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Introduction: Electroencephalography (EEG) is the mos t commonly used method to s tudy the function of the brain. This s tudy represents a computerized model for dis tinguishing between epileptic and healthy subjects using EEG signals with relatively high accuracy. Materials and Methods: The EEG database used in this s tudy was obtained from the data available in Andrzejak. This dataset consis ts of 5 EEG sets (designated as A to E), each containing 100 EEG sections. Collections A and B comprised EEG signals that have been taken from 5 healthy volunteers. The C and D sets referred to EEGs from patients with focal epilepsy (without ictal recordings) and the E set was derived from a patient with ictal recording. Support vector machines were used after applying principal components analysis or linear discriminant analysis over the features of the signals. MATLAB has been used to implement and tes t the proposed classification algorithm. To evaluate the proposed method, the confusion matrix, overall success rate, ROC, and the AUC of each class were extracted. K-fold cross-val idation technique was used to validate the results. Results: The overall success rate achieved in this s tudy was above 82%. Dimension reduction algorithms can improve its accuracy and speed. Conclusion: It is helpful to be able to predict the occurrence of a seizure early and accurately. Using the computerized model represented in this s tudy could accomplish this goal.

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Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects information processing in the nervous sys tem and the procedure of natural brain evolution. the processing and analysis of the brain function of these patients have captivated, Therefore the attention of many researchers. Qualitative electroencephalography (EEG) is an evaluation method for determining functional brain abnormalities that is different from quantitative EEG. Chaotic tools are used in qualitative EEG whereas linear and nonlinear methods are applied in quantitative EEG. The purpose of the present s tudy is to compare qualitative EEG findings of healthy and autis tic subjects. Materials and Methods: In this s tudy, 19 channels Fp2, Fp1, F7, T3, T5, O1, O2, , of brain signals (Cz, C4, F4, Fz, F3, C3, P3, Pz, P4, T4, F8 At firs t 5-minutes. T6) of 6 healthy and 5 autis tic subjects were evaluated in two phases with closed eyes and then 5-minutes with opened eyes, the subject’ s EEG was recorded. After removing the artifacts, the correlation dimension of the signals was calculated, and . brain maps were plotted to analyze the changes of correlation dimension on the scalp surface Results: By comparison of the brain maps of the healthy and autis tic groups between the opened and closed eyes periods, we found there was a difference between the brain function especially in the T3 and T4 regions of the temporal regions as well as frontal, of the groups Conclusion: Using brain maps, correlation dimension mapping on. and pos terior areas the brain surface provides a better unders tanding of brain dynamics in autis tic subjects.

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Introduction: The purpose of this s tudy was to determine the comparison of the effectiveness of pivotal response treatment (PRT) and applied behavioral analysis (ABA) on the severity of symptoms and executive functions in autis tic children. Materials and Methods: This s tudy was a quasi-experimental s tudy with a pretes t-pos ttes t design associated with a control group. The s tatis tical population of this s tudy was all children with autism spectrum disorder (5-12 years old) who referred to Tabriz Autism Center in 2019. For the purpose of sampling, 60 autis tic children were selected using the available sampling method and randomly divided into 3 groups, the firs t experimental PRT group (n=20), the second experimental ABA group (n=20), and the control group (n=20). The data were collected using the Garz tes t and the College Results: The results showed that PRT and. Neuropsychological and Personality Ques tionnaire ABA exerted beneficial effects on the severity of symptoms and executive functions, decreased the severity of symptoms, and improved executive functions in children. Furthermore, the results of the pos t hoc tes t showed that the training of the PRT method was significantly superior to the ABA method over the severity of symptoms and executive functions. Conclusion: Attention to these educational methods (PRT and ABA) has an important role in the reduction of symptoms severity and the improvement of executive functions of autis tic children.

