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To determine the effect of hen age and storage condition on egg quality, fresh eggs were sampled from two commercial flocks of White Leghorn hens at 28 and 68 weeks of age. Half of sampled eggs from each flock were stored at 6oC and the other half was stored at room temperature. Fifteen eggs were randomly sampled from each treatment following collection and at 5-day intervals to 30 days of storage. Measurements were made of egg and egg component weight (W) and percentage (P), yolk: albumen ratio, yolk and albumen dry matter albumen quality and height and yolk index. Egg, albumen and shell W, yolk P and yolk: albumen ratio were significantly higher for 68 wk but albumen and shell P were higher than 28 wk. Increase in temperature and storage time decreased egg and albumen W and albumen P, increased yolk and shell P and yolk: albumen ratio significantly. Albumen DM was lower for 68 wk, lower temperature and shorter storage time. However hen age had no effect on yolk DM, higher temperature and longer storage time decreased it. Albumen height and HU were significantly lower for 68 wk, higher temperature and longer storage time. Hen age did not affected albumen pH but it was affected by temperature and storage time. Yolk height and yolk index were higher for 28 wk age, lower temperature and lower for longer storage time. Overall results showed that however longer storage time decreased egg quality, still it was acceptable.

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An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different levels of rapeseed meal and diet formulation based on total and digestible amino acid (AA) using 192 day old Ross 308 male broiler chicks. Experiment was carried out using a complete block design with 4*2 factorial arrangements. The factors included different levels of rapeseed meal (0, 10, 20 and 30%) and two method of AA formulation (based on total or digestible AA requirement). Four replicates of 6 chicks were fed dietary treatments from 11 to 49 d of age during two period of grower (11-28 d of age) and finisher (28-49 d of age). Feed intake and weight gain of each experimental unit was measured at 28 and 49 d of age and then feed conversion ratio was calculated. At 28 and 49 d of age, blood sample were taken from wing vein of 2 birds per replicate and then T3 and T4 concentration of the sample were measured. Results show that different levels of rapeseed meal had no significant effect on feed intake. Diets containing 20 or 30% rapeseed meal had highest and lowest weight gain, respectively, during the grower and finisher period. Method of formulation of AA requirements had significant effect on weight gain so that chicks fed diets formulated on the basis of digestible AA had significantly higher weight gain. Feed conversion ratios were affected by both different levels of rapeseed meal and method of diet formulation. Feed conversion ratios were increased by 30% rapeseed meal, whereas 20% rapeseed meal significantly lowered it. Formulation of diets on the basis of digestible AA also decreased feed conversion ratios. Results obtained in our study suggest the inclusion of 20% rapeseed meal and diet formulation based on digestible AA when rapeseed meal are used in the broilers diets.

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Probiotics are used to control or maintain a constant state of intestinal bacteria. When the bacterial populations are altered by stress or antibiotic therapy, animal health and performance may decline. This experiment was designed to study the effects of feeding a Probiotic (Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1079) on growth and health of neonatal Holstein calves. Forty–five neonatal Holstein calves were selected from one dairy farm of Mashhad suburb. After birth, calves were randomly assigned to three groups. Calves in group I (control group) received no probiotic. Calves in group II (experiment I group) were given probiotic at 1gr/day with colostrum and then with milk during the first 2 weeks of life. Calves in group III (experiment II group) were given probiotic at 1gr/day with colostrum and then with milk during the first 3 weeks of life. At the third week, milk was replaced with milk replacer. The body weight and skeletal growth (Heart girth, body length and weithers height) were measured at birth and repeated every week until 5 weeks of age. Blood samples were collected via jugular vein puncture at the time ok weighing and analyzed for hematological indices, plasma total protein concentration and fibrinogen concentration. Fecal scores (fluidity) were monitored and evaluated. All calves were monitored for health status and probable health problems daily. Data were analyzed by using ANOVA, Kruskal-Walis and Chi-square procedure with SPSS 13. There was not significant differences between groups for hematological indices, plasma total protein concentration and plasma fibrinogen concentration, skeletal growth averege daily gain, the incidence of neonatal diarrhea and the days of the treatment, however, fecal scores at third weeks of age between groups I (1.8±0.26) and III (1.07±0.07) was significantly different. (P<0.05). The results of this study indicated that under the circumstance of this investigation, Probiotic (Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1079) was not effective in improving calf performance and health but under nutritional stress condition was effective in maintaining fecal score.

