By: A. Abarghani, M.Sc of Research Center of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ardabil-Iran M. Bojarpour, Assistant professor, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of agriculture, Ramin University, Ahvaz- Iran J. Fayazi, Assistant professor, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of agriculture, Ramin University, Ahvaz- Iran. In order to investigate the effect of barely (Ba) replacement with sugar beet pulp (SBP) on performance and carcass characteristics of Moghani male lambs, an experiment was done with completely randomize design with 5 dietary treatment containing different levels of replacement (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent), using 30 lambs with average initial weight and age of 30±2 kg and 5±0.12 months respectively. The duration of the experiment was 70 days. Rations were formulated according to NRC feed standards (1985). The average daily dry matter intake of rations containing 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% sugar beet pulp (rations 1 to 5) were 1.38, 1.48, 1.27, 1.36 and 1.41 kg respectively. There were no significant differences between figures. The average daily gains for the treatments 1 to 5 were 323, 308, 303, 313 and 301gr and feed conversion ratios were 3.85, 4.94, 4.54, 4.26 and 4.75 respectively. There were no significant differences between the data on carcass characteristics. Total carcass fat percent in treatment 100 percent sugar beet pulp was higher than 100 percent barley (control group). Generally, replacement barely with 75% beet pulp produced best performance.