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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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One of the most important and most influential topics in macroeconomics and international economics is the choice of exchange rate regime. The type of exchange rate regime affects a wide range of economic variables in each country. Currency revenues on oil exports increase the importance of exchange rate regime and foreign exchange policies. As well as the exchange rate is an important factor in the rise and fall of nation’ s commerce. This study aimed to investigate the exchange rate regimes on flow of sporting goods commerce group during the period 2013-1993 in the Middle East whit using panel data. Data sources were World Bank, the WTO, and the IMF and international information center. Stata 12software was used for data analysis. The results showed that commerce, GDP, distance, population and having a joint business agreement has a positive effect and having a common language, colonial and consolidated variable consumer price index and effective exchange rate has a negative effect on the flow of sporting goods group commerce. The GDP, a joint business agreement, a common language and colonial were statistically significant but other variables were not significant.

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The purpose of the present study was to conduct a comprehensive revision of sports participation development procedures in Guilan Province, presenting systematic frameworks and giving a proper analysis. the study is a report of several research works done in 2015-16. The methodology of the research was of analytic-survey type. The population of the study consisted of 156 experts, 354 citizens and 75 scientific and executive documents in the field of sports in Guilan Province. The instrument of the research involved the secondary research, interview, and questionnaire, in line with the conceptual analysis framework of the research. The analytic methods used are the systematic frameworks besides quantitative descriptive evaluation. based on the model, the factors such as the participation management, participation services, development resources, environmental background, sports capacities and individual background (in order of importance), have significant effect on the sports participation level (independent variable). Also, in three sections of individual, environmental and resources, the most important challenges and needs had overlapping areas (behavioral, economic environment, and financial resources). Furthermore, the municipalities and the Sports and Youth Offices were the organizations which had the main roles in distributing the work among the organizations (planning, supporting, executing and monitoring). According to the results, we can conclude that the sports participation is like a collective system and its development requires a systematic structure based on the proper distinction and combination of procedures and roles, considering the determined priorities.

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The success of any organization depends on the allocation and use of tools, equipment, money, material and human resources of the organization. Among the production factors, human resources that is principal, no doubt has a key role in providing services and is considered as the most important asset of an organization. This study investigates the effect of short-term and long-term of human resources on the economic growth of Iran’ s sports industry, using autoregressive distributed lag model in the period of (1353-1391). For this purpose, econometric method implemented by using data on sports value added, government size, capital stock of the sports sector and Active population of Sport. The results showed the human resources of sports sector has in the short-term and long-term a positive and significant effect on economic growth of the sports industry of Iran. The role of human resources in the growth of the sports industry is greater than the capital. To economic growth of the sports industry, it is better to investment in human resources.

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SAFFARI M. | Latifi Fard M.

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Active cities are an investment source in the development of environmental, social, economic and human capitals. Their effect on aspects of urban life is very tangible and cannot easily be ignored. An important issue in active cities is to consider different age groups and the need for a comprehensive review of factors that contribute both directly and indirectly. The aim of the present study is to propose a physical activity-friendly city model. This qualitative study uses a grounded theory approach (Constructive). In this study, two sources of information are used to collect data: 1. interviews with seven elites who carried out research in the field of active cities, managers who have experience in the field of sport for all, and some sports managers of Tehran municipality, and 2. coding 12 validated articles on active cities. After coding in three stages, 534 open codes were obtained by repeating the two stages of coding articles and interviews (286 open codes from articles and 248 open codes from interviews). After careful examination of the TAFISA active city model, division of biological models in four general levels, adjacency of open codes, and review of articles published in this field, the open codes were divided into three general layers and one axis. Finally, an indigenous model of converting Tehran into a physical activityfriendly was achieved, which can provide guidelines for managers to achieve the active city, active communities and active citizens.

