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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Having inefficient lifestyle, incorrect dietary habits, low body exercise, and social-cultural environment malfunction are main factors for over-weighting and fatness.  So this survey tries to compare efficiency of two methods of therapy based on problem-solving skills and weight management therapy cognition in BMI reduction and improvement of weight efficiency lifestyle among overweight and fat women. For this purpose, 34 women with BMI>25 were selected by available sampling and were categorized in two test groups of therapy based on problem-solving, and confronting with and cognition of therapy (each group 17 persons). All of tested women answered to WEL questionnaire items at the beginning, at the end, and 12 weeks after each therapy course finish and their BMI was calculated. Data analysis through SPSS 16th version and by applying frequent-measurement variance analysis test showed that two interventions have led to meaningful reduction of BMI (P<0.05). But no meaningful difference was observed between these two interventions in this area (P>0.05). Also, there was no significant difference between the two interventions on improvement of weight efficiency lifestyle (P>0.05). Therefore, it could be concluded that using special methods of each intervention such as self-supervision, correction of destructive thought, problem-solving skills, and strategies against environmental and emotional clues for triggering of eating, subjects could increase self-inhibition and resistance against these stimuli and help to improve their weight efficient lifestyle and their weight loosing.

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Human being is a social creature and having social relationships is one of his substantial needs. Our purpose is comparing the characteristics in popular and solitary high school girl students. The methodology is casual comparative research. Statistical population is all of high school girl students in Baharestan. Sampling was done in a random cluster method. 8 schools were selected among 21 schools through random cluster sampling. 1232 girl participated in the study, 368 of them were categorized in popular and solitary girls categories by sociometry method. 57-question Eysenck personality inventory was used for measurement of girls’ characteristics and for selection of popular and solitary girls, sociometry questionnaire was applied. Chi-square was applied for statistical analysis and introversion and psycho-neurotic affliction mean in solitary group was higher than popular one. Findings show that individuals’ characteristics can influence solitude and popularity.

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The purpose of this study is analyzing the relation of emotional intelligence, coping strategies against stress, and general intelligence with Orumieh pre-university students’ academic development and achievement. Statistical population was all of male and female high school students in Orumieh. At first, 310 persons were selected by multistage cluster sampling and answered to Bar-On emotional intelligence test and Endler & Parker stress coping questionnaire. Then 50 persons were randomly selected and answered to Kettle IQ test. The methodology of this research was correlation and for data analysis we applied mean, standard deviation, heuristic and confirmatory analysis, structural equations modeling (for 310 students) and Pearson correlation coefficient, and multi-variable regression (for 50 students). Results of structural equations modeling indicated that direct effect of emotional intelligence on academic achievement and problem-oriented method is meaningful and positive. Emotion-oriented method has meaningful reverse relation with academic achievement. Also, results of multi-variable regression showed that general intelligence is the meaningful and significant predictor of academic achievement.

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This study was conducted in order to examine effectiveness of educating self-esteem behavior-cognition approach on students’ aggression. The methodology was experimental research with pre-test and post-test for control group. Statistical population included all high school male students in Share-Kurd. The sample was 30 students whom were selected among 100 students answering aggression questionnaire, their scores were one standard deviation lower than mean and these 30 students were randomly categorized in two 15-person experimental and control groups. Experimental group attended in 8 sessions of self-esteem behavior-cognition education, 1.5 hour per week while control group did not receive any educational courses. Research tools included Coopersmith self-esteem questionnaire, Buss and Perri aggression questionnaire and after data collection, covariance analysis was used in addition to descriptive statistics methods for data analysis. Data analysis shows that self-esteem behavior-cognition education in (P<0.05) causes reduction of teens’ aggression.

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This study was conducted aimed to survey the coping styles, general health of D-personality individuals and relations between these variables. The methodology was descriptive correlation research. Subjects were 400 students, selected by stratified sampling. DS-14 scale, general health questionnaire (GHQ), and CISS questionnaire were applied for data collection. Data analysis was done using correlation, regression analysis, and t-test. Correlation test results showed that D-personality type has meaningful relation with mental health and problem-oriented and emotion-oriented coping styles (P<0.01). Regression analysis indicated that problem-oriented and emotion-oriented coping styles and personality type have respectively more share in mental health prediction (P<0.01). In addition, according to t-test results, there were significant and meaningful difference between D-type individuals and non-D-type individuals in their mental health and coping styles (P<0.05). Individuals with D-type personality have less general health and emotion-oriented coping style than non-D-type. So, it seems that D-type personality can have important effect on general health and application of various coping styles.

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The purpose of this study is comparison of general health, job stress, and burnout among ordinary and mental-retarded-students primary schools’ teachers in Khuzestan province. 125 mental-retarded-student teachers were selected by multistage random method. Also, 125 ordinary-student teachers were selected from the same area which mental-retarded-student teachers were chosen. Data gathering tools were general health questionnaire (GHQ), job stress generators questionnaire for teachers (JSQT), Maslach burnout inventory (BMI) questionnaire. For data analysis, descriptive statistics methods (mean, standard deviation), and deductive methods (multi-variable variance analysis) were applied. Analysis results showed that mental-retarded-student teachers have worse general health in comparison with ordinary-student teachers. Also, findings indicated that there was no meaningful difference in job stress between the two groups of teacher. But burnout in all dimensions (emotional analysis, depersonalization, and lack of individual success) was more observed in mental-retarded-student teachers in comparison with ordinary-student teachers.