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Introduction: Artificial intelligence researchers are trying to implement human intelligence on the machine. This s tudy aimed to develop an appropriate predictive computer model to evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on irritability. Materials and Methods: The design of the present s tudy is quasi-experimental with a pre-tes t and pos t-tes t method. 135 individuals who referred to Khane Mehr counseling center in Mashhad and participated in an 8-session mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) course were included in this s tudy. Totally, 11 MBCT courses were held and 10 to 14 people participated in each course. Participants completed the irritability ques tionnaire (Pourafrouz & et al. ) at two s tages (before treatment and after treatment). In order to examine the differences from pre tes t to pos t-tes t in this research, the variance analysis of repeated measures was used. Results: There was a significant difference between pre-tes t and pos t-tes t irritability scores. The effect of mindfulness was 83%. To develop the prediction model, three Bayesian, regression, and neural network models were compared. The Bayesian model, with 93% accuracy tes t data, was considered the mos t appropriate model. Moreover, the Bayesian models with input and output clus tering (85. 7%), the Bayesian with classification (71. 49%), and the sequential neural network (64. 29%) were identified as suitable models to predict the effectiveness of 8-session mindfulness courses on reducing irritability. The Bayesian model with output clus tering, one-output regression, and the Convulsions Neural Network did not have sufficient predictive accuracy for the effectiveness of mindfulness. Conclusion: Using cognitive modeling, we can predict the efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on irritability.

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Introduction: Mitochondrial disorders play an essential role in reducing the health, infes tation, and progression of aging. The SIRT3 in mitochondria coordinates many mitochondrial biological aspects that are important in aging. Moreover, it alters directly the activity of many metabolic enzymes. Exercise has been able to enhance SIRT3 protein’ s expression and improve antioxidant function and neuroprotection. Resveratrol acts as a modulator of SIRT3 and has anti-aging and neuroprotective effects. The aim of this s tudy was to determine the effect of HIIT swimming activity and resveratrol supplementation on SIRT3 levels in the frontal lobe among older rats. Materials and Methods: Thirty rats were randomly divided into 5 groups; control (C), solvent (S), supplement (R), HIIT exercise (EX), HIIT exercise, and supplement (EXR)). The EX group performed HIIT swimming training for six weeks. Group C rats did not practice. Group R rats received only resveratrol supplementation. Rats in the EXR group performed HIIT swimming exercises with resveratrol. Group S received the only solvent. The SIRT3 protein levels were assessed frontal lobe of the rats. Results: A significant increase in SIRT3 protein was observed in group R, EX, and EXR groups compared to the control group. In addition, there was a subs tantial difference between the mean values of SIRT3 protein among the three groups. SIRT3 levels in the EX and EXR groups were significantly greater compared to the R group. Conclusion: Increasing the amount of SIRT3 in the response of HIIT swimming training in older rats indicating the involvement of this protein in metabolic pathways, antioxidant defense, and neuroprotection. In addition to metabolic tissues, this process occurs in the frontal lobe of the brain.

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Introduction: In addition to experiencing physical symptoms, patients with psoriasis experience a wide range of psychological problems, including depression and anxiety. The aim of this s tudy was to inves tigate the effectiveness of yoga exercises on anxiety and depression in patients with psoriasis. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted as a semi-experimental s tudy using pre-tes t and pos t-tes t with a control group. Twenty patients were selected and randomly divided into two groups of yoga practice and control with equal numbers. Participants completed the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventory. The experimental group received yoga interventions for 8 weeks (two sessions per week). Results: The results showed a significant decrease in anxiety and depression scores of psoriasis patients following yoga exercises. Conclusion: Yoga training is effective in reducing anxiety and depression in patients with psoriasis. Participation in yoga exerts beneficial effects on the psychological conditions of patients with psoriasis.

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Introduction: Little attention has been paid to the impairment of executive functions (EF) in depression disorders when evaluating the effectiveness of therapies. The aim of this s tudy was to evaluate and compare the effects of two important therapies of behavioral therapy approach, namely therapy based on Behavioral Activation Therapy (BA) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on the three executive function components of inhibition, learning rules, and flexibility in patients with depression. Materials and Methods: This research was quasi-experimental field research with a pre-pos ttes t and control group with a three-month follow-up. The s tatis tical population of the s tudy consis ted of all clients diagnosed with depression in the psychology and counseling centers of Ahvaz in 2019. Forty-five of them were selected by purposive sampling and randomly assigned to two experimental groups and one control group. To collect the data Tower Tes t and Word Context Tes t of D-KEFS were used. Results: The results showed that ACT and BA significantly improve the learning of rules, inhibition, and mental flexibility of subjects with depression immediately after treatment. However, the effectiveness of BA on learning the rules and inhibition was significantly higher than ACT. In the follow-up phase, only the effectiveness of BA on the two components of rule learning and inhibition remained s table, and ACT did not retain its effectiveness on any of the components of EF after a two-month period. Conclusion: Considering the different range of intensity and duration of effect of BA and ACT on different EF components of patients with depression, our findings can be useful for selecting and designing the most appropriate treatment approach according to the needs of each patient.

