of depression and anxiety. The results emphasize the importance of this intervention in sexual dysfunction and provide new horizons in clinical interventions emphasized.

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Introduction: The present study was conducted with an eye on investigating the effects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on seizure frequency and self-management behaviors of patients with intractable epilepsy. Methodology: Quasi experimental design was adopted in which pre-test, post-test, and control group were deployed to gather data from patients with epilepsy visiting specialty neurology clinics of Khorramabad. In so doing, 24 patients with epilepsy (experimental, N=12; control group, N=12) were selected based on convenience sampling. Subsequently, during a period of 10 sessions (once in a week lasting 90 minutes), they were treated through acceptance and commitment therapy. Data were collected by means of Dilorio’ s (1994) epilepsy self-management questionnaire (ESM) and checklist of the number of seizures recorded by the patients. Moreover, data were analyzed in the SPSS-23 using ANOVA and MANOVA. Results: The results discovered that acceptance and commitment therapy has a meaningful and positive impact on decreasing the seizure frequency (P<0/001) and increasing the self-management behaviors (P<0/001). Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, acceptance and commitment therapy, which is one of the therapies of the third wave, as a non-invasive and affordable therapy can have a considerable efficacy on recovery of self-management behaviors as well as decreasing the frequency of seizure in patients with epilepsy.

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The present research has aimed to compare efficacy of cognitive-behavioral and metacognitive approaches on thought fusions and washing-cleaning obsessions in patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The study utilized quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest model has two experimental groups. The population included all of the girl students at the university of science and technology of Iran in 2014-2015. initial sampling by the recall of implementing the study was conducted voluntary and all the voluntaries completed Padua inventory and among them 12 people who suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder and verified by clinical psychologist ( base on DSM5) were selected by available sampling and randomly divided into two groups of cognitive-behavioral (n=6) and metacognitive (n=6) groups. Then all patient filled Thought Fusion Instrument and cognitive-behavioral and metacognitive interventions was applied. each of interventions was performed in 10 sessions (2 hours per sessions). in order to analyze mixed multi factorial ANOVA and repeated measure one way ANOVA methods has been used. Both metacognitive therapy (P<0. 001) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (P<0. 001) were effective in reducing thought fusion at the end of treatment and after a one-month follow-up. In addition, Both metacognitive therapy (P<0. 001) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (P=0. 001) were effective in reducing obsessive-compulsive disorder. Also, There was no significant difference between the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral and metacognitive approaches on thought fusion (P=0. 07), at the end of treatment and after one month follow-up. So metacognitive therapy as new therapeutic areas to the extent of psychology, is effective as much as cognitive-behavioral therapy in reducing thought fusion and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder and it’ s subscales, and can be used as an alternative treatment.

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Rezapour Manizhe

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    2 (31)
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The purpose of present research is to compare Identity Styles and its relationship with Academic Achievement of Shahed and nonShahed Students at Kermanshah Raziuniversity during 91-92 school year. For this purpose, according to Koukran s formula, sample size (57 people) from Shahedstudents andnonShahed sample are selected according to variables like age, academic field, and gender by use of assimilation technique. Berzonsky Identity Styles questionnaire was the data aggregation tool, and marks average of the students elective courses was the standard for academic achievement. Research data was checked by Pearson s contingency coefficient formula and multi variance analysis test. The results showed that there is a meaningful difference between Shahed and nonShahedstudents identity style, and there is also meaningful difference between their academic achievement, Average and a meaningful relationship observed betweenShahed students informationalorientation identity style and academic achievement, but there is no meaningful relationship seen between normative, diffuse/avoidant identity style, and Shahedstudents academic achievement. On the other hand, no meaningful relationship is observed between Shahedstudents three identity style and academicachievement rate. andultimately the lateral result of this research was that the first model of informationalorientationidentity style has meaningfully the ability ofacademic achievement, ofShahed students.