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The puspose of this study was survey of effectiveness of educational program based on Always Method on second and fourth year bullying boy students’ social pleasant behaviors in Isfahan. This study was semi-empirical with pre- and post-test and follow-up with experimental and control groups. Statistical population was all of second and fourth year bullying boy students in Isfahan in 2009-2010 academic year. Sample was 40 second and fourth year bullying students whom were selected by multistage random method among Isfahan six educational areas and were categorized in two 20-person experimental and control groups. Measurement tools were sociometry and peers relation questionnaire with three sub-scales: bullying, victim, and social pleasant behavior. Experimental group received ten sixty-minute sessions based on Always Method which was held twice per week. Data analysis was done by SPSS-15 software and multi-variable covariance analysis. Findings showed that educational program based on Always Method meaning-fully increases social pleasant behavior rate in second and fourth year bullying boy students in post-test and follow-up (P<0.0001). So, educational program based on Always Method increases social pleasant behavior and most important function of this study is its effectiveness on increase of social pleasant behavior in schools and totally within society. This method can be offered to children’s experts for reduction of annoying and destructive behaviors and improvement of social pleasant behavior level in peers’ relations.

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This article determines influence of education of emotional intelligence components on mental health improvement and self-imagination of Arak Payam Nour University's athlete girl students. This is survey (analytic-descriptive) research which is quasi-empirical one. It was conducted in form of pre- and post-test with control group. 24 students were categorized in two 12-person experimental and control groups after general health questionnaire and self-imagination questionnaire. Experimental group was educated emotional intelligence components in nine 90-minute sessions during two months and finally post-test was taken from both groups. Results were analyzed by covariance analysis and SPSS software. Findings showed that education of emotional intelligence components is meaningfully effective on improvement of mental health and self-imagination of athlete girl students (P>0.01). Conclusion is that education of emotional intelligence components improves mental health and self-imagination of athletes.

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Determining the relation of Shahed students’ cognition of academic atmosphere and their individual and family characteristics with social compatibility is purpose of this study. Subjects are 315 male and female Shahed students, selected among all of Tehran universities’ students using stratified sampling with appropriate allocation. The applied tools in this research are California personality questionnaire and structured questionnaire for measurement of Shahed students’ cognition of academic atmosphere and Shahed students’ demographic features. The data were analyzed by hierarchical regression. Findings showed that Students’ satisfaction from Shahed privilege, other students’ positive viewpoint to Shahed students, professors’ attitude, and marriage of Shahed students are predictors of Shahed students’ social compatibility. No meaningful relation was observed between students’ family variables such as their mothers’ remarriage and social compatibility. Possible reasons for lack of meaningful relation between family variable variables such as their mothers’ remarriage and social compatibility was discussed.

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Many tools are developed in western countries for measurement of five-factor model which NEO-FFI is one of the most applicable tools. This test has acceptable popularity among Iranian researchers and it is used in many studies. For factor analysis, 1605 Iranian students were analyzed. Confirmatory heuristic factor analysis was used for data analysis. According to scree diagram, 5 factors were identified. Meanwhile, these 5 extracted factors are different from 5 main personality factors. Only two factors (conscientiousness and psycho-affliction) in this analysis were regenerated at some extent. In addition, these 5 factors explain relatively low percent of test score distribution (32.32%). Heuristic factor analysis showed that model fitting indicators are so weak. Generally, these results indicate non-transparent and impure factor structure of this test in applied sample and its functionality in Iran could be under question.

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The main purpose of this study was evaluation of validity and reliability of HISD on a sample of Isfahan married men and women. 325 persons were selected among all married women and men visiting Isfahan cultural centers in two stages (75 persons in the first stage and 250 persons in the second one) by available sampling and completed Halbert index of sexual desire questionnaire and criterion questionnaire (sexual desire inventory, sexual self-presentation scale, and sexual performance scale). Results of internal consistency reliability coefficient such as Cronbach Alpha and Split-half Method (for 25 items) were satisfactory. In addition, single-way variance analysis indicated that there is meaningful difference in sexual desire between men and women (P> 0.100) and also there is meaningful and positive relation between aging and sexual desire (P> 0.100). Psychometric indicators resulted represent accordance of results with previous researches, and based on convergent validity and Halbert index of sexual desire reliability it can be used for measurement of individuals’ sexual desire in clinical and research environments.

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Some of indices which are provided for measurement of life quality in general population are not applicable for all groups such as children and individuals with cognition disorders. In order to cope with this limitation, after some researches, personal welfare (life quality) index (PWI) was developed in Australia. Subsequently, its similar version was designed for student population of 12-year to 18 year old and its psychometric features was evaluated. So, the purpose of this study is examination of the mentioned scale psychometric features among Iranian student population. Statistical population was all of high school students in Bojnourd. A sample of 563 students was selected by cluster sampling. In this study, Personal Welfare Index Student Copy (PWI-SC), General health Questionnaire (GHQ-28), and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7) were used. Also, Pearson correlation, confirmative heuristic factor analysis, regression and t-test for independent groups were applied. Findings showed that PWI-SC based on Cronbach Alpha (0.81), two-item scale Cronbach Alpha (0.69 and 0.62), and correlation coefficient related to its retest (0.87) have appropriate reliability. Also, reliability of scale was evaluated by correlation to other questionnaires: GHQ and GAD-7. Factor analysis of the scale in Iranian student sample indicates its saturation by one factor. Generally, personal welfare index student copy (PWI-SC) has appropriate psychometric features considering the methodology limitations of this study.

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