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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Customer experience is considered as a concept that can indicate the organizations performance in the current era. Creating an engaging experience is the distinctive feature for an organization and delivering a great experience is important in developing customers’ loyalty. Organizations need to focus on managing the customers’ experience which highlights the importance of designing and managing the customer experience in a variety of industries, especially customer-centered industries such as hoteling. The purpose of this study is to provide a framework to explain the customer experience management process in hoteling industry. Methodology: In this study, due to the lack of a clear and accurate explanation of the customer experience management process, systematic review of theoretical foundations has been used in the present study. This study aims to find the answer to this question: "what are the steps involved in managing the customer experience in the hoteling industry? ". The present study also intends to explain the customer experience management process in hoteling industry (what? ). As a result, Scopus, Emerald, Science Direct, Springer, and Proudest databases were reviewed and all the related articles in hoteling, tourism, and entertainment industries were collected. Articles were reviewed using the following keywords: "customer experience management" and hotel / hospitality / tourism / lodging"; and then, 29 sources were found in the selected databases. At this stage, 38 articles were found and then carefully reviewed in several stages to determine which ones fit the research questions. The remaining articles should be reviewed for content quality. For this purpose, the critical assessment method (CASP) was used and a checklist consisting of 10 questions was used to assist the researcher in assessing the accuracy, validity and importance of research studies. After completing the evaluation process of the articles, the researchers started a detailed study of the selected articles. At this stage, the researcher would look for the concepts that have appeared among the codes in the systematic review of theoretical foundations. Once the codes have been identified, the researcher creates a classification and places similar and related classes in a group that best describes them. This group is called the "concept". This process is done using the qualitative content analysis method and continues until a duplicate model or pattern is extracted from the content. Findings: Systematic review of the theoretical foundations and concepts extracted from resources led to customer experience management process including the customer identification cycle, customer experience design, customer experience implementation and customer experience monitoring as well as creating organizational factors of culture, structure, leadership, human resources and technology. Customer identification is the first step that must be done in customer experience management. This stage includes the steps to identify the individual characteristics of customers; their needs, expectations and values; the customers’ previous experiences; customers’ experience in other companies; and to categorize the customers. Developing the right strategy, designing the service, designing the contact point routes and prioritizing the strategies are the steps involved in the customer design stage. The purpose of the design is to encourage customers to move in the direction of the company or brand contact points and to transfer it from the post-purchase stage to the pre-purchase stage. Development of contact points; building awareness; responding to customer interactions; responding to customer needs, expectations and values; partnering with customers and their communities and personalizing the experience are the steps involved in the implementation phase. Understanding the customers’ experience and ensuring that experiences are effectively managed at all the points of customer interaction with the organization is considered as a key objective for an organization that intends to lead the market. Customer experience is not created in isolation and solely through marketing strategies. Creating and managing customer experiences that are related to the unique brand identity of the company should be part of the strategic vision of the organization and arrange in a line all the efforts of the organization. Conclusion: In the era of experience economics, companies compete to create a pleasant experience for their customers. All the activity of the organizations, including the production of products and services, advertising, marketing activities, after-sales service, aim to create a great customer experience. Understanding the customer experience and ensuring that experiences are effectively managed at all points of customer interaction with the organization are the key objectives for an organization that aims to lead the market. Despite the importance of customer experience management in recent research, customer experience management research is still in its infancy which shows the importance of customer experience management in various industries, especially the hoteling industry. This study was conducted to identify and explain the steps of customer experience management in the hoteling industry. Besides, the research findings can help hotels manage their customers’ experience.