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    2 (31)
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Introduction: Divorce is one of the most traumatic losses, and as a risk factor, leading to psychological disorders and Mental damage in the family and also to jeopardize the mental health of the society. The aim of this study was the effects of cognitive training Self-Compassion on dysfunctional attitudes and cognitive distortions in the divorcees poor., destitute. Method: The research method was experimental with pre-test and post-test experimental and control groups. The population includes all women in the second half of 1395 because of exposure to traumatic events divorce and lack the financial ability to manage their lives, sponsored by Committee of of relief city of Gilan West (62 = N). 40 subjects were selected by simple random sampling method in two groups of 20 subjects (Department focused on compassion and the control group) were randomly assigned to. The first group, focused on compassion training for 8 sessions of one hour for the second group, which was considered as a control group. To collect information, a questionnaire for demographic information, Dysfunctional Attitudes and cognitive distortions were used. The collected data were analyzed by using analysis of covariance. Results: The average score of dysfunctional attitudes and cognitive distortions in the group tutorials focused on caring significantly lower than the control group (P>0/001) and average education group focused on caring interpersonal rejection, unrealistic expectations of relationships, misunderstanding between the individual components of cognitive distortions significantly lower than the control group (P>0/01). Conclusion: group therapy training to improve their compassion to the the destitute dysfunctional attitudes and cognitive distortions in the divorcees had an impact.

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Mindfulness is non-judgmental and unexplainable which is based on present and important experience that catches some one's attention during a specific time scale. And it is useful in decrease stress and increase quality of life. The purpose of the present study was to examine the causal relationship between mindfulness with perceived stress in students: The mediating role of self-efficacy and Emotional Intelligence between undergraduate students (male and female) Azad University of Zanjan. The population in this study was of Zanjan Azad university students who the samples included 200 (99 female and 101 male) randomly selected. The tools used for data collection mindfulness questionnaire Brown and Ryan, Cohen Perceived Stress, Sherer's Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, emotional intelligen shot. The proposed model of the relationships between variables was tested using path analysis software (AMOS-20). According to the results, the proposed model was an acceptable fitness regarding the fitness indices. Generally, in the proposed model study results showed that mindfulness both directly and indirectly through self-efficacy and perceived stress was associated with emotional intelligence.

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    2 (31)
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Introduction: Depression in students is one of the most important issues in the field of psychological science. Students with this disorder have many problems, including low sense of competence and reluctance to continue to study. Different methods have been used to treat the related disorder, which DBT therapy is the most important and effective treatment for this psychiatric disorder. So the aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) to improve the Self-determination needs (autonomy, competence and perceived communication) and Meaning of education students in Allashtar. Method: This quasi-experimental study in which the pretest-posttest control group was used. The sample consisted of 40 subjects that depression among female high school students of Allashtar were selected and randomly assigned to experimental groups (dialectical behavior therapy) and control group were assigned. Intervention in the experimental group received 12 sessions of 2 hours of dialectical behavior therapy. During this period, the control group received no intervention. To collect the data, the determination of the scale founding Sorbiou and colleagues (2009) and questionnaires meaning of education Henderson-King and Smith (2006) in the pre-test and post-test for both test and control groups were used. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance. Data analysis software program (SPSS. 21) was performed. Result: Covariance analysis showed significant differences between the two groups. Discussion and conclusion: Results showed that the DBT on meaning of education is effective in increasing the level of Self-determination needs. Therefore, if students can identify depression and help them reduce the disorder by the DBT therapy, they can significantly increase the level of self-determination and the meaning of education in them.

