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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Polyvinyl alcohol is a persistent and water-resistant compound found in effluent of many industries and can be harmful to human health. Its presence in water supplies may cause problems in the process of settlings and removing heavy metals. This study aimed to determine the efficiency of Mn3O4 / H2O2 process to remove PVA. Methods: This laboratory-scale research done to study the effects variables influencing process of Mn3O4/H2O2 including pH, hydrogen peroxide concentration, concentration of Mn3O4 nanoparticle, reaction time and concentration of PVA. To determine structural characteristics of nanoparticles XRD, BET SEM, and FTIR analyzes were used. Maximum absorption of contaminant by spectrophotometer was determined at 690 nm and the concentrations of PVA were determined by calibration curve. Results: BET analysis showed size of 19 nm for nanoparticles. Laboratory results showed that removal efficiency for Mn3O4/H2O2 process is 67. 98% at; pH=3, Mn3O4 concentration= 0. 4 g/l, concentration of hydrogen peroxide=20 mmol/l, reaction time=120 minutes, initial concentration PVA=100 mg/l. Removal efficiency decreased by increasing initial concentration of PVA and maximum efficiency of 71% observed for Mn3O4/H2O2 processes at initial concentration of 25 mg/l. UV radiation increased the efficiency of the process to 100% after 40 minutes. Conclusion: In accordance with the results hydrogen peroxide activated by Mn3O4 catalyst is a suitable option for pre-treatment of waste water containing polyvinyl alcohol.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Hospital-acquired infections (HAI) are a major public health Challenge especially in developing countries, which increased length of stay and hospital costs and increase the mortality rates. The aim of this study was to determine HAI prevalence in hospitalized patients in Shariati hospital of Isfahan. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed from March 2013 to August 2014 in Shariati hospital of Isfahan. Infections were surveyed according to the definitions of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The bacteria were identified to the species level based on a standard bacteriological method. Data were recorded and analyzed by SPSS. Results: In this study the incidence of nosocomial infections was 5. 4%. The most common type of infection was urinary tract infection 216 (72%) followed by blood infection 47(15. 6%) and wound infection 21 (7%). The most common microorganisms were Escherichia coli with 136 cases (46%) followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (32 cases, 10. 6%) and Enterococcoc (30 cases, 10%). The most prevalent nosocomial infection was observed in internal ward (100 cases, 35. 66%) followed by ICU (87, 30. 6%), surgical ward (78, 17. 9%), emergency department (25, 10. 3%) and pediatric ward (10 cases, 5%). Conclusion: The prevalence of nosocomial infection in different hospitals depends on the type of the service provided; therefore, comparing the results between different hospitals even those located in the same city is not feasible. The overall prevalence of nosocomial infection found in this study is comparable with the results of other studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objective: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main cause of mortality and disability in the world. Incorrect food habits are the most important risk factors for CVD. The aim of this study was to determine the predictors of nutritional behaviors related to cardiovascular diseases based on the theory of planned behavior among health volunteers. Methods: This research was a descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study. The sample was determined based on census and all the 128 active female health volunteers were participated in the study. Data were collected by a researcher made questionnaire that includes demographic variables and the theory of planned behavior constructs (attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, intention and nutritional behavior). Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient and linear regression using SPSS 21. Results: The average age of participants was 39. 17± 1. 01 years and the mean BMI was 26. 38± 4. 69 kg/m2. There was a positive (direct) correlation between TPB constructs. Attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and intention predicted 37% of the variance for nutritional behaviors. Intention was a significant predictor of nutritional behavior (β =0. 409) and perceived behavioral control was the strongest predictor for intention (β =0. 228). Conclusion: Perceived behavioral control was a strong predictor for intention and nutritional behavior, therefore, it is recommended to plan interventions according to this factor to improve nutritional behavior.

