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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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ترویج علم

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نوزادانی که امروز به دنیا می آیند، نسبت به والدین یا پدربزرگ و مادربزرگشان، اختلالات ناشی از تغییرات اقلیمی بسیار بیشتری را تجربه خواهند کرد. جوانان در خاورمیانه و کشورهای جنوب صحرای آفریقا و آنهایی که در کشورهای کم درآمد هستند بیشترین افزایش در مواجهه را خواهند دید. البته چنین تخمی نهایی فقط تغییرات در فراوانی رویدادهای شدید را بررسی میکنند و معمولا نشان نم یدهند که چگونه آن رویدادها ممکن است شدیدتر و طولانی تر شوند. . . .

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Objective: The promotion of science is one of the new topics that has received much attention in recent years. Promoting science is trying to reflect scientific ideas in a way that the general public can understand the science’, s basic concepts. Considering the importance and position of science popularization, this research has been formed in order to follow and review the policies in the field of science promotion based on the country’, s upstream documents and to fill the research gap in this field. Method: This research is descriptive-analytical and it uses the method of content analysis and documentary review. By examining the content of upstream documents and the policies of the country in this study 11, documents and policies that have dealt with the promotion of science were analyzed. This study determines what aspect of the promotion of science each of these cases addressed. Findings: Based on this study, it was found that the“,Comprehensive Scientific Map of Health ”, includes the issue of science generalization in values and strategies, introduced the relevant institutions and pointed to some tools to achieve this and some indicators in order to evaluate the extent of their accomplishments has been proposed. This document has performed better than other documents and policies in this area. The“,Comprehensive Scientific Map of the country, ”, in addition to the evaluation criteria, has tried to consider other aspects and dimensions of the subject of promotion. Other studied documents have more or less addressed various aspects of the subject of science promotion.

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The purpose of this study is to design a formal and experienced curriculum model for sixth grade elementary mathematics course. In this study, through literature review and exploratory interview, to identify the components of formal and experienced curriculum for sixth grade elementary mathematics course through analysis The theme and content analysis method (analysis unit coding, categories and registration unit) were discussed. For field interviews, formal curriculum research participants include curriculum faculty members and math faculty members, top math instructors, math curriculum planners, and researchers in the field of curriculum planning education familiar with math and curriculum education. They were curricula, and in terms of the curriculum experienced, the community includes experienced and specialized teachers in the sixth grade of elementary school. To analyze the data, continuous comparison method was performed during three stages of open, axial and selective coding using MaxiCode software of Pro version. Data analysis showed that the components of the formal curriculum in both practical and rational dimensions include problem solving, creativity, activities, intellectual skills and comprehension and reasoning,And the components of the curriculum experienced in both theoretical and practical dimensions including problem solving approach, purposeful teaching, teaching principles, practical teaching, research-based teaching method, exploratory teaching method, teaching in departments, modern teaching method and method Teaching is motivating. The results of the present study can be a good guide for the planners of the sixth-grade elementary mathematics curriculum to determine the educational topics.

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The aim of research is to analyze and compare the educational contents Iran and Russia textbooks, in the topic of electromagnetic physics. In that research, are used Bloom taxonomy of cognitive domains for the issues and questions. The statistical Society in this research are Iranian physics textbook, published in, 1395 and Russia physics textbook, published in 2014 in the topic of the electromagnetic. The research method is also a combination( qualitative and quantitative. )In addition, one of the authors of the article is fluent in Russian, which was essential for analyzing the text of a Russian book. All of the issues and questions of this topic from two books in six levels of Bloom’, s cognitive levels( knowledge, understanding, understanding, application, analysis, composition and evaluation )were qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated and analyzed. According to the data analysis, the frequency diagram shows that Bloom’, s cognitive levels for the questions of Russian physics textbook is more normal and more appropriate than the textbook of physics in Iran. This topic can effect on student’, s meaningful learning. For this purpose, the authors of scientific books( both academic and non-academic )are suggested to pay attention to Bloom’, s cognitive levels in compiling and setting the goals of the books.

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Improving teachers ’, competencies are of particular importance for improving students ’, academic achievement. Teachers with sufficient skills and knowledge can create a favorable environment for students ’, academic progress. The purpose of this study is )1 to identify different components of teacher competencies, and )2 to identify the factors that motivate teachers to improve their own competencies. To achieve these two goals, the qualitative method was used. The instrument was a semi-structured interview. Questions of the interview were provided based on Herzberg’, s motivational theory. The statistical population includes teachers and educational experts who can have access to them in Tehran. The sample size includes theoretical foundations and related research available, as well as 12 teachers and educational experts in different areas of education in Tehran. Purposeful sampling was performed. After reviewing, it was found that teacher competencies include 6 components include“,teacher professional responsibilities“, , ”, classroom management and organization“, , ”, teaching“, , ”, effective teaching prerequisites“, , ”, planning and preparation ”, and“,teacher personal characteristics. ”, Each of these components has some sub-components. After coding and categorizing the interviews, it was found that motivating factors are divided into two categories, motivators and hygiene. In accordance with each of them, interventions can be made to motivate their teachers to upgrade their teacher competencies by actively participating in approved education courses, virtual and non-virtual courses, and searching for relevant materials.