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    2 (31)
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Introduction: The aim of the present study was to investigate psychological well-being and Sensory processing sensitivity levels based on the change in the circadian cycle Morningness and eveningness. Method: For this purpose, Initially 475 students of Urmia were selected, in the form multistage cluster sampling, Then Morningness and eveningness types Questionnaire In order to responding were distributed among them. After analysing the initial results, 51 participants were selected for the second stage According to obtained scores in personality traits questionnaire Morningness and eveningness, as individuals with Morningness and eveningness and intermediate. Finally, , in order to test the hypothesis of this study, participants were have studied to measure well-being and processing sensitivity, Psychological well-being scale and scale of individual with sensory processing sensitivity were distributed among participants in the study in order to collect data. Collected data were analyzed to investigate the research goals. Result: Results indicated significant differences between dimensions of Psychological well-being based on the types of Morningness and eveningness and intermediate, Morningness types had a lower Psychological well-being, also comparison of Morningness and eveningness in Sensory processing sensitivity Dimensions, showed that groups of Morningness types had higher sensitivity to stimulus. Discussion and conclusion: It seems that individual differences in circadian cycles, may be related to levels of mental health and lead to different reactivity to stimulants.

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Background and purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of meta-cognitive therapy (MCT) at the level of sexual satisfaction, marital satisfaction and body image concern (BICI) married women with depression in employees working in Kerman University of Medical Sciences. Material and Method: This quasi-experimental study in which the pretest-posttest control group was used. The sample was 40 subjects with depression among married female employees of Kerman University of Medical Sciences were selected and randomly assigned to experimental groups (MCT) and control group were assigned. Intervention in the experimental group received 9 sessions of 2 hours of Meta Cognitive Therapy. During this period, the control group received no intervention. To collect data Body Image Scale (BII) Fisher (1979), Beck Depression Inventory (1988), Enrich's marital satisfaction and sexual satisfaction Hudson in the pre-test and post-test for both test and control groups were used. Research data were analyzed by analysis of covariance. Using data analysis software (SPSS. 21) was performed. Results: Covariance analysis showed significant differences between the two groups in all three variable body image concern (F=129. 23, P=0. 001), marital satisfaction (F=27. 84, P=0. 001), sexual satisfaction (F=21. 96, P=0. 001). Results showed that MCT in reducing body image concern (BICI) and increase sexual satisfaction and marital satisfaction is effective. Conclusion: Other institutions that employees suffer from depression can MCT treatment to reduce and eliminate symptoms of depression used.

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    2 (31)
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Introduction: the psychological factors and life skills could have important role in attempting suicide of women. The purpose of this study was to identify some of the predictors of suicide in women by comparing two groups of Chemical Suicide female Attempters and control. The research method is causal comparative and the statistical society consisted of women attempting suicide by chemical drugs hospitalized in the Poisoning Emergency Medical and training Center of Razi in Rasht city and control group who had no history of suicide in 2014. In this study, 50 women attempted suicide and 50 who had no history of suicide attempt were selected by Purposeful sampling method and responded to the Neuroticism subscale of 5-factor questionnaire of NEO and Problem-Solving questionnaire. The gathered data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance. The results showed that there exist significant differences between two groups in terms of Neuroticism and problem-solving styles (creative, confidence, tendency, insolvency, control and avoidance) and women attempting suicide by chemical drugs Compared with control group received more scores in Neuroticism and insolvency and low scores in creative, confidence, tendency, control and avoidance (P>0. 01). According to the results of this study Courses could be held based on psychological problems and learn problem-solving skills In order to prevent suicide attempts in women at risk of suicide.

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Interpersonal relationships and emotions are two factors which affected mental health, and can play an important role in the formatting or continuing of maladaptive personality traits. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between friendship quality and affective style with obsessive-compulsive, avoidant and dependent personality disorder. For this purpose, 400 female students of Al-Zahra University were selected by using a sampling method and they responded to the International Personality Disorder Examination Questionnaire screening, friendliness-unfriendliness questionnaire and affective style questionnaire. The results showed that all three disorders have a significant negative correlation with a total score of friendship quality and adjusting component of affective style. Also, regression analysis showed that the components of friendship quality and affective style play a significant role in predicting personality disorder. Commonly, all three disorders have a significant negative relationship with alienation component of friendship quality and have a significant positive relationship with concealing component of affective style. In general, people with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, avoidant and dependent have a experience low quality on different aspects of friendship and they use maladaptive style for affective regulation.

