Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Publication is a primary endpoint in academic science and is therfore central to most disputes about the responsible conduct of research. Publications play many roles, including exchange of information among researchers, documentation of being the first with new ideas of diccoveries, evidence of productive use of research funds, and a record by which a research career can be Judged. Because publication has such a prominant role in advancement, Promotion and continued research funding, scientists are under considerable pressure to Publish. In Pursuit of publication, so many problems will appear with irresponsible authorship, including horonary author ship, ghost writing, duplicate and redundant publication, and other deceptive Practices. To resolve this problem it seems essential to follow the accepted world wide guidelines for authorship. Also some modification in research activityassessment would be beneficial.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction. After 10 years of establishment of mental health program in primary health care system (PHC) in Iran and effects of this program in civic development, It seems necessary to evaluate this program and distinguish weak and strong points of the program.Methods. In a cross-sectional study 550 persons, 63 behvarzes, 30 ingeniouses and 30 physicians from 50 health houses and 30 health centers were randomly selected and their knowledge and atitude toward mental health were estimated using a valid and relaiable questionnaire.Results. Mean of knowledge score was 13.4 in people, 11.5 in phycisions, 10.9 in Behvarzes and 10.5 in ingeniouses . Mean of attitude score was 12.7 in people, 12.7 in phycisions, 12.2 in behvarzes and 14.4 in ingeniouses. referral from level 2 to 3 was 41% and follow up was 58% of expected rate.Discussion. This study showed that patient screening and follow-up is very poor, however, referral and positive attitude is very good and knowledge level of study groups is intermediate. Finally, program evaluation is poor. Weakness of design and accomplishment of program are the most important reesons for unsuccessfulness.

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Introduction. It has been shown that regular physical activity (at least three days per week and at least 20 minutes per session) has many benefits especially on morphologic and hemodynamic changes of cardiovascular system and on lipid profile. Regarding the increasing trend of atherosclerosis risk factors especially hyperlipidemia and obesity (both modifiable by physical activity) among the children and adolescents of our society, their physical activity was evaluated in this study.Methods. This cross-sectional study has been performed in 1994 and 2001 on 2000 adolescent (1000 each year) arid their parents. Students and their parents were invited to complete their special questionnaire. Data have been collected and analyzed with SPSS 10 using chi-square and t-test.Results. The physical activity level showed no significant improvement during the last 7 years. The rate of regular morning exercise was declining in high schools (4.2% vs. 1.5%, P<0.05). During these years, some of parents agreed with participation of their children in sport activities out of school hours but their disagreement had significantly increased (4.8% vs. 13.7%, P<0.05). About 60 percent of students watched television more than 4 hours per day and only 10 percent of parents disagreed about this matter. In general the physical activity of girls was significantly lower than boys (P<0.05) and regular physical activity in high school students was lower than guidance school students.Discussion. Regarding the physical activity level of adolescents did not show significant improvement in recent years, interventional programs should be performed in schools and in population in order to supply adolescents with facilities for physical activity and to increase the knowledge of adolescents and their families.

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Introduction. Seronegative pregnant women are at risk of toxoplasmosis and its fetal abnormalities (congenital toxoplasmosis). Planning for control of disease needs to determine current status of immunity in premariage women.Methods. This cross-sectional study was done on 273 premarriage women in Amin medical center (Iran, Isfahan - summer 2000). Serum antitoxoplasma antibodies were measured by immunofluorescence method. Results were analyzed with SPSS software using Chi Square, Mantel-Haenszel and Logistic Regression statistical methods.Results. Mean age of study participant was 20.3±4.13 (Mean±SD) years. Eighty percent of them were high school graduated and lower. Fiftysix percent of them lived in outskirts and marginal sites of the city. Prevelance of seronegative women was 56.1%. No significant relationship between seropositivity and education, job or age was found (P>0.05). Women living in marginal sites of the city had 1.8 times more chance for seropositivity (P=0.01, OR= 1.87, CI95%(OR) = 1. 16 - 3.05).Discussion. According to early marriage and high prevalence of seronegative women, risk of infection during pregnancy period is considerable so it would be dersired to plan and perform educational programs for prevention of infection during pregnancy.