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The purpose of this study is to identify and prioritize the selection criteria for the heads of sports federations of Iran by presenting the model. The type of research was applied in a mixed (qualitative-quantitative) way. The statistical population of this research was qualitative stage, including 20 chairmen and vice-chairmen of sports federations, referees, coaches, players and university professors. In this research, snowball sampling method was used. The statistical population in the quantitative stage was 250 people using SPSS Sample Power software. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and researcher-made questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis was used to verify the factor structure. To analyze the qualitative data obtained from the interview, Nvivo version 10 was used. Also, the SmartPls 2. 0 software version 2. 0 and SPSS version 23 software were used to analyze quantitative data. The results of the data analysis showed that 6 factors and 21 questions are needed to select the indices of the heads of federations. Also, the results of Friedman test showed that the social index with the mean (6. 87) was the highest and the first and also the index of coordination with the mean (5. 6) was the lowest and the last rank. In the end, in addition to providing a research model and confirming its fit, it was found that the highest level of constructivist belonged to the factor of communication with the standard beta of 0. 310 and the lowest of it was to the job index with the standard beta of 0. 05.

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The aim of this study was to develop a model to identify obstacles and constraints facing marketing capabilities in Premier League football clubs. This survey is a exploratory research with Qualitative natuare that the grounded theory method were used. Statistical population included all of the football clubs’ managers and members faculty of sport management. Samples were selected by Theoretical and Snowball sampling. To collect data, Depth interviews by open-ended questions were used. Then, collected data from 16 interviews were encoded and analyzed through grounded theory method. The results of codes classification showed 25 marketing barriers at the three contextual, organizational, and behavioral levels. The contextual level includes micro and macro environmental barriers such as cultural, economic, political, social, media and government barriers. In structural level, barriers related to physical facilities and institutional barriers; and the behavioral level includes individual and administrative barriers such as planning and strategic thinking lack, and staff, coaches and players. Finally, the research model designed according to the three ramifications model. The proposed model can be used as an analytical tool for identifying football marketing so that it would solve problems of this field of sport reasonably and principally and Take action to solve these obstacles formally.

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The aim of this study was to compare and analysis the development level of Iran's provinces in different dimensions of competitive sport. This study is descriptive and analytic which by using 48 indicators has reviewed the development level of competitive sport of Iran’ s provinces in seven dimensions: human resources, financial resources, infrastructures and facilities, sporting successes, competitiveness, hosting sport events and education in 2011. Factor analysis was used to calculate mixed indicators and cluster analysis was used to determine the level of sport development of provinces. The Study of development level of the provinces in the dimensions of championship sport showed that most provinces in human resources and infrastructure and facilities were relatively developed, in competitiveness were relatively developed and less developed, in financial resources, hosting sports events and education were less developed and in sporting achievement were undeveloped. The study of the development level of Iran provinces showed all dimensions of competitive sport development follows the center-periphery development pattern. These inequities are the resultant and reflect of the socio-political factors, spatial planning system failures and incorrect policies, ignoring the integrated management of the country, lack of attention to potentials of the provinces and lack of coordination between the organizations in charge of different aspects of development.

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The development of relationship marketing tactics may increase the profitability of sports industry. The researchers look for a valid and reliable tool to evaluate this tactic. However, this study aimed to determine the reliability and validity of Kim’ s Sport Customers’ Relationship Marketing Questionnaire (2008) which consists of 28 questions. This questionnaire consists of trust, commitment, relationship satisfaction, self-connection, intimacy, loving team, and reciprocity components. After obtaining permission from owner of questionnaire, its content and face validity was investigated and confirmed by seven experts. This questionnaire was translated in the study of Hasani Zade (2012) by three-step approach. To determine the reliability, a pilot study was conducted on spectators of Esteghlal-Naft Tehran game in Azadi Stadium; the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for all components and questions was more than 0. 70. To evaluate the validity of questionnaire, a sample consisted of 430 spectators who participated to watch the games of Sepahan in Foolad Shahr Stadium were selected randomly. The confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the construct validity. The outputs of LISREL software indicated that the selected items for measuring components of relationship marketing were valid and may evaluate well the relationship marketing of spectators. Given these findings, it can be said that adapted scale of sports spectators’ relationship marketing may be used as reliable and valid scale among football spectators.