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Objective: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common chronic disease of the central nervous system. Its chronic nature, no cure and onset at a young age can have a devastating effect on quality of life and fatigue. This research is The effect of group mindfulness-based stress reduction program and conscious yoga on the quality of life and fatigue in patients with multiple Sclerosis. Methods: A quasi-experimental study with experimental and control groups, respectively. The sampling method initially public call between members of the MS Society in Tehran were held and 24 patients with a diagnosis of MS and having the criteria for inclusion of the applicants were randomly assigned to the experimental group (n = 12) and control group ( n = 12) were assigned. MS patients' quality of life questionnaires (MSQOL-54) and the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), the participants before and after treatment was completed. The experimental group in 8 sessions of mindfulness-based stress reduction program 2 hours under treatment and yoga sober for groups. Data were analyzed using covariance single variable. Results: The results showed that the mean scores of some subscales of the quality of life including physical functioning, role in relation to physical and mental energy, mental well-being, health threats, perceived health, satisfaction with sexual function, quality of life and fatigue test and control groups was significant difference (P <0/05). Therefore, using this method of protection, can be used as an effective method to improve the quality of life and fatigue resulting from multiple sclerosis and enabling them to be used.

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This study was conducted to examine the impact of upper alpha neurofeedback training on updates working memory in Kurdistan university girl students with academic burnout syndrome and depression symptom. A semi experimental method designed with control and experimental groups, undergoing pre-test and post-test used. The subjects were selected from the Kurdistan university girl students in academic years 2015-2016 and using the volunteer sampling. Methods such that first screening test of Beck depression and Maslach academic bernout among students 19 to 25 years old were distributed and then based on score questionnaire, students who were average scores in both questionnaires were selected and among those who were eligible for the study, 34 people have volunteered to participate in this study and subjects were placed randomly in experimental (n = 17) and control (n = 17) groups and then responded to the Letter – number span test. Neurofeedback sessions was held for the experimental group in psychology laboratory at the University of Kurdistan and for each person over a period of 10 sessions (2 times a week for 45 minutes). Neurofeedback protocols were using upper alpha waves in the parieto-occipital area(P3, PZ, P4, O1, 02 )of the scalp and particular point PZ. After three sessions, two members of the experimental group withdrew from further cooperation. After the end of sessions both groups were assessed and data were analyzed using analysis of covariance and spss 18software. The results showed that upper alpha neurofeedback training has significant effect on updates working memory in Kurdistan university girl students with academic burnout syndrome and depression symptom(p< 0. 001).

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Talebi Nahid

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    2 (31)
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Introduction: The present study examines the effectiveness of exercise training along with the program to increase the awareness and attitude of physical activity on the improvement of workability index of post company employees. Methods: The study was a semi-experimental and pre-test-post-test with control group. To do this research, 60 post workers were employed and randomly divided into two groups of intervention (30 people) and control (30 people). Subjects were first evaluated using the workability index WAI Questionnaire. Then the intervention group participated in the exercise program for 16 weeks and weekly weekly in the exercise program along with the program to increase the awareness and attitude of physical activity, but the control group was not subjected to such intervention. The collected data were analyzed using ANCOVA test and SPSS20 software Results: The mean score of the questionnaire of the ability of the intervention group after the exercise training with the program for increasing the knowledge and attitude of physical activity increased significantly (P <0. 05). Also, there was a significant difference between workability index scores in experimental and control groups. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the simultaneous exercise of two exercises with the program to increase the awareness and attitude of physical activity, in improving the workability of the staff is effective and increases the productivity and quality of the workability of the organizations.