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Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the intention of customers to return to online stores and attempts to show how basic psychological needs can strengthen the customers’ intention to return to the website directly or as a result of the influence of the variables of the technology acceptance model. Methodology: This research has used a survey strategy and a questionnaire was used to collect the data. All the questions were extracted from previous research questionnaires for measuring variables. Snapfood was selected as the sample in this study. The online questionnaire was sent to 657 randomly selected individuals from the database and 425 individuals responded to the questionnaire; 389 participants claimed that they had previously used Snapfood. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 25 and LISREL 8. 80 software. Correlation test was also used to examine the pair wise relationships of the main variables and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique was used to test the model and test the hypotheses. Findings: Based on the model hypotheses presented in this study, websites or software that provide their users with a greater sense of authority will be able to increase the users’ intention to return through increasing the users’ perceived usefulness. Therefore, it is possible to increase the usefulness of a store from the users’ point of view as a result of creating a supportive virtual environment by providing the right to choose, free and convenient search conditions, various payment facilities, and a wide range of stores. Users’ perception of competency which was measured by the belief in the self-efficacy of Internet and computer use, had a significantly positive effect on the users’ intention to return and their perception of the ease of purchasing which have been confirmed in previous researches. The third basic psychological need is the need of involvement, which is also positively correlated with the intention to return to the online store and the users’ perception of the usefulness. Nevertheless, the direct effect of satisfying the need for involvement is relatively weaker than its indirect effect through reinforcement of the usefulness belief. Conclusion: The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which the theory of self-determination can explain the persistence of customers to go online shopping. More specifically, this study can claim that the use of technology, visiting a website, and in particular the purchase in cyberspace can occur as a result of the formation of individual motivations for these behaviors. Accordingly, based on the selfdetermination theory (SDT), the more an individual’ s basic needs are met, the more internalized his motivation will be and the more persistent he will be in the desired behavior. For this reason, according to the hypotheses proposed by this study, the three basic needs of "need for autonomy", "need for competence", and "need for relatedness" can lead to the strengthening of the individual’ s intention to return to the website.

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Objective: Rural tourism has grown exponentially in recent decades. Meanwhile, Doolab village is one of the nationally approved villages in Kurdistan province, which is considered as an attraction according to studies conducted in terms of rural tourism and has attracted 62% of the tourists to its residences. Therefore, in order to investigate the reason behind their success, the researcher intends to examine the entrepreneurial marketing dimension model – a concept that seeks to describe marketing processes and identify opportunities in a fluctuating environment for small businesses with limited resources – among the entrepreneurs of Doolab village. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to determine the ethnographic status of entrepreneurial marketing in rural tourism in Doolab village. Methodology: The present study is interpretive in terms of philosophical approach. Therefore, this study is a qualitative research based on ethnography. The statistical population includes all the residents of Doolab village who were active in the field of rural tourism as entrepreneurs. According to the purposeful sampling method, 10 entrepreneurial villagers were selected for this study. Moreover, validity, transfer, trust, approval and authenticity were examined by university professors for validity and reliability of the data. Observation, interview and note-taking methods were also used to collect the data. Finally, the extracted concepts were modeled based on schematic analysis technique using Max QD software version 18 through open coding method. Findings: The results of entrepreneurial marketing conceptualization coding showed that a total number of 286 key points were extracted from the content of the interviews, which according to their concept which were devided into 158 common initial codes (concepts). The results of categorization related to entrepreneural marketing showed that a total number of 44 categories were extracted from 158 open source interviews. Finally, the results of the coding within core categories related to entrepreneurial marketing showed that among the total number of the interviews with the samples under study within the 44 categories, 10 core categories were extracted including opportunity-oriention, predictive, value creation, resource leveraging, customer-orientation, innovation, risk-taking, content-oriented, guidance and leadership, and goal-oriented. Conclusion: In the present study, it was concluded that entrepreneurial marketing has 10 dimensions and rural tourism in Doolab village proposes economic, ecological, cultural, environmental, social, agricultural, services and measures, experience-oriented dimensions. Entrepreneurs in Doolab village, based on the tourism nature of the village as a tourist destination, have long been known for their history, religion, politics, and agriculture, and they have the best visual perspective as well. Preservation of values and customs and the intact nature of the village due to the existence of new style houses in cities and gardens have led to fewer constructions. Most of the people who are involved in ecotourism in this village were familiar with the tourism industry and had built their buildings in the old texture of the village and had used original decoration and interior architecture.