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Eighteen female, neonatal Brown Swiss calves (39.5±1.2Kg) were randomly divided into three treatment groups to investigate the effect of physical processing of diet on weaning age and some blood metabolites. Treatments were included: mash starter (M), pelleted starter (P) and heterogen of mixture moisturized, rolled barley and corn. (H). Diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous. There were no significant differences in weight gain, total intake of starter and feed efficiency. Weaning age and total intake of milk dry matter were higher in calves received treatment (M) than other treatments. Crud protein and organic matter digestibility were lower in treatment (M) than others, but there was no significant difference between treatment (P) and (H). Treatments had no effect on blood glucose content, but BUN concentrations was higher in treatment (M) than other treatments. Result of this experiment showed that feed pelleting and grain processing can reduce weaning age and milk intake in calves but, had no effect on feed intake and gain weight until end of weaning age.

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In this study, the effects of different levels of garlic on performance and humoral immunity of broiler chicks were investigated. Three hundred eighty four broiler chicks (Arian) from day one were divided into two groups of male and female. Animals received four treatments diet including: 0.0% (control), 0.1% garlic Powder, 0.1% garlic tablet and 0.5% garlic tablet from day 3 to 42 of age. A factorial design of 2* 4 was applied for two sex and four treatment diets with four replicates and 12 experimental units. Anti-SRBC titer for direct hem-agglutination assay and for the anti-Newcastle titer the inhibitory hem-agglutination was used. At 42 days, chicks were slaughtered in order to weigh the bursa-fabricious (RF) and spleen. The results of anti-SRBC titer, anti- Newcastle and weight of BF and spleen did not differ significantly when compared to control group. However, feed intake, body weight and growth rate in 0.1 garlic powder in comparison with garlic tablet showed an increasing trend. The results of immunity tests indicated that the levels of garlic used in this study had insignificant effects on humeral immune parameters (p>0.05).

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Four ahomasal cathetered multiparous lactating Sannen goats with mean milk production of 1.6±0.64 kg and 139±4 days in milk were allocated to 4 treatments in a latin square design. The goats were fed a basal diet containing 40% alfalfa hay and 60% concentrate. The basal diet was supplemented by infusion of 1) water, 2) cottonseed oil (48 g/d), 3) glucose (100 g/d) and 4) mixture of cottonseed oil and glucose (24 and 50/d) as experimental treatments. The experiment had 2 periods including adaptation (14 days) and Collection (7days) periods. Infusion of cottonseed oil or glucose had no significant effect on intake or digestibilies of DM, OM, CP, NDF and ADF, of the basal diet. There were no significant differences between total protein, casein, NPN and whey content of milk samples. Infusion of cottonseed oil or mixture of glucose and cottonseed oil increased milk fat percentage. It was concluded that supplying more energy as oil or glucose in abomasums in mid lactation had no effect on productive performance of dairy goats, although infusion of cottonseed oil increased milk fat percentage. Plasml cholestral and triglyceride levels increased by infusion of cottonseed oil, but plasma glucose and BUN remained constant.