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View 384

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Background and Objectives: Attending to psychological state in women with HIV because of strong influence on incidence, progression and prognosis of this disease is very important. The aim of present study was investigating the effectiveness of mind-fullness based cognitive therapy on depression, anxiety, perceived stress and quality of life in women with HIV. Methods and Materials: This research was semi-experimental with pre-test and post-test and follow-up with control group. In this study, 24 positive HIV women in Tehran city were selected by volunteers sampling method and were randomly assigned to either control group and or MBCT groups and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D), Zung anxiety scale (SAS), Cohen Perceived Stress (PSS) and World health organization Quality of life questionnaire were administrated as pretest. The MBCT group received 8 sessions of mindfulness based cognitive therapy and the control group received no intervention. At the end, post-test was administrated on two groups and, repeated measure multi-variable was used for data analysis by spss-20 software. Results: The results of the present study indicated that there were significant differences between the experimental groups control group and MBCT (p<0. 001). So that, in MBCT group decrease the mean of depression, anxiety, perceived stress and increase the mean of quality of life. Discussion: Therefore, In order to improve the quality of life and reduce in psychological in these patients, attention to these variables during clinical trials with the goal of appropriate intervention will be beneficial.

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The Introduction: Networking sites like Facebook or XING for instance provide individuals not only a technical platform to get together, but they enable users to articulate and make visible their own social networks. The purpose of this study was to comparise personality characteristics and loneliness of users and non-users of social networks among Lali Payam e Noor university students. Methods: The study was an applicable work and the statistical population included all Payamnoor University students in Lali province (n=800). Using voluntary sampling, 231 students were selected as sample group. Instruments of the study are student’ s loneliness scale based on Russel, Peplau & Cutrona(1980), short form of personality characteristics of Costa, & MacCrae (NEO-FFI) 1992 questionnaire. Data was analyzed using multi-variable (MANOVA) and one-variable variance. Results: The results of one-variable variance showed that there is significant difference between users and non-users of social networks in terms of loneliness and personality characteristics. Discusion: Since the present study showed that the use of social networks in extraterritorial and open-label students and students with high loneliness is high, it is suggested to the custodians that to reduce the feeling of loneliness and increase communication with others in students, the development of social networks With diverse programs.

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Objective: Virtual reality exposure has recently emerged as an innovative tool for exposure therapy in the treatment of fear of flying. Fear of flying, a key component of which is anxiety, often remains uncured if no intervention procedures are employed. Not to point to the fact that about 10 to 25 percent of all the individuals experience anxiety and that causes the individual entirely to avoid travelling by air. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) to reduce anxiety stemming from the fear of flying, Method: our method wasby utilizing the experimental pre-post test design with the control group. The recruitment of participants took place among the referring clients to Tehran’ s Aerospace Research Institute directed to which, from different counseling centers and airports. Forty individuals suffering from flying phobia constituted the statistical population among which 20 who met the inclusion criteria were selected as participants. They were then, randomly separated into two intervention (nine-female, one-male) and one control (10-female) groups. Intervention group participants were subject to 10 treatment sessions individually, through five weeks each lasting for 20 minutes. The Flight Anxiety Situations questionnaire was provided previous to and subsequent to the intervention to both experimental groups. Gathered data were analyzed employing the non parametric Mann-Whitney and Friedman test. Results: The Flight Anxiety Situations questionnaire comprises of four subscales including constant anxiety, situation-specific anxiety, complex anxiety and short-term anxiety. Non parametric analysis results indicated the significance of difference in average anxiety scores between the four subscales and average anxiety values of the three intervention courses of pretest, posttest and follow up, too. P<0. 05). Discussion and conclusion: Given the findings in this investigation, the efficacy of VRET for flying phobia is inferred. Therefore, considering the useful and durable efficacy of VRET in such a short period of time in reducing anxiety, VRET as a novel therapeutic approach is an asset for further research and development.