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Objective: Several theoretical foundations and models have been developed and proposed in order to explain marketing capabilities and their link to competitive advantage and business performance over the past years. However, review of the research literature has revealed theoretical gaps regarding building and developing marketing capabilities, the integrative relationship between supply chain and marketing capabilities, types of items that affect the link between marketing capabilities and competitive advantage, as well as the dimensions and characteristics of sustainability of competitive advantages and business performance. On the other hand, the evidence and experiences related to the low rate of competitiveness of the country’ s businesses in the global market have led to discovery and confirmation on how businesses can improve their marketing capabilities as the most important motivation in the present study which can help them achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. A few studies have investigated creating, maintaining, and developing marketing capabilities in a way that is integrate into the enterprise supply chain which leads to promotion of the characteristics of marketing resources, and ultimately to sustainable competitive advantage and superior business performance. Therefore, the present study aimed to develop an integrated conceptual model based on integrity in order to develop marketing capabilities as well as to achieve sustainable competitive advantage and superior business performance. Methodology : The mixed method considering qualitative-quantitative types (exploratory-confirmatory) was used in the present study. For this purpose, the initial research model was conceptualized using the thematic analysis of the data collected through in-depth and semi-structured interviews, focus groups as well as a comprehensive review of the literature in the qualitative stage. Then, the primary conceptual model was evaluated within the framework of structural equations-partial least squares-using the latest version of Smart PLS software in the quantitative step, using the data collected through a questionnaire and also the secondary data collected related to the performance of the studied companies from the Codal system of the Tehran Stock Exchange. And the final conceptual model of the research was extracted through combined analysis of the findings in the qualitative and quantitative stages. In the qualitative stage, in-depth interviews with 20 people and semi-structured interviews with 10 senior, middle and expert managers, as well as 4 focus groups consisting of 6 members in one of the largest Steel Industries in the country have been planned and implemented. In the quantitative stage, the statistical population of the study included 842 managers and experts of Iranian steel industry companies that have been accepted in the Tehran Stock Exchange. In the end, 350 individuals were selected as the statistical samples. Findings: The research findings confirmed that in order to create, maintain and develop marketing capabilities and other related organizational capabilities, businesses require the development of the internal integrity. The internal integrity of businesses can lead to the development of business intelligence, continuous organizational learning and knowledge management, which in turn lead to the development of those items, marketing capabilities, supply chain integration, upgrading of marketing resource attributes, sustainable competitive advantage and performance. In addition, the integrity of supply chain partners and the integrity of state sectors can moderate the relationship between marketing capabilities, sustainable competitive advantage, and business performance. Moreover, 1) the reliability of indices including: factor loads of indices, Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient, and integrated reliability, 2) convergent validity including average variance extracted (AVE) coefficients of the constructs, and 3) divergent validity including cross-loadings, Fornell-Larker Criterion and Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio HTMT index have been measured and evaluated. The results of Cronbach’ s alpha indicates that the obtained Cronbach’ s alpha values for all the variables are higher than 0. 7, which shows a good fit for the measurement model in this regard. The highest Cronbach's alpha coefficient is related to the marketing capabilities (0. 96) and the lowest Cronbach's alpha coefficient belonged to the product management (0. 72). In addition, the highest combined reliability index was obtained as 0. 97 which also shows a desirable situation for the marketing capabilities and the lowest value is related to product management capability with 0. 83. The AVE index of constructs was used to measure the convergent validity of the measurement model. The outputs of Smart P. L. S software shows that the measured AVE values were above 0. 5 for all the first-order constructs. However, the AVE index was calculated manually for higher-order constructs, where the results also confirmed that the AVE value was higher than 0. 5 for all second-order constructs; it indicates the optimal convergent validity of the measurement model. In order to evaluate the divergent validity of the model, cross-loadings, Fornell-Larker matrix, as well as HTMT index were used. Evaluation and analysis of the measurement model and the structural model using the data which were collected in the quantitative stage of the research indicated that the conceptual model which was developed based on the results of the qualitative stage has been approved using the data collected in the quantitative stage. Conclusion: According to the conceptual framework in the present study, businesses in the Iranian Steel Industry should improve the business intelligence and knowledge management in order to develop marketing capabilities. Moreover, Iranian Steel Industry firms need to improve the level of continuous organizational learning in order for the business intelligence and knowledge management capabilities of the firm to have the greatest impact on the creation and development of marketing capabilities. Continuous organizational learning acts as a facilitator which accelerates the relationship between business intelligence capabilities and knowledge management with marketing capabilities which helps strengthen this relationship. The proposed conceptual framework in the present study also suggests that Iranian Steel Industry enterprises are able to create, internalize and develop business intelligence capabilities, continuous organizational learning and knowledge management provided that they can develop internal integrity. When business leaders and systems develop internal integrity, they provide the necessary opportunities and capacities for maximum efficiency and minimum vulnerability, and thus for the creation and development of the proposed capabilities. To this end, it also suggests the basic indicators that businesses need to promote internal integrity (business leaders and systems).