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Introduction: Royal Jelly (RJ) may exert positive effects on the function of the central nervous sys tem. The aim of the present s tudy was to inves tigate the effect of RJ on depression and anxiety in trimethyltin (TMT)-induced Alzheimer’ s disease (AD) model in rats. Materials and Methods: 32 rats were randomly divided into four groups; healthy (HC), AD, sham (SH), and RJ-treated. Forced Swimming Tes t (FST) for depression and Elevated Plus-Maze (EPM) for anxiety assessment were performed. Gene expression in the samples was measured using Real-Time PCR. Results: The dependent variable of immobility significantly increased in the AD group compared to the HC and RJ groups. Furthermore, the SH group has shown greater immobility than the HC group. The antioxidant indexes of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase were significantly greater in the RJ group compared to the SH and AD groups. These indexes were also higher in the HC group than in the SH and AD groups. The RJ and HC groups exhibited a significant reduction in anxiety behaviours compared to the other groups. Conclusion: RJ supplementation has the ability to modulate the mood in the TMT model of AD in rats and may exert beneficial effects in the treatment of AD.

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Introduction: One of the main challenging issues in cognitive science is the role of attention in consciousness. It is generally believed that attention is essential for consciousness. However, some s tudies have shown in some conditions, such as iconic memory, consciousness happens without attention. In previous s tudies, using iconic memory dual tasks in which attention is locally diverted to peripheral task in order to examine consciousness in the central task has caused the problem of expectation and previous knowledge in perception of the s timuli. The purpose of the present study was to tes t attention necessity for consciousness in iconic memory using the modified Stroop paradigm. Materials and Methods: Thirty Participants subjects were selected and randomly assigned to the partial and whole report groups. Results: Participants had significantly more correct responses in the partial group compared to the whole report group both in congruent and incongruent conditions. This indicates that attentional bias to word processing in incongruent conditions did not affect the correct responses compared to congruent conditions. Conclusion: Attention is not necessary for consciousness in iconic memory.

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Introduction: Covid-19 pandemic has created a worldwide emergency that poses a devas tating threat to mental health, economic, and social indicators. Social dis tancing and quarantine have seriously damaged social relations. The quarantine can lead to socio-economic problems, such as long-term unemployment, job losses, and declining family incomes in many countries. Declining social relations and changing economic conditions can lead to serious crises, particularly psychological issues, in metropolitan areas. Hence, it is necessary to look at these aspects that have received less attention. Materials and Methods: In this s tudy, the socio-economic aspects of COVID-19 disease in Tehran collected from 200, 000 citizens based on qualitative indicators in the form of a ques tionnaire, and then the data were analyzed. Results: The results of this project showed that people’ s responses are very different depending on the type of job (private, government, informal, and self-employment). The type of employment relationship is decisive in answering ques tions, such as job loss during and after the corona pandemics, living standards, and reduced cos ts of luxury goods. Conclusion: In order to reduce the social risks, non-governmental organizations and the government should prepare and implement programs to ensure job security, create a desire to save, produce s tructured job opportunities, and develop skills.

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Introduction: COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 s train, is highly contagious and can be fatal in acute cases. In severe cases, hypoxia leads to hypoxemia. In these conditions, oxygen management using ventilation and intubation is very necessary. Optimizing and s tandardizing treatment management through clinical data can improve the quality of care as well as the patient’ s condition. Materials and Methods: In this s tudy, using data from randomized clinical trials and sys tematic review and meta-analysis, several critical PICOs (population, intervention, comparator, and outcome) were collected. The GRADE approach was also used to evaluate the quality of evidence and the effectiveness of the recommendations derived from the s tudies. Results: Based on the available evidence, the following recommendations advised to improve the condition of patients: I) the use of sys temic corticos teroids in patients who need oxygen and the use of anticoagulant drugs during hospitalization recommended. II) Treatment of monoclonal antibody (i. e., interleukin-6-receptor antagonis t) with oxygen is conditionally recommended in patients with respiratory failure. III) The hydroxychloroquine in combination with lopinavir-ritonavir should not be used in patients with respiratory failure. IV) The use of azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine in combination with azithromycin, colchicine, and remdesivir are recommended temporarily in patients with ventilation. V) Early diagnosis and initiation of treatment have a significant effect on the patient’ s recovery. Conclusion: The proposed guideline obtained from the evaluation of clinical trials, sys tematic reviews, and meta-analyses can improve the outcomes of patients with COVID-19 disease.

