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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    36 (پیاپی 58)
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اخلاق کاربردی یا کاربستی، شاخه ای از اخلاق هنجاری است که احکام اخلاقی حرفه ی خاص، مانند پزشکی یا گروه و سازمان خاص، مانند دولت مردان یا فعل و رفتار خاص، مانند نقدکردن یا حکمی جزیی از این سه قسم، مانند دروغ در حرفه ی پزشکی و مسئولیت پذیری در دولت مردان و اخلاق نقد سیاسی رقیبان را داوری و فضایل و رذایل مربوط به آن را تبیین می کند. در این شماره، مقاله ی نخست با عنوان «اخلاق مناظره ی علمی در سیره ی امام رضا » اخلاق کاربردی مناظره از دیدگاه اسلام را تبیین می کند. نویسنده در مقاله ی بعدی با عنوان «اخلاق کاربردی متقاعدسازی دینی با تحلیل و تبیین قرآنی و روایی» اخلاق کاربردی متقاعدسازی دینی را بیان کرده است.

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    36 (58)
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In this article, with the purpose of explaining the most important and fundamental ethical values that are necessary and essential for defining a basic framework and the correct model of scientific debate and dialogue, we have analyzed the Sī ra of Imam Reza with a descriptive-analytical method. So, the question is what general form of educational model of scientific debate, in different areas of value, we will get by probing and studying the relationship between Imam Reza and his opponents, religious scholars and followers of different religions? The research findings show that in the obtained pattern, on the one hand, sincerity and the necessary knowledge and expertise are considered as the most important ethical-professional requirements before entering the debate; On the other hand, honesty, justice and fairness, endurance, tolerance and modesty are among the most important moral-professional requirements during the debate, including the values and ethical principles that must always be taken into consideration by the parties, and they should not go out of the way of those values and principles. In the area of scientific ethics and behavioral norms during the debate, respect and appreciation, listening comprehension and understanding of the audience's purpose, speaking as readily understood, reasoned and Documentary talking, form the third dimension of the ethicalprofessional requirements of the debate.

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    36 (58)
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Extensive propaganda and the many mechanisms of today's persuasion and, of course, the desired and undesirable effects on the audience are not hidden. This research is based on ethical approach and of course on descriptive-analytical method. In the verses and narrations, the process of religious persuasion is analyzed in terms of communication elements, it proposes three ethical requirements in the field of propaganda and persuasion. The persuasive intellectual-belief, motivational and behavioral coordination with the persuasive message. The first ethical duty of a persuader in the field of education and religion. Which is related to the persuasive element Observing the right to choose and addressing the audience is another ethical necessity That should be considered in the persuasion process And if the compulsory acceptance of the audience is convincing, He has gone astray into persuading anti-morality We also need to hire legitimate and desirable tools in the message packaging axis, There is another moral necessity in religious persuasion The explanation of the above three essentials distinguishes the fundamental difference between the persuasiveness of the verses and traditions confirmed by most of the persuasive methods available.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    36 (58)
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Spiritual-moral development is one of the most fundamental concepts in the field of study of the psychologists of religion. Psychologists since G. Stanley Hall has emphasized that childhood is an important period for one's spiritual and moral development. They believe that if spirituality and morality are defined as a desire for excellence and meaning, children will undoubtedly have a strong moral and spiritual nature, as children will seek for meaning and excellence, and this experience will in turn influence their adulthood. However, the question may be raised as to what research has influenced the development of such growth in children from the perspective of research. Therefore, this review study seeks to discover how spiritual and moral development in children is based on empirical research conducted mainly in the West and in English. For this study, the keywords of child spirituality, child ethics, spiritual development and child morality were searched in research conducted between 1990 and 2003 and recorded in databases such as Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, google scholar, libgen. Analyzes showed that religious socialization, children's attachment to spiritual-moral parenting, and helping to refine the child's image of God are the most important factors highlighted in these studies for promoting and enhancing children's spiritual-moral development and its impact on adulthood.

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Rajabdoori Hossein

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    36 (58)
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Internal whistle-blowing is one of the issues that occur in the organization by employees, which informs managers of future larger problems and protects and protects the organization in some way from the organization. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between organizational identity and internal whistleblowing with the moderate role of perceived ethical climate and Proactive personality. The present study is a descriptive-survey study and is in terms of its purpose. The data collection tool is a questionnaire. The sampling method was a simple random sampling from 95 accountants and managers of companies accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange. For analysis of the research findings, in the form of 3 main hypotheses, the structural equation method was used by Smart PLS software. The research findings showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between organizational identity and internal whistle-blowing. Also, the relationship between organizational identity and internal whistle-blowing with perceived ethical climate and proactive personality are positively corrected and strengthened. As a result, due to the importance of internal whistleblowing in the organization's excellence, it is appropriate to pay more attention to the factors influencing internal whistle-blowing and to plan for the better use of it.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mohammadzadeh Ali Asghar

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    36 (58)
  • Pages: 

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At the beginning of the article, after defining punishment and punishment theory, the importance and position of this topic in ethics and law are mentioned. Due to the effect of punishment theory on the legal system of countries, studying it from the Quranic point of view is important for the Islamic society. Then five kinds of punishment theories are distinguished among moral philosophers and jurists that are Deterrence, Incapacitation, Retribution, Rehabilitation, and Restoration. Next, the main issue has been studied and evidence of each one of five theories in the Quran verses is evaluated. The pieces of evidence of deterrence and incapacitation look stronger. According to the qiṣ ā ṣ verses, some kinds of retribution are proven, although these verses have some emphasis on forgiveness vs. punishment. Also, there are some other pieces of evidence of retribution in ḥ udū d verses. Little indications of rehabilitation and restoration are found, but they do not look convincing, besides those verses with stronger signification to rehabilitation are abrogated. The research methodology is traditional and rational reasoning is used as an interpretation tool.

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Mahmoudi Sirous

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    36 (58)
  • Pages: 

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The aim of this study is to study the junior high school textbooks in term of concern about dimensions of environmental ethics. The research method is descriptive of type of content analysis. The statistical population of this study is all junior high school books that published in 2019. Three book titles, "Social Studies, " "Gifts of the Sky, " " and " Empirical science, " (9 volumes) were intentionally collected in the sample. A researcher-made content analysis inventory which was compiled by expert judgments and examined by descriptive indices in analytical process of Entropy Shannon, was used to gathering data. The result showed that in these books, components of the" recognition of nature as a divine creature and its proper use “ with importance coefficient of 0. 139, "Avoiding Environmental Pollution" with importance coefficient of 0. 138, "tree planting and conservation of green space" with importance coefficient of 0. 128, respectively were the most important dimensions and " biological diversity " with importance coefficient of 0. 096, " The Perspective of Islam on Environment" with importance coefficient of 0. 095, "Responsibility to Wildlife" with importance coefficient of 0. 07, respectively were the least important dimensions. Hygiene and health" with importance coefficient of. There is no reference to "Animal Rights Observance “ in none of the books.

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