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Introduction. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the most prevalent disease in human population that has high prevalence and mortality in lsfahan (Iran). As positive family history and changes in serum lipids and lipoproteins are risk factors of these diseases, and also studies have showed the relationship between serum vitamin D and CAD, we studied serum level of lipids, lipoproteins and vitamin D in high risk children compared with control group, and the relation between serum vitamin D and other factors.Methods. This case-control study was done on 44 subjects (25 boys, 19 girls) aged 2-18 years old with positive CAD family history as case group and also 44 persons with negative CAD family history as control group with the same age groups. The subjects were selected by convenience sampling method. Children who consumed antiepilepthic drugs as phenytoin or phenobarbital and those who had positive family histroy for renal stone were excluded for variable vitamin D levels due to drug interaction and genetic susceptibility, respectively. All subjects were invited to Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center. Using a questionnaire, information on personal characteristics, CVD family history and ... were obtained. A fasting (12-14 hr) blood sample was drawn from each one. Serum APOA1, APO B100 and vitamin Dwere measured by radioimmunoassay and serum lipids by ELAN 2000 autoanalyzer. Statistical analysis was done by SPSS. The level of serum APOA1, APO B100 and vitamin D were compared between two groups by independent t test and the relation of the mentioned apolipoproteins with vitamin D was studied using multiple linear regression.Results. Serum vitamin D was significantly lower in case group (P<0.045). Among studied factors, only triglyceride was significantly higher in control group (P<0.0001) and also no significant relaitonship was observed between serum APO A1, APO B100 and vitamin D. Sex comparision in case group showed those mean levels of total and LOL cholesterol, triglyceride and APO B100 in boys are higher than girls are. Instantly in girls, mean ApoA1 and HDL cholesterol are higher than boys are. In addition, in neither case nor control group"s vitamin D showed significat relationship with total, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglyceride (P>0.05).Discussion. Generally, as optimum level of vitamin D is regulated by sereval environmental, genetic and metabolic factors, it is necessary to clear the real role of antioxidant vitamin Dfor decreasing CAD occurence especially in Iran.

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Introduction. Pulse oximetry is impaired by hypotention and peripheral vasoconstriction. Digital block may cause to increase tissue perfusion and improve the parameters of pulse oximetry. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of digital block on SPa02, lag time and height of plethysmographic wave of pulse oximeter by simulated shock in upper extrimity.Methods. In an experimental study, 34 Paitents under general anesthesia and elective surgery were selected. Lag time and height of pletysmographic wave and SPa02 had been measured in two fingers shocked by cooling, elevation of hand and inflation of cuff; then, compared to opposite middle finger as control. shocked Middle finger were blocked by lidocaine 2% and these parameters were measured in the 15th and 20th minutes after digital block. Data analysis was performed by SPSS using ANOVA.Results. Mean height of plethysmographic wave in blocked finger was signihcontly taller than shocked and control fingers in the 15th minute (respectively, 16.9±6, 10.8±4. 3,10.7± 4.3, P<0.05) and the 20th minute afters digital block (21.1±5.8, 11.8±4.3, 11.2±3.9, P<0.05). There were not significalt differences between three fingers in lag time and SPa02.Discussion. This study documents effect of digital block, undergoing shock condition in improving the parameters of pulse oximetry.

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Introduction. Correlation between nerve conduction velocity (NCV) in peripheral and central nervous systems and intelligence has been investigated during recent years with different results. To determine whether there is any correlation between peripheral NCV and IQ, we tested median and ulnar NCV in three groups of teenagers with different IQs.Methods. 144 normal subjects aged between 12-17 years were studied in three groups. Group I, with IQ more than 120 (measured with the Wechsler intelligence test), group II, with IQ between 90-110 and group III, with IQ below 70. All three groups matched for age and sex. For each case median and ulnar NCVs were measured in sensory and motor fibers. Mean IQ in study groups were compared using ANOVA.Results. Although the range and mean values of NCV in all tested nerves are in normal ranges but there are statistically significant differences between mean NCVs between study groups. In group I (high IQ) mean NCV was higher than groups II and III and mean NCV in group III was less than groups I and II (p<0.05). IQ and NCV were not significantly different in girls and boys (p>0.05).Discussion .It is well established that IQ is a multi-factorial parameter and genetic, environment, hormones and individual physical factors such as size and volume of brain could influence intelligence. This study showed statistically difference between IQ and peripheral NCV in adolescents aged 12-17 years. Investigation of correlation between IQ, NCV and other evoked potentials in different age groups is suggested.

