Maqameh is declared as one of the most important literary techniques in Arabic literature. The main cause of this importance must be searched in the goal that writer of Maqameh fallows it, and that is teaching methods of expression in addition to profiting of literal equation and vocal contradictory and musical Rhythmic methods adorned by kinds of different orders of addition of mentioned items, we must not forget the role of narration and plot in fulfillment of different instructional goals and explanation of social, cultural and Folklore questions. The most famous writers of Maqamat in Arabic literature are Badieozaman Hamedani (inventor of Maqameh technique) and Hariri. Later this method with all of fablic, instructional technical dimension’s influence in persion literature with expansion of Arabic maqamat circle and exit from Arabic frame work. Meanwhile we can find the best manifestation of this effect in Hamedani’s Maqamat. In this paper, the writer tries to specify artistic and literary powerful report, technical, subjective, instructional, social, cultural, literary Arabic’s Maqamat.