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Objective: Entrepreneurship as well as the creation of dynamic and productive businesses is considered as the important factors and the driving force for economic development in any country. In this regard, it is important to pay attention to identifying and activating the capacity to create jobs and entrepreneurship and to the sustainability of established businesses. However, our country is deprived of the benefits of a sustainable supply chain. It is not possible to expect a stable performance from the supply chain until all the businesses across the supply chain build sustained interactions with each other. Therefore, one must look for the dimensions, components and indicators to develop a business sustainability model in the supply chain so that the businesses within the supply chain could be sustained and, ultimately, supply chain stability would be achieved. The present study has attempted to develop a model of sustainability for the businesses within the supply chain through selecting a different perspective from previous studies by identifying, combining and deeply understanding the dimensions, concepts and indicators. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to propose a model in order to fill the gap in the related literature in our country, which can show the innovative and distinctive aspects of this research. Methodology: The present study is applied in terms of purpose because businesses can measure their sustainability based on the indicators of the final model of this research and it is a meta-synthesis of the previous qualitative studies in terms of method. To achieve the research objective, the meta-synthesis method was used in accordance with the seven-step model proposed by Sandelowski and Barroso. The statistical population of this research includes all the articles, research reports, books, databases, as well as local and international publications in the field of business sustainability in the supply chain from 2000 to 2018. The keywords were looked up in MAGIRAN, SID, CIVILICA, NOORMAGS, Science Direct, Springer, Scopus, Google Scholar and Emerald databases. The inclusion criteria were: valid databases, research period and using the keywords. As a result of reviewing the databases using different search engines and based on the inclusion criteria, 422 cases were finally found. Findings: Business sustainability model in this study proposed 93 indicators for business sustainability in the form of 16 themes and 3 main dimensions. The main dimensions of the model include economic, social and environmental dimensions where the economic dimension includes 3 main themes and 18 indicators, the social dimension includes 7 themes and 33 indicators, and the environmental dimension includes 6 themes and 42 indicators. In this study, the environmental dimension provided the highest variety with 42 indicators followed by the social and economic dimensions with 33 and 18 indicators, respectively. Conclusion: The achievement of economic stability means continuity of business economic activity as well as sustainability in the economic system which requires the indicators such as organizational capabilities (strategic flexibility, value chain flexibility and achieving customer integration), innovation in business processes and activities, lean management, competitive advantage, marketing, risk management and entrepreneurship. On the other hand, business sustainability refers to the ability of the society to maintain the necessary instruments to create wealth, prosperity and social participation to promote social integration and cohesion. Besides, as a concept, it seeks to maintain and stabilize the social and cultural components of society in relation to other aspects of sustainability (economic and environmental). In addition, the environmental responsibilities of companies and the related activities can be considered as a source to legitimize their competitive advantage. This, in turn, leads to the formation of a better image of the company in the minds of its customers as an environmentally friendly image and helps sustain its activities. Based on the findings and the results of the research (identifying the dimensions, themes and indicators of business sustainability), it is recommended to the managers, planners and policy makers in the field of business to establish a business and its management, evaluate the existing businesses, eliminate possible shortcomings and avoid complying them with those indicators based on the indicators which were proposed by this model.

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Objective: Despite the importance and significant role that branding can play for business-to-business (B2B), most research has been conducted in the context of business to consumer (B2C). Corporate banking is considered as one of the relatively new areas that has occurred in banking industry in the the country which occurs in B2B business model. After reviewing the related literature, the researcher can claim that no research has been conducted on the elements and components of corporate brand identity in the banking industry, especially in Iran. Therefore, this study aims to identify the factors affecting the corporate brand identity in the context of corporate banking and explore the relationships between these factors. Methodology : The present study aims to discover and identify the factors affecting the corporate brand identity, and then to present a causal structural model of these factors in the context of corporate banking. Therefore, the present research falls into the category of applied research. Given that this research seeks to describe the elements and dimensions of corporate brand identity and then to describe the causal relationships between them, this study is discpriptive in terms of research method. The present study is a survey research which used the opinions of 18 experts in the field of corporate banking. Identification and selection of the individuals was done using non-statistical and available methods. Content analysis method was used in order to extract the factors and elements of corporate brand identity, and then interpretive structural modeling (ISM) method was used in order to identify the relationships between the main categories. From this perspective, this research falls into the category of consecutive exploratory mixed research. Findings: According to the findings of this study, the factors affecting the corporate brand identity were defined in the form of 13 main categories including strategy, market orientation and market focus, organization, strategic brand analysis and market research, organizational culture, stakeholder relationship management, organizational infrastructure and structure, organizational competencies and capabilities, human capital management system, brand personality, brand visual identity, brand communication, brand reputation, brand proposed value as well as 41 sub-categories. In addition, there is a causal relationship between these factors according to the research results. Conclusion: The brand identity is formed based on strategy, culture, infrastructure and structure, competencies and capabilities, and human capital management system. These factors, which are also involved in the stimulus cluster, are considered as the most important factors or in other words, the underlying factors in forming the company brand identity. Following these five factors, market orientation and market focus at the fourth level are the other important factor that affect the formation of the company brand identity. Regardless of the market and market orientation, it is obvious that organizations cannot identify the needs of the market properly and cannot form a coherent and consistent identity in order to fulfill their missions. At the third level, there are two factors of stakeholder relationship management as well as strategic brand analysis and market research which are influenced by market orientation and market focus. In fact, it is the market image that requires companies to seek brand analysis and market research in order to form and develop their brand position accordingly. At the second level, the factors related to brand visual identity, brand communication, and brand value are influenced by the factors belonging to level three, four, and five. These three factors all affect and also contribute to the realization of each other. Finally, all of these factors can affect the two factors of level five, namely brand personality and brand reputation. In order to complement the results which are obtained from the ISM hierarchical model, organizational strategy, market orientation and focus on organizational market, organizational culture, infrastructure and organizational structure, organizational competence and capabilities, and human capital management system which are also involved in the stimulus cluster are the result of the MICMAC analysis. The factors in the stimulus cluster are highly effective but less affected by other elements. As a result, the priority is given to the changes in these factors in order to change the status of brands. Other factors are also included in the category of dependent elements, which indicate their high effectiveness.