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The present study was designed and conducted with the aim of biological experience of immigrant students of cultural diversity in Iranian schools. The present study was one of the qualitative researches that was conducted in the field. The qualitative method used in the present study was phenomenological. Participants in the present study included immigrant students in Qarchak. Participants in this study were sampled using purposive sampling and homogeneous sampling selection approach and at the same time with maximum diversity. This issue was formed until the theoretical saturation was reached. Finally 14, interviews were conducted in this regard. The data collection tool in the present study was a semi-structured interview. In order to analyze the data, thematic analysis was used. The results showed that there are 4 main themes and 26 sub-themes. According to the results of the present study, the harms caused by not managing cultural diversity in schools include educational, social, personal and environmental harms.

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khosravi Hoshang

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Paying attention to the issue of food security and community health and the importance of organic products consumption has increased the use of biofertilizers in recent decades. Biofertilizer is a product containing beneficial microorganisms that increases growth and supply of required elements for plants through various mechanisms. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria such as Pseudomonas and molecular nitrogen fixersers such as Rhizobium, Azotobacter and Azospirillum are the most important microorganisms used in biofertilizers production. The most important producers of biofertilizers include Europe, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Russia and the United States. In Iran, the production and consumption of biofertilizers has flourished and is developing in the last two decades. So far, a single global standard for quality control and application of biofertilizers has not been developed, however, in some countries, including Iran, standards and guidelines have been developed in this field. Biofertilizers are mainly produced in powder, liquid and granule forms. The main method of using biofertilizers for most agricultural crops is seed inoculation, however, seed immersion, seedlings, cuttings or saplings is also used. Fertigation can also be used for some fertilizers in surface, drip, sprinkler and underground irrigation systems. Soil application is recommended for use in orchards. Foliar application can also be used for some biofertilizers in agricultural and horticultural crops.

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Today, the establishment and development of student entrepreneurship ecosystem as one of the most important underlying factors in turning students into future entrepreneurs, has been at the forefront of universities and higher education institutions. Despite the importance of this concept in the field of entrepreneurship in the country, less research in our country has addressed this issue. For this purpose, in the present research, first by interviewing experts and applying the thematic analysis method, the components and dimensions of the student entrepreneurship ecosystem were identified, then by using the living lab method and as a case study, the NOA event at Shahid Beheshti University as a startup event was examined during four phases. )vision, initial design, evaluation, publication and approval(. In this event, the ideas of students and faculty members of the university became operational-applied, the ideas became operational from the mental state. In this event, an attempt was made to create a platform for competition in an appropriate environment among the participants, as well as to provide them with the opportunity to implement the plan and enter the market in this field. Also, networking and communication between participants and activists in the cultural and social fields, growth and development of students ’, creativity and innovation in these fields, turning socio-cultural ideas into a product, financial and spiritual support of ideas, achieving effective solutions to cultural and social problems in the field of student entrepreneurship is one of the main goals of holding this event. Efforts were also made to improve the situation of student entrepreneurship at Beheshti University by strengthening the student entrepreneurship ecosystem.

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The main purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of science and technology parks on entrepreneurship of Tabriz University students with emphasis on the role of startups. Thi s study is descriptive in nature and describes society and in terms of purpose is a type of a pplied studies and in terms of d ata collection is Survey studies. A questionnaire was used. The statistical population of the study is all students of Tabriz University in the academic year. 1399-1400 The statistical sample was determined based on Morgan table using the r elative stratified sampling method of 385 people. The tools used in this study to collect data were the Hoggs and Morgan. Entrepreneurship Questionnaire. In order to analyze the data Kolmogorov-Smirnov test methods and Pearson correlation and T-two independent samples and ANOVA are used. The results showed that between the development of science and technology parks and the development of start-ups with entrepreneurship of Tabriz uni versity students There is a positive and significant relationship. That is with the increase of science and technology parks and startups students entrepreneurship will also increase. Also the rate of entrepreneurship among Tabriz University students was different based on g ender and field of study. That is the rate of entrepreneurship of boys was higher than that of girls. Also the rate of entrepreneurship in the fields of computer science and IT and the fields of mechanics physics chemistry electricity and electronics was higher than other fields.

