The aim of present study was identification of familial elements in appearance affective abnormalities from the perspective of parents having children with and without affective abnormalities. This study was qualities of phenomenological type. Hence, 20 couples (10 couples have children with abnormality and 10 couples have children without abnormality) were selected using Maximum variation sampling method and investigated by semi-structured interview. The abnormalities of students included in range of affective disorders such as major depression, dysthymia depression, bipolar disorder, phobia and general anxiety. Then, information were analyzed by content analysis. The outcome of content analysis led to seven themes; these themes included “ family breakdown” , “ affective non-differentiation parents and children” , “ confused affective system of family” , “ Interconnectedness of duties” , “ severe control” , “ parental involvement to maintain their existence” and “ Instrumental use of children’ s” . Based on the results, parent’ s educating – behavioral methods can provide grounds for affective abnormalities in children or even to intensify it.