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Objective: Marketing activists are always looking for answers to the questions such as "what can attract the consumers? " and "how can consumers’ attention be focused to vital products and information? ". Among a variety of research methods, self-reporting method is considered as the optimal method to answer these questions and evaluate marketing practices, especially in advertising. However, the influence of neuroscience in the humanities has revealed the weaknesses of these methods, so that a new paradigm is emerging which is referred to as neuromarketing. The purpose of this study is to use the insights obtained from neurosciences and particularly neuromarketing to measure the effectiveness of joint printed advertising of Mellat Bank and Ma insurance company. Methodology: This research is quantitative and applied in nature which is conducted in a quasi-experimental manner. Eye tracking method was used to collect the data in this study. The statistical population of this study includes the customers and audiences of the advertisement; 15 testes, who belong to the age group of 25 to 50 years, were randomly selected to participate in this study. Study data were analyzed using visual analysis and inferential statistical analysis through one-sample t-test and non-parametric Friedman test. In this study, items such as thermal map, blur map, eye movement and glare map, number of fixations, average duration of first fixation, and average duration of fixation were analyzed. Findings: The results of the measurement of advertisements showed that the elements in the advertisements had efficiently attracted visual attention and the printed advertisements were well memorable. However, there was no significant difference between printed advertising designs in terms of attraction and memorability. Conclusion: Contrary to the traditional assumptions, consumers are not rational and the majority of the brain activities and processes are performed outside of our conscious consciousness over which we have no control. These activities and processes are not accessible through self-reporting methods and identifying the stimuli that affect brain activity requires the use of new perspectives and methods based on neurosciences. A number of marketing researchers and corporate executives tend to answer sensitive questions about consumers’ behavior based on a neuromarketing approach due to the weaknesses of self-reporting methods such as the inability to describe emotions and feelings, limitations regarding cultural and linguistic differences, acceptance and social acceptance errors, misconceptions about human rationality, and memory limitations. Neuromarketing is considered as an approach to highlight the hidden stimuli of consumers’ behavior that were not previously recognizable by conventional research methods. The eye tracking method has the ability to answer the questions which were difficult to answer by traditional self-reporting methods. Eye tracking meythod can help respond to the following questions: “ which elements are seen in the ads? ” , “ which elements are seen the most? ” , “ what is the order of noticing the elements in the ads? ” , “ which elements in advertising cause the most processing and mental conflicts? ” , and “ which ads result in better performance? ” .