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The goal of the current research was to factor structure and normalize performance evaluation questionnaire for human resources in the ministry of youth and sport. Statistical population of the survey covers all human resources of the ministry (including managers, employees and experts) for the year 2017 (N=840), where based on Kerejsay and Morgan table, 260 samples were considered (n=260). Data collection tool consisted of the researcher-designed questionnaire to evaluate the human resources performance. In order to analyze the data, descriptive and inductive statistics including Kronbauch α-coefficient was utilized for the calculation of internal consistency of the subscales, and the confirming factor analysis to assess the data analysis credibility scales using Amos version 20. 0. Kronbauch α-coefficient exhibited the internal consistency of subscales. In addition, the results from confirming factor analysis revealed that ten-factor (Employee Hire, Occupational Familiarization, Training and Enabling, Effective Use of the Employees, Behavioral Indices, Psychological Properties, Capacities and Skills, Service Compensation, Preservation, maintenance and Succession) structure of the human resources analysis shows desirable fit. Hence, this study exhibits that performance evaluation questionnaire is a well-suited tool for evaluation survey by which researchers are able to use this questionnaire as a stable and reliable tool.

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Azami M.K. | MOHAMADI S.

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In order to study the effect of team and organizational identification, upon the consumers’ attitude regarding cause-related sport marketing, a descriptivecorrelative research based on head counting sampling) (n=400), among Physical Education students of Kurdistan Province (N=540) was done. The tool of measurement is a researcher made Questionnaire including: individual characteristics, team identification, Cause organizational identification, consumers’ attitude, sport/ cause fit and purchase intention. The analysis of the data was based upon descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, … ) and Inferential statistics (correlation, Confirmatory factor analysis and Structural Equation Model), using SPSS software Version 22 and AMOS version 20. The findings of the study show that the above-mentioned proportion between sport and causes has a positive and meaningful effect upon Consumer attitude toward CRSM and team identification directly and regardless of sport fit and cause cannot affect Consumer attitude toward CRSM, but Cause organizational identification lonely and regardless of sport/ because fit has a positive and meaningful effect on consumers’ attitude, ultimately the positive change of consumers’ attitude leads into purchase.

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Sport and healthy pastime activities in developed countries as significant and effective factors in the development of societies have been observed. The impressive participation of spectators in sporting events has highlighted the significance of service quality assessment. Service quality assessment in sporting events is of great importance. Good services to customers will ensure their return to the sporting events. This study aims to develop and validate a service quality assessment tool for sporting events. Exploratory analysis was used to achieve appropriate statistical results. Qualitative data following quantitative data were collected and analyzed, and through a process the main and essential dimensions of the service quality were selected. In order to statistically survey the internal consistency and structural validity of the tool, it was distributed to 450 spectators of the sporting event of major basketball league in 1395-1396. In doing so, exploratory factor analysis of the original data was conducted using the main components method through the orthogonal rotation. Having passed through qualitative and quantitative stages, the final questionnaire containing 34 questions for the whole factors and sub-factors was designed. This study resulted in the production of an appropriate tool for service quality assessment in sporting events. To assess service quality in sporting events a reliable questionnaire must be used. The questionnaire designed in this study can be an appropriate tool to assess service quality in sporting events.

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The aim of this study was the investigation of the effectiveness factors on organizational citizenship behaviors in the sports industry in Iran: meta-analysis of existing studies. The study is a meta-analysis. The study population was all the articles science-research in the field of sport on organizational citizenship behavior in Iran, that finally 41 articles were selected with this criterion. In addition, these articles were analyzed with the software CMA2. Results of a systematic review showed that research in this field, mainly descriptive, analytical and methods validity has been low. Among the factors affecting on organizational citizenship behavior, leadership, organizational commitment and perceived organizational support, were influential factors. The results also showed that leadership style (effect size 0. 60) and organizational commitment (effect size 0. 51) and perceived organizational support (effect size 0. 50) have the highest impact on organizational citizenship behavior in sport industry. The results showed that in variables investigated in previous researches, the main variables that can lead to citizenship valuable behaviors include: leadership style, the commitment of employees towards work and their organizations, and their perception of organizational support. Accordingly, it is suggested to managers and directors of sports organizations and clubs to develop leadership skills in particular development style, creating a sense of commitment to the organization's staff moral and material, have regular programs.

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