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Subject: After the Industrial Revolution, widespread environmental degradation raised concerns among environmental elites to provide solutions to restore degraded or predegraded ecosystems. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain the concept of ecological reconstruction at the level of ecologists and to explain its connection with sustainable urban development. Method: The present study used documentary review and analysis method. Findings: The findings indicated that with the attitude of ecosystems to the effects of ecosystem reconstruction on cities, they can be examined in two scales: “, Landscape at the city level”,and “, City as part of an integrated ecosystem”, . At both scales, ecological restoration leads to the rehabitation and development of urban sustainability,But in general, it can be said that the city will see more positive effects, especially if the city is considered as part of large-scale ecosystems and reconstruction takes place in areas with high potential and diversity of life, such as protected areas. In management programs as well as documents above the metropolis of Mashhad, the view of eco-construction has recently been considered. Results: In this study, some cases of ecological reconstruction programs in line with upstream documents and in order to achieve sustainable development in this metropolis have been pointed out and practical suggestions in this direction have been presented. The results of the present study were presented in the form of a conceptual model of “, ecological reconstruction and urban sustainability”,to show how ecological reconstruction is a prerequisite and necessary for the realization of urban sustainability.

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Circular economy as a challenging issue in social innovation area, more specifically with a focus on sustainable development, and in response to current global challenges regarding, warming, resource scarcity, attention to the environment as well as the presentation of an economic model aimed at eliminating the direct link between economic development and resource use, has been widely discussed by researchers, experts and policymakers as one of the world’, s trends. However, the concept of circular economy as a macro concept is still developing. In addition, many experts have considered the explanation of the circular economy concept to be dependent on the context of its emergence, but there is few documented research that has examined this concept in the context of innovation ecosystems. The present study tries to describe the implementation of circular innovation ecosystem with the aim of conceptualizing the circular economy in the innovation ecosystem using previous sources and experts ’, opinions. Therefore, this study, using a hybrid approach and through methods such as )1( systematic review aiming at extracting previous data, )2(content analysis aiming at examining the opinion of experts, presents the infrastructure, strategies, programs, and requirements for establishing a circular innovation ecosystem. This research stands out for a general question of what is the fundamental strategies of circular economy in implementation of circular innovation ecosystems. The results of this research will bring achievements for a wide range of researchers, policymakers in various fields, economic activists as well as institutions in charge of sustainable development.

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Cybernetics is the science that deals with communication and control systems in living things, machines, and organizations. Since the advent of cybernetics, most sciences have explicitly or implicitly benefited from its principles, and in this regard, each according to their own field and according to experts in that science, have provided an appropriate description of it. Humans or any moving thing is a dynamic and complex cybernetic system. Thus, the mobile system follows the rules and principles of cybernetics. Cybernetic systems seek to control, predict, observe, and measure various movements in different systems and how these systems relate to subsystems and even other systems. In this way, they can understand, predict or even create new movements. Given the ability to observe and measure motion, and because motion represents the relationship between systems and subsystems involved in motion, and given the definition of cybernetic motion, cybernetic motion analysis is a way of learning how to make decisions. Acquisition of components of motion control systems, as well as gain deeper knowledge of immediate goals and movement perception. In this article, which has been done by library and resource review method, researchers have studied, introduced and recognized the types of motion in cybernetics, the factors affecting it, cybernetic motion, dynamics and feedback in cybernetic systems, dynamics (motion) in The library system-as a cybernetic system-as well as the most important principles of cybernetics, their application and interaction with movement, will be discussed.

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karimi Mohammad amir

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The people of any society enjoy rights and authorities Many of them are among the basic needs that must be respected and guaranteed. One of the most important rights of every citizen of society, The right to fair and non-discriminatory access to all privileges and services provided by institutions and bodies But today we see that some people claim influence and credibility with the authorities, employees and Generally service providers Acted against the acquisition of property in an unrealistic manner and outside the normal procedures and procedures Which in our custom is known as jobber. In the present article, it has been tried that, given that the mere word of trafficking alone in our laws has no external existence Been. By reflecting on legal texts, and similar practices. For the mentioned action, it has been studied and analyzed in different situations and assumptions. From investigation and scrutiny in the actions of traffickers and their increasing expansion and also conclude that the legal approach to these behaviors violates the administrative health system The laws that are most in line with the practice of trafficking have long since passed. Given the current situation in society, we are witnessing the development and spread of crime in all areas will not be held accountable, and he has been completely passive in this regard legally. Also, factors such as the unregulated expansion of law firms and institutions in recent years and insufficient supervision over them. Existence of administrative paperwork in institutions and organizations, deterrent punishments and…,There are a number of factors that are involved in the occurrence and spread of trafficking.

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