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Introduction: Marital infidelity is a painful event for women that threaten the family system. The most important variables associated with marital infidelity are included perspective taking and forgiveness. So present research aimed to investigation the effectiveness of imago therapy on perspective taking and forgiveness among women damaged by marital infidelity. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was done with a pre-test and post-test by a control group. Statistical population included all women damaged by marital infidelity that referred to counseling centers of Ahvaz city in 2016 year. Totally 30 women were selected by available sampling method and randomly assigned to two equal group (each group 15 person). The experimental group training (8 sessions of 90 minutes) by imago therapy method and the control group didn’ t receive any treatment. Both groups were evaluated using the questionnaires of Longs’ perspective taking and Pollard & Colleagues’ forgiveness as a pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed by one-variable covariance method and with assistance SPSS-22 software. Results: The results of the findings showed that there is significant difference between the experimental and control groups on perspective taking and forgiveness. In other words, imago therapy led to significant increase on perspective taking and forgiveness in women damaged by marital infidelity (P<0/05). Conclusion: According to the results, it can be suggested that counselors and therapists use therapeutic communication as an intervention to reduce the problems of women affected by marital infidelity.

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The purpose of this study is to compose and reliability of a survey about histrionic women's mutual damages in their marital relationship. The method that was used for this survey was a composition of exploratory and combinatory which was done in two steps. The first step was a qualitative factors discovery analysis one which included 17 semi-structured interviews and review of scientific resources. Related articles were gathered based on qualitative content analysis. At the second step, self-made validity and reliability were examined. Those tools were marital conflicts surveys and reformed double adjustment survey (RDAS) and mutual damages which were all made by the researcher. The statistical population of this study was all married women from Iran, Isfahan who has histrionic personality. The sample of this research was two hundred married women with histrionic personality who were chosen with purposive sampling and were reviewed by SPSS software in terms of elemental analysis. The result of elemental analysis showed that women's mutual damage survey is multi-dimensional. The total Cronbach's alpha was 93%. This survey is in a great validity and credibility level, which helped in obtaining several coherent factors and has the ability of identifying interactive damages of women with histrionic personality in clinical and couples researches.

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This study evaluated the normalization of the Persian version of the Parents’ Response to Children’ s Positive Emotions Scale (PRCPS). For evaluating reliability and validity of this scale through random sampling, 400 mothers of 4-7-year-old children completed the PRCPS and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ). Evaluating internal reliability of PRCPS subscales by Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient shows that α s ranges of all subscales were from 0. 73 to 0. 83. Test-retest reliability revealed that PRCPS were significantly correlated with range of. 92 to. 97. In content validity two items changed. And about PRCPS results suggest that four factors should be extracted that this is similar to the original version. The correlation of subscale of PRCPS and CERQ were significant that it means this scale had a good divergent and convergent validity. Iranian norm of PRCPS was examined via standard scores (Z_ score). It was concluded that the PRCPS is a reliable and valid instrument in this sample and we have the norm of Iranian mothers.

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The visceral sensitivity index (VSI) is a useful self-report measure of the gastrointestinal symptom-specific anxiety (GSA) of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Previous research has shown that GSA is an important endpoint for intervention. However, there is currently no Iranian version of the VSI. In the present study, translated the VSI into Persian and verified its reliability and validity. Participants were 242 undergraduate university that selected by stratified random selection. The research tool was 15 item VSI that used for gastrointestinal symptom-specific anxiety assessment. The reliability and factor structure of the VSI were investigated. Results showed that factor structure of the VSI is unidimensional and similar to that of the original VSI. Also, results showed that VSI has a high reliability coefficient (Cronbach’ s α = 0. 93). Totally, findings suggest that the VSI is a reliable and valid measure of visceral sensitivity in Iranian sample.

