The quality of life and peoples’ satisfaction of different dimensions of life have gained more and more importance in accordance to social and cultural development. Social development improves the level of welfare on one hand and creates new problems such as commotion, sound pollution, psychological pressures and son on the other hand. So the issue of life quality gains importance. A phenomenon in the modern world is women presence in public sphere which puts them in a problematic position regarding the quality of life. The goal of this study is to evaluate the effective factors on the quality of women’s life in Isfahan. The research method is survey and a questionnaire is used. From all women aged 20 or mare, a sample of 510 is selected by a cluster sampling technique. In order to evaluate the quality of life a 6 factor questionnaire is used which is formulated by the World Health Organization. The independent variables are social capital, income, family dimension, job and matrimony. The questionnaire had exterior validity and the Chronbach’s alpha was 0.7. The findings show that there is a significant relationship between life quality and social capital (0.51), social base (0.38), matrimony (0.33), income (0.31), jab (0.25) and education (0.19).