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Mokhtari Moughari Mahdieh | ABBASIAN EZATOLLAH | Hassan Gholipour Yasory Tahmoores | MAHMOODI VAHID

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Objective: Non-oil exports have been the subject of a lot of debate and discussions in recent decades. In Iran, the majority of the export revenue comes from oil sales and the government does not necessarily rely on other sources of revenue; therefore, non-oil exports are of particular importance. Meanwhile, Iran has been under economic sanctions for 40 years after the Islamic revolution, and export companies are facing many problems as a result. Thus, appropriate strategies should be used in order to maintain the business and increase the company performance in business exchanges, especially in the complex and ambiguous environment that causes many risks for various reasons due to political, economic, and cultural reasons. Such strategies can help deal with these uncertainties and risks. According to the previous studies in Iran, there are only few researches to analyze and assess export risk, which can be due to the dependence of the Iran economy on imports. Most research in this area has often examined the impact of a single risk. In this study, Miller model is considered as the basis for identifying risk factors. The output of this study is a network model of risks that Iranian exporters are faced with in the non-oil export sector. Methodology: In this study, the risks were identified by reviewing the related research literature and the opinions of professional and academic experts were collected through a questionnaire to select the most important risks. Judgmental sampling was considered for this study and an online questionnaire was sent to 187 people in both stages where the first questionnaire was responded by 31 individuals and the second questionnaire by 18 individuals. In this study, the same 31 questionnaires were considered sufficient. Then, interpretive-structural modeling method was used in order to extract the relationships between these risks. Using SPSS software, the Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient of the initial questionnaire was reported 0. 722 and the Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient of each item was higher than 0. 7, which indicates that all the questions in the questionnaire are reliable. The second questionnaire was designed based on the outputs of the first questionnaire and the second questionnaire was analyzed using interpretive structural modeling. Findings: The final model obtained from this study consists of 6 levels; it should also be noted that the higher level risks are less effective and are more likely to be affected by other barriers. Level one risks include changes in the pattern of society, changes in the amount of use by others, the elimination of pollution, product innovation and workforce, which indicates that these components are affected by their five sub-levels. On the other hand, level two risks include quality change in machinery, social unrest, job security, and motivation management. Monetary-financial reform, price control, shortage of complementary goods, process innovation, shortage of raw materials and the results of research and development activities are considered as level three risks. Level four risks include strikes, barriers to capital and money outflows, inflation, changes in consumers’ taste, and collection of debts. Level five risks include chaos, revolution, business restrictions, earthquake, interest rates, heavy rainfall, and technology. Finally, level six risks, which are considered as the last and the most influential factors, include war, government laws, and exchange rates. Conclusion: Managers should note that the importance of risks will be different compared to each other in different environments and different conditions, and also in different stages of the product life cycle. Therefore, considering the type of organization and environmental conditions, the manager should pay attention to the risks with different prospecrives. Regarding the connections made between the risks, it can be seen that most of the risks are associated with a lot of communication and impacts, and no unnecessary or insignificant risks are found. Any type of defect or shortcoming in a risk can cause disruptions in the end result, which is the increase in non-oil exports. In other words, the obtained model indicates that the model should be viewed as a process or system and also all the related aspects should be taken into account as well.

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Objective: Trademark is one of the most important intangible assets of the companies, which includes the brand name of the products and the brand name of the company. Due to the high level of competition in the market, a strong brand can help the company be distinguished from the market and explain why its products or services have the ability to meet the needs of customers in a unique way. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the customers’ behavior in the banking industry by examining the existing literature in the field of brand name based on the model derived in the research findings. The selected model can help the banking industry choose a reputable brand in the market and can also be of help in the process of creating a brand in the global market. Given the importance and necessity of this issue, the factors that influence the choice of a brand name should be examined to develop a native pattern based on existing and newly known variables. Methodology: Mixed method was used in the present research including qualitative and quantitative analysis. The qualitative strategy of the present study is based on the grounded theory method (GTM) and the quantitative strategy is conducted using the structural equation model (SEM) based on the Glaser and Strauss model. The statistical population includes marketing and banking experts and managers (board members and managers of several private and public banks) to analyze customer behavior who were selected using theoretical sampling method. The structural equation modeling was conducted using partial least squares method based on variance. The statistical population, more than 100, 000 people, includes the selected customers of Bank Mellat in Golestan province with a long history of working with the bank. Findings: According to the codes which were obtained from the interviews, the 260 final codes were extracted in the form of 90 concepts and 23 main categories. As a result, the quantitative study dimensions including brand activities, brand performance, brand comparative evaluation and evaluation of brand behavioral principles related to brand evaluation variable were identified through customer behavior analysis (phenomenon-centered). Conclusion: According to the findings of the qualitative part (the identified codes), the relationship between dimensions and variables and structural equation model of the research were confirmed using LISREL software. It was then found that the causal variable have an impact on effective and acceptable