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An experiment was conducted to assess the influences of different growth promoters on performance, carcass characteristic and intestinal microflora of broiler. Day-old broiler chicks from Arian strain (384) were used in the completely randomized experimental design during 7-42 days of age. Eight rations were formulated as a follow 1: control (without growth promoters), 2-control+formic acid (0.25%), 3-control+viginamycin (250 g/ton), 4-Contro+saccharomycis cerevisiae (0.1%), 5-Control+viginamycin (250 g/ton)+formic acid (0.25%), 6- Control+viginamycin (250 g/ton)+formic acid (0.25%), 7- Control+viginamycin (250 g/ton)+saccharomycis cerevisiae (0.1%), 8- Control+viginamycin (250 g/ton)+ saccharomycis cerevisiae (0.1%). The treatments with 3 repetition and 16 birds per parcel were used. The formulated rations were fed to 384 day-old Arian. Each treatments consisted 3 replicate with 16 birds per parcel. Obtained results indicated that formic acid had no significant effects on all measured parameters, nevertheless supplementation of diet with antibiotic significantly (p<0.05) enhanced all deliberated parameters. Better weight gain (p<0.05), fed conversion ratio, carcass characteristic and lower abdominal fat was observed when diet was supplemented with antibiotic alone. Growth promoters, especially saccharomycis cerevisiae and viginamycin significantly reduced E.coli in digestive tract of birds.

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To study the chemical composition and qualitative comparison of the pistachio by-products and the effect of pistachio hull tannin on its digestibility and gas production, four experiments were carried out. In the first experiment, nutrient composition, phenolic and tannin components of the Ohadi, Kaleghuchi and White varieties of pistachio by-product from dehulling process were measured. Pistachio epicarp (hull) was the main part of this by-product. The Ohadi cultivar contained 9, 14, 8.7, 25.5 and 20.4% of ash, CP, EE, NDF and ADF, and 8.6 and 4.1% phenolic components and tannin, respectively. The Kaleghuchi had lower CP than Ohadi and White varieties. The White variety had the lowest tannin level among them. In the second experiment the ruminal disappearance of pistachio by-product constituents including hull, peduncle, leaf, mesocarp and kernel until 24 h incubation were 0.77, 0.60, 0.66, 0.22 and 0.92 g/g, respectively, also the amount of soluble fraction of these constituents were determined 0.52, 0.37, 0.36, 0.05 and 0.77 g/g, respectively. The third trial was consisted of measuringin vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibility of different pistachio by-product varieties. The dry matter digestibility of the Ohadi, Kaleghuchi, and White cultivars were 58, 68, and 64%, respectively and were significantly different (P<0.01), but for the epicarps were not different. Adding Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG) could increase dry matter and organic matter digestibilities of the epicarp+soybean meal and the epicarp+alfalfa mixtures (P<0.05). In fourth experiment adding PEG caused significant increase in gas production by pistachio hull (P<0.01). Overall, it seems this by-product degrades slowly in the rumen, because the 50 percent of it dissolved in the water, but only 20 percent disappeared in the rumen after 24 h. Also, it seems that the percentage of constituents and the presence of anti-nutritional factors such as tannin in this by-product could affect the digestibility of its nutrients.

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In the research the genetic investigation productive and reproductive traits and changes trend the traits in years, seasons and different lactation periods and genetic evaluation cows and bulls of 785 records for milk and 665 records for fat yield and reproductive information during years 1998 to 2003 of 207 dairy cows ghezlagh farm aboureyhan campus (university of Tehran) studied. The least square mean and standard error (LSM±SE) of milk yield (3x, 305, ME) and fat yield were 6305.6±87.7 and 206.1±1.7 kg, respectively. The least square means (± SE) of calving interval, open days, dry days, age at first calving and gestation length were 403.2 (±6.7), 117.5 (±6.8), 86.8 (±7.3), 760.3 (±9.7), 278.1 (±0.7), respectively and insemination rate was 1.8 (±0.04). The effect of environmental factors of lactation period on milk production, persistency and insemination rate, year of parturition on milk and fat production, calving interval, insemination rate and age at first calving, dry days, and calving season on milk production and insemination rate were significant. Estimated heritabilities and standard error for milk and fat yield using Repeatability Record Animal Model (RRAM), were 0.22 (±0.12) and 0.29 (±0.05), respectively. Genetic and environmental trend of production traits during years 1998 to 2003 were positive. The breeding value of the animals for production traits predicted with Animal Model method and the superior families were ranked.