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One of the properties which is always has been regarded and man has experienced is “ Jealousy” . It has been prohibited in the Quran and traditions and is considered one of the three principles of atheism. In Islamic texts, Jealousy has been translated to "Desire to decline favor of another". On the other hand, "envy", versus “ Jealousy” , is mentioned that gaining blessing instead declining favor of another blessing for individual purpose is concerned. “ Jealousy” has caused to attempt in Islamic texts and sources. Some research has been done about it; but these studies have faced methodological shortcomings. Hence, the target of this study, first of all, is to identify the concept, features and aspects of jealousy in the Qur'an and hadith texts and comparing it with the concept of jealousy in psychology. The second step is to reach an integrated Islamic pattern, based on the findings and research results. Results: The results obtained with respect to the root of jealousy, "H s d", are five cases; in which the position of the suras with the subject jealousy has come once in ” Meccan suras” which contain sura Al-Falagh(twentieth revealed sura) and three times in “ Madani Suras” , including Al-Fath(one hundred and twelfth revealed sura), Al-Nisa (ninety-second revealed sura) and sura Al-Bagarah(eighty-seventh revealed sura). Therefore, the most suras with the subject of jealousy can be considered “ Madani” . In the traditions of Bihar al-Anwar, jealousy, has been used 157 times. The determination of the concept and categorization of specified cases contained the following: The concept and typology of jealousy, the consequence of jealousy upon him self and the other, the appearance domain of jealousy, the types of jealousy, jealousy samples, the elements of jealousy formation, the quality of reducing and confronting with jealousy. Conclusion: It seems that jealousy is associated with areas of nature and partly learning. The two types of envy or jealousy or intrigue and neglect can be discussed too. This issue always has consequences for the individual and the other, provided objective criteria. Afterwards, it can be concerned for intrapersonal and interpersonal consequences. Although taking refuge in the Lord has been mentioned as the most central way to deal with jealousy in the text of Quran and traditions, but the cross-sectional manners have introduced too. With these categories, we can speak of a coherent pattern that is sometimes different, sometimes in parallel with the science of psychology.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to design emotional and sexual infidelity scenarios and to examine the factor structure and its internal consistency in a sample of Iranian students and staff. Method: In this research, 104 men and 96 women were selected with an average of 19-30 age and using multistage cluster sampling. The researcher-made questionnaire and scenarios are the tools of this research. To construct and validate scenarios, original scenarios related to research patterns translated, initially. In the second step, by interviews with ordinary samples and examples of divorce cases, revealed the areas and issues related to jealousy in Iranian culture. In the next step, with the help of several professor and graduate students, they were examined and corrected. Finally, by introductory run in a sample similar to the previous one, scenarios were re-criticized and corrected. Results: In this study, 7 scenarios were obtained which was measured emotional and sexual infidelity in each of them, separately and was responded according to the Likert pattern, from no disturbing (zero) to very disturbing (seven). Findings of the exploratory factor analysis revealed two factors ( sexual and emotional jealousy) and the confirmatory factor analysis showed a good fit for this model. The range of the correlation between scenarios varied from 0. 15 to 0. 75, which was significantly, indicating the good intrinsic coherence of this tool. Conclusion: The scenarios of emotional and sexual jealousy have the proper factor structure and the good internal consistency.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study is to determine the gender differences in Jealousy between men and women. It is assumed that men are disturbed more than sexual infidelity and women more than emotional Infidelity. Method: In order to investigate the research questions, samples were selected from students and educators in Golestan province. The statistical population of the present study included all single and married women and men (19 to 30 years old ) in Gorgan. The research sample included two groups: The men and women who were selected by Clustering method among single students of Gorgan University, and male and female employees of married education, which their age and gender were matched to single individuals. In this research, 200 subjects were studied that included 104 men (56 single and 48 married) and 96 women (33 single and 63 married). The current research tools included two parts: 1) Researcher-made questionnaire on demographic characteristics of samples that included variables such as age, gender, marital status and duration, educational level, place of residence, spouse's profile. 2) scenarios, which were presented in accordance with external research and related questions. In order to adapt it to the conditions of the Iranian society and respect cultural aspects, referring to men and women in the family courts and the public environment, the cases of emotional and sexual infidelity were amended in accordance with the cultural conditions of Iran. Result: After implementation of the mentioned tools, the research data were analyzed based on multiple variance analysis. A summary of the results showed that in part of the scenarios, men suffered more than sexual infidelity and women more than emotional infidelity. Conclusion: In terms of sexual and emotional infidelity, there are gender differences between men and women.

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