coefficient of significance, on the phenomenon-centeredness; besides, underlying conditions and interfering factors affect strategies and strategies on outcomes. The results of qualitative data analysis, based on grounded data theory, determined the conditions affecting the banks and financial institutions activities to develop a brand valuation model. According to the results, providing long-term benefits can lead to reduction of financial risk and maintaining and increasing liquidity while changing customers' attitudes, strengthens the need to identify expectations and patterns of customer attitudes and analysis. Creating a distinctive mental image in the minds of customers and strengthening the customer relationship management system are essential measures for survival and growth in the financial services market. In addition, the results of identifying the underlying conditions in developing a banking brand valuation model highlights the intensification of competition between banks, perceived risk, diversity of decision-making models based on individual differences of customers and the complexity of financial activities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Theater in Iran, despite existing in the country for many years, has yet to establish the necessary connection with the society and has been unable to increase the number of the audience. Therefore, the lack of an adequate audience or the inability to attract a general audience in society is considered as one of the main problems of theater in Iran. On the other hand, in developing societies including Iran, there is a advertising gap in the field of theater, while experiences in many countries with active theater sector has shown that the use of organized advertising can change the basis of theater performance. There have been a few researches on advertising theater on social media as well as strategies to improve theater marketing. But, no research has been conducted to identify the methods affecting theater advertising on the Internet. Besides, the prioritization of these methods is not pursued in these studies. Therefore, the present study aims to fill the existing gap and identify the methods affecting theater advertising in the Internet environment, and finally to prioritize these methods considering the expansion of the Internet and its potential possibilities in theater advertising. Methodology: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and uses a mixed exploratory approach consisting of two phases. The first phase was conducted using a qualitative research method through a case study strategy as well as qualitative content analysis with the aim of "identifying the methods of theater advertising on the Internet". For this purpose, semi-structured interviews with 14 experts in the field of marketing and theater were conducted. The second phase of the research was followed with a quantitative approach using the best-worst interval technique considering the experts’ opinion in the field of theater and marketing. Lingo and Excel software were used to prioritize the solutions identified in the previous step. The snowball sampling was used in this study. In addition, the present study examines three cases including the three theaters: "thirty", "Mississippi Dies Reclined" and "Miss Pistol". Findings: The research findings indicated the identification of methods for online theater advertising. These methods include regular web-page advertising, newsmaking, step-by-step advertising, popular social media advertising, app marketing, email marketing, word-of-mouth internet marketing, tempting marketing, online guerrilla marketing, and inverse marketing. According to the analysis, "advertising on popular social networks" was the most important method of online theater advertising with the highest set of preferences followed by the "word-of-mouth Internet advertising". "Regular web-page advertising" was also ranked third; Thus, according to the results of prioritizing the categories using the best-worst interval method, newsmaking method, step-by-step advertising, tempting marketing, app marketing, online guerrilla marketing, inverse marketing and email marketing are among the other solutions introduced for the next priorities. Therefore, "advertising on popular social networks" is the most important category and "email marketing" is the least important category. Conclusion: The methods identified in the present study are more comprehensive. Research findings also show that the "advertising on popular social networks" is more important than the other indicators in ranking online methods of theater advertising. "Internet word-of-mouth" is the next technique and its importance cannot be ignored. The "regular advertising on the web" is reported as the third most important technique. Thus, according to the results of prioritizing the categories using the best-worst interval method, newsmaking, step-by-step advertising, tempting marketing, app marketing, internet guerrilla marketing, inverse marketing and email marketing were introduced as the next priorities, respectively. In order to make a comparison between the findings of the present study with the efforts of other researchers, it can be said that the Internet along with traditional advertising provides an extremely substantial platform for theater art advertising. Theater groups and art institute's can benefit from the findings of the present study to attract the audience and interact more frequently and thus to increase the ticket fees which leads to an increase in revenue.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Export is considered as the driving force of economic growth for each country. Hence, identifying the effective factors of export performance is one of the most important measures for export success. Companies might encounter a variety of risks and uncertainties in international trade transactions much bigger than domestic trade which affect their performance during their international transactions. As a result, it generates additional transaction costs. Therefore, companies should take appropriate actions in order to face such risks. International trade is a form of international transaction that generates corporate profits through imports and exports. Because it is difficult to consider the environments of both exporting and importing companies, the researchers will just focus on exports and exporting companies in this research. