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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of present study was identification of familial elements in appearance affective abnormalities from the perspective of parents having children with and without affective abnormalities. This study was qualities of phenomenological type. Hence, 20 couples (10 couples have children with abnormality and 10 couples have children without abnormality) were selected using Maximum variation sampling method and investigated by semi-structured interview. The abnormalities of students included in range of affective disorders such as major depression, dysthymia depression, bipolar disorder, phobia and general anxiety. Then, information were analyzed by content analysis. The outcome of content analysis led to seven themes; these themes included “ family breakdown” , “ affective non-differentiation parents and children” , “ confused affective system of family” , “ Interconnectedness of duties” , “ severe control” , “ parental involvement to maintain their existence” and “ Instrumental use of children’ s” . Based on the results, parent’ s educating – behavioral methods can provide grounds for affective abnormalities in children or even to intensify it.

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This study aimed at investigating the quality of implementing journal clubs, one of the classical methods of training, from the viewpoints of faculty members, residents and interns that were selected on different degrees of the department of pediatrics, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences where journal clubs were implemented. The population sample was 60 peoples selected through the census method. Data collection tool was a research-made questionnaire whose reliability (0. 85) was verified. Then, data were analyzed by conducting descriptive statistics & ANOVA. The results showed that the mean of the whole quality of journal clubs implementation was 2. 26± 0. 64 that was “ desirable” . Moreover, the highest quality was regarded in the organizing and planning domain (prior to implementation) 2. 39± 0. 68, implementation domain (during implementation) 2. 24± 0. 67 and implementation domain (post implementation) 2. 12± 0. 76 respectively. Although, the differences between one of the groups was less than the other two groups, the difference was not significant statistically (sig=0. 055). According to the desired level of quality of journal club at the department of pediatrics, more researches in various medical groups will be highly recommended in order to examine and improve the quality of journal clubs.

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Drug abused and addicting to narcotics could be one of the most complicated problem among the world health issues. Hence, this descriptive-sectional study investigated relationships between drug abused and students’ educational achievement among 302 nursing students at Abadan medical school and Islamic Azad University in Abadan. Data collection was conducted through a researcher-made questionnaire in which collected data based on students’ personal demography and the participants’ drug abused. The research result showed that none of the students had no history of glass, cannabis, crack and heroin. The use of cigarette (25. 5%) and hookah (16. 2%) were higher than other narcotics. Moreover, there was a significant correlation between the male students’ average scores and the use of hookah (p=0. 001), medical school students with Tramadol (p=0. 002)Azad University students with hookah (p=0. 001), Abused drug history in their families (p=0. 001) and use of cigarette (p=0. 001), too. The findings also indicated that prevalence of cigarette and hookah abused were highly demonstrated among male, single, Azad university students, and abused drug history in their families. It was also found academic achievement of students with a history of substance abuse were significantly lower level than other students (p= 0. 03). As a result, there is a need to make the students be aware of the effects of abused drugs on their physical and educational phenomena to enhance their learning capabilities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study examined the role of social intelligence and academic motivation in the students' enthusiasm of Medical Sciences. The study was descriptive and correlational. The study population was all students at Birjand University of Medical Sciences in the academic year 2015, using stratified sampling method, 196 persons were selected; furthermore, study tools included academic motivation scale, social intelligence and academic enthusiasm scale. Pearson correlation coefficient test and regression analysis were used. Afterwards, the data analysis showed that there was a significant positive relationship between motivation and academic enthusiasm; and there was also a significant positive relationship between motivation, cognitive and affective enthusiasm; although the results showed no significant relationship between social intelligence and academic enthusiasm. Regression analysis indicated that students' academic enthusiasm can be predicted by students’ academic motivation. According to the research findings, it is suggested that educational courses and workshops, in order to enhance students' motivation and enthusiasm, should be programmed and considered in university educational system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Students' satisfaction with of teaching methods has a significant impact on their academic achievement. Thus, finding successful methods to increase the students' satisfaction with teaching methods has been considered as educational priorities. This study was to compare and investigate the satisfaction rate of pharmacy students with various lecturing, E-learning and blended methods in training of non-prescription drug treatments. Population of the study was52pharmacy students studying Training unit at Ahvaz Jundishapur. The topics related to OTC therapies by three different educational methods (E-learning, lecturing, and blended methods) were taught to the students. Both pre & post tests were taken at the beginning and the end of sections. Finally, the satisfaction rates of students with teaching methods were measured by using researcher-made questionnaires. Validity was 0. 78. The results showed that in general, more than 61% of students claimed more satisfaction with e-learning method than traditional teaching method. Also, more than 61% students reported that in case of providing some topics electronically as well as traditionally, they will choose the E-learning approach. E-learning approach have been evaluated as advantageous and appropriate in general by more than 59% students. According to the results, E-learning teaching method can be included and used as a new and proper educational method along with other training methods in the curriculum.

