The present study aims to evaluate and compare the internal performance of Tarbiat Modares University and Islamic Azad University (Central Tehran Branch) concerning the 12 areas of efficacy including educational guidance, university atmosphere, life in a university complex, academic support services, importance given to students, educational effectiveness, financial help, admission efficacy, safety and security of faculties, superior services, student-centrism, and accountability to various populations. A Descriptive survey method was used in this study. A total of 328 MA/MSc and also PhD students of Tarbiat Modares University and Islamic Azad University were asked to answer to a questionnaire. Data collection instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire prepared based on the international satisfaction Pattern of Noel Levitz. The data were analyzed using t-tests, paired samples t-test, one-sample t-tests and Friedman’ s test. The results revealed that all the 12 areas were of great importance. The highest relative satisfaction belonged to three areas of superior services, admission efficacy and educational effectiveness. Other elements were of the least satisfaction level. Moreover, comparison of the two universities showed that, in terms of accountability to various populations, Tarbiat Modares University students felt moderate to high satisfaction level. Concerning the other parameters, in spite of the higher mean scores of satisfaction in the view of Tarbiat Modares University students relative to those in the view of Islamic Azad University students, there appeared no significant difference. In both universities, satisfaction of educational performance was at low level.