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Journal of Health

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Background& objectives: Understanding epidemiology of cancers and trends of its incidence could be effective on planning and policy making to control cancer. Due to lack of information on cancer trend, this study aimed at investigating the time trend analysis of cancer incidence in Qom province in a period of 8 years (2007-2014). Method: This descriptive cross sectional study was done on 5359 cases with cancers in Qom province in a period of 8 years using national cancer registration system. In this system data on all types of cancers diagnosed in pathological centers were collected and entered into the cancer registration software. Different types of cancers were encoded on the basis of ICD_O2. Data were analyzed by SPSS software by T-test and chi-square. Results: The incidence rates of all types of cancer from 2007 to 2014 were respectively 37. 25, 24. 75, 40. 16, 24. 04, 32. 49, 44. 27, 50. 28 and 43. 55 in 100000 people. The highest incidence rate of cancers occurred in >55 year age group. Cancer incidence was higher in men than women. Generally, The most common cancers in male patients was skin (19. 1%) followed by stomach cancer (14. 7%) and in female patients breast (27. 9%) and skin cancers (14. 8%) had the highest rates. Conclusion: Although, the trend of cancer incidence have no special pattern but it has been rising in Qom province in recent years. Hence, proper screening, early detection and education programs on signs, symptoms and risk factors of the cancer are highly recommended for all age groups.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Humic acid plays a main role in formation of carcinogenic chlorinated by-products (CBPs). The aim of this study was determination of optimum conditions for removal of humic acid by using nano activated carbon and surfectant modified natural nano zeolite (SMNZ) in Isfahan Babasheikhali water treatment plant. Methods: This experimental study was performed on a laboratory scale in batch reactors. Water samples were taken from Isfahan Babasheikhali water treatment plant. Design of the experiments was set using Taguchi method implemented by Minitab 15 software to reduce costs. In order to determine optimum conditions for removal of humic acid, activated nano carbon and surfactant modified Nano clinoptilolite zeolite (SMNZ) of smaller than 100 nm were used. Results: XRD images confirmed changes in surface charge distribution of nano zeolite. Based on the signal to noise ratio, the optimal conditions obtained to remove >99% of humic acid were: pH=5, contact time=2 hours, stirring speed = 250 rpm, pollutant concentration= 50 ppm and adsorbent dosage=0. 2 g/l. ANOVA statistical test showed a significant difference between the contaminant removal efficiency of SMNZ and activated nano carbon (p<0. 05). Conclusions: This study showed that SMNZ could have better potential than active nano carbon for removing humic acid. SMNZ has ability to minimize CBPs through removing humic acid and reducing SUVA index.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Public health is particularly important as it is related to development of the society. This study aimed to determine head lice contamination and its associated factors in girl students of primary schools of Meybod in 2015-2016. Methods: This cross sectional study with descriptive-analytic approach was done in Meybod city of Yazd in the 2015-2016. school year. The samples were selected using cluster sampling method from Girl primary schools. Data collection was done by pediculosis checklist and direct observation of health experts. Data were entered into SPSS version 21 and analyzed by logistic regression test at significant level of 0. 05. Results: Of the 402 students, 59 (14. 7%) were infected with lice eggs and 7 (1. 7%) with lice. Students in first and second grades, students with illiterate or elementary education, and the students whose father had free jobs or mother was illiterate or housewives had the highest number of egg contamination. People with short and smooth hair had high rate of egg infections. There were significant correlations between lice eggs and father's education, mother's education, presence of health teacher at the school and the length of the hair (p<0. 05). Conclusion: The prevalence of the disease among students was associated with factors such as lack of health educators in the schools and lack of parents’ awareness on the problem. So educating parents on disease transmission and prevention, providing health facilities and employing health educators can play an important role to reduce pediculosis and its adverse effects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Adolescents are vulnerable age group due to lack of knowledge and skills to avoid high risk behaviors and lack of access to acceptable and appropriate reproductive health information and services. This study was done to explore the views and experiences of adolescent girls and key adults in conjunction with the Iranian adolescent girls' challenges in accessing SRH information and services. Methods: This is a qualitative study. Data were gathered through semi structured interviews and focus groups with 247 adolescent girls and 71 key adults including health policymakers, governmental, nongovernmental and international health programs managers, health providers, mothers, teachers, sociologists and clergy in four Iranian cities. Data were coded and categorized using content analysis by MAXQDA10. Results: The main challenges identified were classified in four categories: (1) political challenges such as lack of an adopted strategy by the government; (2) social and cultural challenges such as taboos; (3) structural and administrative challenges such as inappropriate structure of the health system; and (4) non-use of religious potential. Conclusions: In Iran, the concept of adolescent reproductive health has not been well understood and is very controversial. Government leaders and policymakers should try to provide reproductive health services that are consistent with the community’ s cultural and religious values for adolescent girls to overcome the challenges of access.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: The use of geographic information system software (GIS) for monitoring water resources can be very effective to protect, manage and correctly operate water resources. The aim of this study was to assess groundwater quality in Yazd-Ardakan for agricultural purposes using GIS. Methods: In this study, to assess groundwater quality in Yazd-Ardakan Plain, data were collected from 75 wells within 10 years (2005 to 2015). GIS 10. 