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of characteristics of exporting companies, characteristics of export transactions and experience in trade claims through mediating role of trade risk management on export performance and to analyze the effects of characteristics of exporting companies, characteristics of export transaction and experience in trade claims on export performance in pharmaceutical exporting companies in Iran. Methodology: The present survey study is applied in nature and descriptive in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the study consists of 48 pharmaceutical exporting companies in Iran. Joe and Pack’ s (2017) questionnaire was used to collect the data; the content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the experts and it was localized afterwards. Besides, the convergence validity of the questionnaire was also confirmed using statistical methods. In addition, Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient was calculated for the reliability of the questionnaire. The research hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling in SPSS version 25 and SmartPls3 software. Findings: The results showed that the characteristics of exporting companies, characteristics of export transactions and experience in trade claims have a direct and indirect significantly positive effect on export performance through the mediating variable of trade risk management. Moreover, the impact of trade risk management on export performance was positive and significant. Conclusion: The characteristics of exporting companies have a significantly positive effect on export performance. Large companies can have high export performance due to the high division of labor in the organization and specialization. The characteristics of exporting companies have a significantly positive effect on trade risk management as well. Therefore, the second hypothesis of the research was confirmed. In fact, the larger the organization and the more experienced it is in exporting, the more likely it is to identify risks and react to them in a timely manner. Trade risk management has a significantly positive effect on export performance. Export performance can be expected to increase with the application of business risk management. The characteristics of exporting companies have a positive and significant effect on export performance through the mediating variable of trade risk management. In addition, characteristics of export transactions have a positive and significant effect on export performance. If the shipping methods are tailored to the type of goods as well as the distance and delivery time, the payment methods based on the factors such as economic and political conditions of the trading country, it is then expected to observe improvement in export performance. The characteristics of export transactions have a significantly positive effect on trade risk management. It is suggested that exporting companies choose appropriate transportation methods according to the type of export goods and time interval, and also consider the conditions to prevent failure or late receipt of transaction amounts in the international purchase and sale contract. Characteristics of export transactions have a positive and significant effect on export performance through the mediating role of trade risk management. To prevent failure in receipt of transaction funds, the use of export credit as a tool for trade risk management has a positive effect on export performance. Experience in trade claims has a significantly positive effect on export performance. If companies have experienced trade claims and disputes in international trade in the past, they can prevent such disputes from recurring with greater insight and awareness. Experience in trade claims has a significantly positive effect on trade risk management. In fact, the more business claims a company has, the higher their level of understanding of trade risks. It will, in turn, affect the trade risk management practices used by the company. Experience in trade claims has a positive and significant effect on export performance through the mediating variable of trade risk management. Therefore, if the company has experienced business disputes and lawsuits during its operation, it has the opportunity to timely identify potential and actual trade risks that could lead to disputes and take the necessary measures accordingly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: This study seeks to determine whether the strategic alliance of Tejarat bank with Fintech affects their efficiency. And also, does the mediating role of technological change and digital banking variables between the strategic alliances of Tejarat bank with Fintech affect efficiency? Methodology: Orientation of applied research and in terms of purpose is descriptive that has used survey method to collect data and correlation method to analyze data. Data analysis was performed using SPSS tools and Smart PLS software. Findings: The findings showed that the role of strategic alliance of Tejarat bank with Fintech with single fin on efficiency (T: 19/944), digital technology developments (T: 27/340) and digital banking (T: 72/374) and the role of digital technology developments (T: 4/439) Digital Banking (T: 8/161) confirmed efficiency. The indirect role of the mediating variables of digital technological developments (T: 121/362) and digital banking (T: 590/644) between the strategic alliance of Tejarat bank with Fintech and efficiency was also confirmed. Conclusion: Strategic alliance between Tejarat bank and financial technologies will significantly reduce the costs of services and increase the efficiency of the bank so that communication with new financial technologies can lead to competitive advantage and control of the service market. The majority of the banks in Iran are operating based on traditional procedures and customers are looking for easy and affordable banking operations, so the alliance between the bank and Fin Techs has been able to gain customer satisfaction and generate revenue. The related activities will subsequently improve the banking efficiency. In recent years, the increasing use of digital technologies has had a major impact on many sectors, especially the banking sector. This rapid change is called the digital technological change. Therefore, digitization of Tejarat bank is one of the most important concerns of bank executives and managers. According to this research, Tejarat bank can provide digital transformation with strategic and bilateral unity between themselves and different areas of financial technology. Given that Tejarat Bank is one of the local banks that have provided the necessary platform for digital transformation, this process is possible through the sharing of emerging technologies such as Fintech and single Fintech startups. Digital transformation provides opportunities for non-traditional service delivery with the driving force that creates financial capacity in the financial services markets; these opportunities are either consolidated or in many cases can help achieve the desired result. Digital Banking is a new concept of e-banking that aims to enrich and improve online services along with the use of new digital technologies such as mobile and financial social networks. This has led to lower operating costs and reduced errors, market expansion and increased bank revenue sources. The change in the nature of the physical branches of the Tejarat bank is considered as a key point in the role of the strategic alliance between Tejarat bank and modern financial technologies on digital banking. In other words, the physical branches of a Tejarat bank will not be eliminated, but they will apply some changes in the business model.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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