Introduction: One of the four essential components of each organization is its culture. The purpose of this study was to determine the effective factors on promoting the safety culture of the patient in the Fayazbakhsh Hospital. Methods: The present study was descriptive-correlational and applied in terms of its purpose. The statistical population of the nurses of Fayazbakhsh Hospital was 345 and the sample size was 181. The research tool was a HSOPSC questionnaire which was confirmed in previous studies with verified factor analysis (GFI=0. 96) and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha (α =0. 82). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-sample t-test and SPSS22 software. Results: According to the findings of the research in Fayazbakhsh Hospital, the Components of team work in one unit (p=0. 00, t=27. 66), management expectations and management measures (p=0. 00, t=14. 12), a general understanding of Patient safety (p=0. 001, t=6. 6), staffing issues (p=0. 001, t=3. 81), our teamwork between organizational units (p=0. 00, t=9. 78), and the exchange and transmission of information (p=0. 001, t=11. 47) are effective in improving the safety culture as well as organizational learning components (p=0. 100, t=1. 65) Management support of patient safety (p=0. 001, t=-11. 25), communication and feedback feedback (p=0. 289, t=-1. 63), reporting frequency of events (P=0. 059, t=-1. 90), openness of communication channels (p=0. 00, t=-4. 219) and non-punitive encounter with the incident event (p=0. 00, t=-9. 40) is not effective in promoting patient safety culture. Conclusion: If hospital managers find obstacles and problems in this dimension to further increase these dimensions, there will be significant results in relation to patient safety culture in hospital in the long run.