22 software and kriging spatial analysis model were applied for data interpolation and zoning maps. Results: The results showed that the water quality in Yazd-Ardakan Plain based on TDS, SAR and EC parameters was unfavorable for irrigation purposes in 42, 40. 26 and 55. 3% of the areas, respectively. The calculated total quality index showed that water quality in 53. 18% of the areas was suitable, 28. 65% average and 18. 17% poor in Yazd-Ardakan plain for irrigation. Conclusion: According to the results, differences in type and composition of the soil have induced changes in water quality. Since, the main water quality problem in Yazd-Ardakan plain is EC, SAR and TDS, direct use of groundwater must be avoided in order to prevent damage and reduce crop yields in north and east areas.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Head lice infestation is one of the most frequent parasitic contamination worldwide including Iran and many other countries. This study was conducted in order to assess the prevalence of pediculosis capitis and some of the factors affecting its infestation among pupils and children in primary schools and preschools in Yazd city. Methods: The present study was a descriptive-analytical (cross-sectional) study. This study was carried out on 650 children who were selected from primary schools and preschools of Yazd city by two-stage cluster sampling method. Data were collected by hair examination and filling out a questionnaire and analyzed by Chi-square, Odds Ratio,، Fisher's exact test, and Mann Whitney using SPSS software. p<0. 05 was considered significant. Results: Of the 650 children examined, 17 (2. 6%) were infected with lice of which 14 being girl (4. 5%) and 3 boys (%0. 9). This study showed that the infestation is more prevalent in girls (4. 6%) than the boys with the highest rate seen among 5-8 year old children. The results showed significant variations in head lice infestation, and factors such as sex, family size, level of parents education and their occupation (p<0. 05), while no significant differences were observed between age groups, hair length, scalp itching and the frequency of hair washing and combing. Conclusions: The prevalence of pediculosis in Yazd city was lower than the average rates observed in Iran and as well as the other provinces. Improvements in socioeconomic and cultural conditions and most importantly family health care knowledge as well as the environmental health in schools and preschools are the most effective factors affecting the rate of infestation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Rad r. | Hesaam s. | JADIDI R.


Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: In the third millennium, human resources are the most valuable asset of the organization. So the empowerment of human resources is one of the most important organizational measures and has unique role in success of the organization to achieve its goals and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of human resources. The aim of this study was to examine the factors influencing the development of mental abilities in employees. Methods: In this practical, descriptive and correlational study; out of 440 staff employed in the headquarters of the Ardabil university of medical sciences in 2015, 205 subjects were selected using multi-stage random sampling method (stratified, cluster and random). Data were collected using empowerment questionnaire and survey of factors affecting psychological empowerment questionnaire. Data were analyzed by statistical tests such as Pearson correlation and multiple regression. Results: Results analysis showed that all three studied variables (individual factors, group factors, and organizational factors) play important role in explaining the dependent variable (psychological empowerment). These three variables correlate with the dependent variable at R=0. 51. There is also a significant difference in degree of these factors. Organizational factors (β =0. 248) had the highest and individual factors (β =0. 195) had the lowest effect on psychological empowerment. Conclusions: In general, although various aspects of Spritzer's model, as the basis for this study, was approved by the relevant tests, but the importance and priority of these characteristics in the pattern of psychological empowerment of human resources in Ardabil medical university headquarter was different and depended on its conditions. So one can improve psychological empowerment of human resources through increasing staffs confidence, facilitating their participation in achieving organizational goals, clarify roles and duties and providing necessary information.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Students are human capital of any society and paying attention to their health is considered an investment for the future. One of the effective ways to promote health of students is training school health educators in higher education system. The aim of this study was codification process of baccalaureate curriculum for school health and its validation from the perspective of curriculum and school health specialists. Methods: This research was mixed method. In the qualitative phase, exploratory method and in the quantitative section, descriptive-survey method was used. The study population included all the ideas of professionals in the field of school health and curriculum who commented on curriculum. The quantitative phase included 300 curriculum and school health specialists working in Tehran. 168 of these specialists were selected for validating this curriculum model. The instrument used to validate the model was a researcher-made questionnaire which its validity was confirmed by experts' views and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's Alpha test (α =0. 96). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to validate the model. Results: The findings showed that proposed structure of baccalaureate curriculum for school health includes aims, content, personal and social health, disciplinary processes and evaluation of apprenticeship units. Also, the findings of validation showed baccalaureate curriculum for school health was valid from the perspective of curriculum and school health specialists. Conclusion: Since the proposed curriculum for baccalaureate of school health is valid, it is suggested that curriculum planners and the faculty members in the field of health to try to adopt this proposed model and implement in the higher education system.

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