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In a 3×3 Latin square design, 9 ok and multipaous lactating Holstein cows averaging 76±12 days in milk and 580±48 kg of body weight were assigned to three dietary treatments in 3 periods of 21 days. Dietary treatments were 1) the control diet (without dried or ensiled tomato pulp), 2) diet with 8% dried tomato pulp (DM basis) and 3) diet with 8% ensiled tomato pulp silage (DM basis). Tomato pulp either dried or ensiled was substituted with whole barley silage and cotton seed meal. Dry matter intake, milk composition, blood metabolites and nutrient digestibility were not affected significantly by the treatments. Milk production was increased significantly in response to tomato pomace substitution and reached to 41.36 and 41.16 kg/d for the diets containing dried and ensiled tomato pulp respectively in comparison with the control diet (treatment). Total chewing and rumination times did not differ between the treatments. Ruminal pH of cows fed diet containing ensiled tomato pulp was significantly (P≤0.05) lower than the control diet. No seed was germinated in germination test possibly due to the application of high temperature during paste production process. It was concluded that inclusion of 8-10% tomato pulp in dry or ensiled forms in the dairy diets could reduced the cost of feed without any adverse effect on the cow's performances.

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The aim of current study was to determine the effects of vitamin C on bone mineral density (in terms of osteoporosis), eggshell quality and investigation of correlation between these factors in laying hens reared under normal condition. One hundred and ninety two 24 - weeks - old laying hens diet was supplemented with 4 levels of vitamin C (0, 250, 500 and 750 mg/kg diet). The experimental design was completely randomized (CRD). Egg production, metatarsus bone mineral density (BMD) index and correlation coefficient between BMD index and some eggshell characteristics were determined. Egg weight, egg mass, hen-day egg production and eggshell quality (shell thickness, shell weight and shell percentage) were not influenced by vitamin C (p>0.05). The BMD index of metatarsus also did not change by vitamin C utilization at 38-weeksold (p>0.05). No significant correlation was found between BMD index and shell characteristics (p>0.05). However, positive correlation was observed between BMD index and egg weight also between BMD index and hen-day egg production (p<0.05). The correlation between specific gravity and eggshell characteristics was significantly positive (p<0.01). The results of this study showed that vitamin C does not affect on bone mineral density and eggshell quality, under normal condition. In addition the rate of egg production had low effects on bone mineral density. Finally bone mineral content is rarely used for eggshell formation.

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This study was done on 4 and 5 years old Great sturgeon cultured in brackish water ponds in Bafgh salt water fisheries research station during one year. We examined somatic growth indices and effects of different diets on blood parameters and total length and weight. Diet with constant protein (%40) and different energy levels (400, 425, 450, 475 cal/100g) were fed to 74 pieces of Great sturgeons in 8 circle cement ponds. Biometry, as well as blood analysis were done every season. The assay were done for glucose was measured with Auto analyzer, calcium and magnesium with spectrophotometer and sodium and potassium with film photometer, Hormone levels (cortisol, testosterone, progesterone and esteradiol) were measured by Radio Immunoassay (RIA) in Yazd central laboratory. Total length and weight were not affected by sex, but they were affected significantly with season (p>0.05). The length and weight indices were also affected significantly by diet. Along with increasing energy content, these indices were improved. Among analyzed blood parameters, just magnesium had significant reverse correlation with total length and weight. Also, testosterone had direct correlation with total weight and progesterone had reverse correlation with total length significantly. Growth indices had overlapped in both sexes (a little more in male). On the other hand, Growth rate was similar in both sexes, but somatic growth indices were slightly improved along with increasing age in males.

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