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Introduction: As trocytes are cells with dis tinct morphological and functional properties in certain areas of the brain and play regulatory roles, such as neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, control of the blood-brain barrier permeability, and maintaining extracellular homeos tasis. Moreover, as trocytes play a key role in the development and modulation of neural circuits through communicating with axons, dendrites, and synapses according to the needs of the surrounding cells. Furthermore, as trocytes play an essential role in synaptic plas ticity, and memory formation via the modulation of neural function. Mature as trocytes are activated following central nervous sys tem damage and changed to reactive as trocytes type A1 and A2. Supporting roles of reactive as trocytes may shift to toxic functions and finally cause the progression of neurological diseases. Neurotransmitter disorder, abnormal brain development, and regeneration of synaptic s tructures are observed in the brains of patients with neuropsychological diseases. Extensive s tudies have pointed to the role of as trocytes in depression, schizophrenia, and drug dependence. On the other hand, as trocytes are an important factor in neuronal damage in neurodegenerative diseases. Neurological and radiological s tudies have shown that these diseases are associated with severe inflammation and as trocytes are among the mos t important cells that cause inflammation. Reactive as trocytes play a role in the pathology of various neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’ s disease, Parkinson’ s disease, lateral amyotrophic sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, and Huntington’ s. Alterations in neurotransmitters, cellular connections, receptors, signaling pathways (especially in the field of inflammation), secretion of inflammatory factors, aqueous channels, secretion of growth factors, protein deposition, ionic homeos tasis, and finally, changes in the size and number of as trocytes have been considered as the mos t important pathogenic mechanisms in as trocytes. Conclusion: Regulation of reactive as trocytes could be an effective clinical s trategy for the treatment of neurological and psychological diseases.

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Introduction: In recent years, the discovery of s tem cells in breas t milk, the fate of these cells in infants, and their potential role in regenerative medicine are taken into consideration. Due to the high plas ticity and differentiation capacity of these cells as well as the possibility of their differentiation into neural-like cells, the role of these cells during infancy and the possibility of their migration along the intes tinal-brain axis are extensively inves tigated. Conclusion: Considering the attractive properties of breas t milk, the possible role of milk s tem cells in the amelioration of pediatric neurological disorders in newborns, and the possibility of increasing neonatal intelligence quotient by migration to the neonatal brain, and their therapeutic potentials in regenerative medicine were reviewed.

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Introduction: SARSCoV2 virus, which has emerged as a worldwide epidemic, is accompanied by sys temic symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, and body aches. The virus enters the central nervous sys tem in various ways and causes symptoms, such as dizziness, headache, and loss of consciousness, encephalitis, demyelination, neuropathy, s troke, seizure, and memory loss. Infection of the virus into the nervous sys tem, particularly the hippocampus, can cause memory impairment. On the other hand, hypoxia due to lung infection may have a role in the development or progression of Alzheimer’ s disease (AD). An increase of beta-amyloid production, as well as autophagy following hypoxia, causes nerve damage. Furthermore, chronic hypoxia reduces the expression of beta-amyloid-degrading enzymes by increasing the expression of the beta-secretase enzyme. On the other hand, peripheral proinflammatory cytokines produced by microglia are involved in increasing beta-amyloid levels and tau hyperphosphorylation. Other possible mechanisms involved in the development of AD following the SARSCoV2 virus infection include mitochondrial disorders and increased oxidative s tress, which play an important role in the pathophysiology of AD. Oxidative s tress increases beta-amyloid production by reducing alpha-secretase activity. Conclusion: The SARSCoV2 virus may exacerbate the symptoms of AD by entering directly into the central nervous sys tem and damaging vital areas in-memory s torage or the consequences of chronic hypoxia, oxidative s tress, or increased production of peripheral proinflammatory cytokines.

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