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The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between academic self-efficacy beliefs and academic buoyancy through mediating roles of schoolwork engagement and gender differences in this variables. Through the cluster random sampling, 384 students of Poldokhtar public high school (198 males and 186 females) were selected. The Participants completed the Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs scale, Schoolwork Engagement Scale and Academic Buoyancy Questionnaire. All the tools enjoyed appropriate validity and suitability. Then the data analysis indicated that the academic self-efficacy beliefs had significant relationship with academic buoyancy (R2=0. 19, β = 0. 44, P< 0. 0001), and also schoolwork engagement could predict the academic buoyancy (β = 0. 43, P< 0. 0001); moreover, gender couldn’ t play a moderating role in the relationship between these variables (Zr= 0. 63, N. S). Also, the results indicated that amount of academic self-efficacy beliefs of female students significantly was more than males. Accordingly, it can be claimed that academic self-efficacy beliefs contribute to increase academic buoyancy of student along with improving the income schoolwork engagement. The outcomes were discussed within the social cognitive theory, Lazarus cognitive modal and social-specifics affecting the high school students in Iran.

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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between perfectionism and alexithymia with loneliness in nursing and midwifery Dezful Azad University students. The study population included all students of the School of Nursing and Midwifery (825 persons) in 2014-2015 school year of whom 258 people were selected by simple random sampling and answered perfectionism questionnaire by Aslani et al APS-R-2001, Toronto alexithymia Scale (TAS)-1986 questionnaire, and Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults SELSA-2004. To analyze data, kolmogorov– Smirnov, Pearson correlation and linear regression test were used. The Results showed that there is a significant relationship between perfectionism and alexithymia with loneliness of students at 0. 05 level. Thus As positive perfectionism gets higher in the students, it reduces loneliness, and as alexithymia gets higher, the loneliness increases in them.

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The aim of this research was to teach correct scientific citation in the scientific productions of top writers at Iranian Medical Sciences Universities in 2017 with regard to the relationship between moral growth and self-control variables with focus on "Citation to meta citation article" model in the articles of the top authors of Iranian medical universities in 2017. The population of current scientometrics and correlation study in the first part of research was included all the writers who had an H-index of 10 or more in the scientist database of 2017. The sample size at this stage was 110. The data collected were analyzed by SPSS 16. 0. The research outcomes showed that the regression model was significant (β =-11/264, p=0/018), (β =-0/665, p=0/007). Regarding the results, avoiding citing to “ meta citation” articles blindly can, as far as possible, lead to strengthening of citation indices.

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Metacognitive strategies are the most important factors influencing the classroom participation and academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of metacognitive strategy training on the classroom participation and academic achievement. Present study was a quasi-experimental one with pretest and posttest design and control group. The statistical population of this research was all students of Shahid Beheshti Medical Science Faculty in 2016-2017 who were referred to the university counseling center due to academic and probation problems. According to the criteria for entering the research, 40 students were selected and randomly divided into two experimental groups (n=20), and control (n=20). The research instrument was the participation inventory in Rio Class (2013) and the student's grade as a component of the academic achievement. The experimental group received weekly intervention. Data were analyzed using covariance analysis. Findings showed that the mean of total grades of the students in the experimental group in the classroom participation (128. 80) in the posttest is significantly higher than the mean of the control group (80. 40). This difference was also significant in covariance analysis (P = 0. 001). Also, in the experimental group, the mean of the posttest scores in the academic achievement (14. 49) after metacognitive strategy training were significantly higher than the mean of the pretest (13. 99), which was also significantly different in covariance analysis (P =0. 001). The results indicate that the intervention of the metacognitive strategy increases the classroom participation of the students and their academic achievement.

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