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View 1098

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Introduction. Preelampsia is a common and serious complication of pregnancy that affects both mother and newborn. This study designed to determine whether low-dose aspirin or calcium supplements taken throughout pregnancy reduce the incidence of preeclampsia.Methods. The present study was a randomized controlled clinical trial. 990 healthy nulliparous women, who were pregnant for 13 to 20 weeks were chosen to receive daily treatment with low dose of aspirin 75 mg (330 patients, aspirin group), calcium D 500 mg (330 Patients, calcium group) and no medication (330 patients, control group) for remainder of theirs pregnancies. Data included demographic, obstetric, prenatal care, hospital records and final diagnosis were collected. Statistical analysis was performed using Chi-Squre, ANOVA and Duncan test at significance level of 0.05.Results. Preeclampsia occurred in 15 of 330 women in the aspirin group (4.6%), 13 of 330 women in the calcium group (4%) and in 33 of 330 women in control group (10.1%). There were significant differences between aspirin and control groups (4.6% vs. 10.1% P<0.05) also between calcium and control group (4% vs. 10.1% P<0.05).Discussion. These results suggest that low dose of aspirin or calcium D during pregnancy in healthy nulliparous women is effective to reduce the prevalence of preeclampsia.

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Introducti0n. Peripheral nerve injuries are one of the common traumas in various sport fields. Nowadays, thera are a growing tendency to Martial arts among young people. Insufficient knowlodage about the biomechanics and true skills in these sports can expose the athletes to many neuromusculoskeletal injuries including peripheral nerve injuries. The aim of this study was assessment of peripheral nerve injuries among Kick-boxers.Methods. The research was done on 30 male kick-boxers Aged between 17-28 years. Ulnar, tibial and median nerves were studied for the presence of unlar nerve entrapment on elbow, trasal tunnel syndrom and carpal tunnel syndrom.Results. Ulnar neuropathy was observed in 12 cases. Tibial entrapment was detected in 13 cases. No median nerve intrapment of CTS was detected. There was a significant correlation between the age of the participants and nerve entrapment.Discussion. Peripheral nerve injuries should be considered in athletes and should be trained to apply preventive and thrapeutic procedures.

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View 1562

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Introduction. This study was performed to evaluate complications after transplantation and to compare result of transplantation in diabetic patinets and non-diabetic patients.Methods. In this study, medical records of all patients with diabetic nephropathy undergone this procedure from 1987 to 2000 in Namazi hospital (Shiraz, Iran) in 5 years of follow-up were reviewed (n = 50), and one hundred of non-diabetic patients in this center were chosen as control group. We matched both groups with regard to sex, age, and type of donor and year of transplantation. In order to evaluate both groups, we made a criteria with regard to post operation omplications, serum creatinine flactuations and 5 years follow up remarks and according to this ceiteria we divided patients into good, moderate and poor prognosis.Results. Mean age was 49±9 (Mean±SD) years in diabetic patients and 51±11.05 in non-diabetic patients. Retinopathy (23.1%) and Cardiovascular diseases (30.8%) were the most prevalent complication in diabetic patients. Serum creatinine flactuations showed more acceptable in non-diabetics during 5 years, but the average was the same after 5 years in both groups. (Mean serum crateanine=2). In contrast to other studies, post operation evaluation difference between both groups was statistically significant (P<0.0001), it means that non-diabetics had better results in renal transplantation.Discussion .As diabetic nephropathy usually occurs many years after the onset of diabetes, renal transplantation should be preserved for patients with relatively less complication of diabetes.

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Introduction. Ingestion poisoning include 79% of all poisoning. Usually the first step in management of these patients is gastric lavage, which in most centers is done by tap water (exepct for children below 4 years old). Due to low Na and K of tap water and daily secretion of Na and K in stomach, one of the probable complications of this lavage is lasting the Na and K, and electrolyte imbalance in patients.Methods. This study was done on 100 poisoned patients undergone Gastric lavage. All of patients were more than 4 years old. Poisoning by toxin or drug contain sodium or potassium, cause to exclude patients from study. For all patients Na/K of plasma before and half hour after gastric lavage were measured. After gastric lavage, volume of lavage, Na/K of lavage liquid and Na/K of tap water were recorded.Results. The changes of plasma Na in all patients were from 7 mmol/lit increasing to 12 mmol/Lit decreasing, and for plasma K were from 1 mmol/lit increasing to 1.2 mmol/lit decreasing. Means changes of Na was 2.74 mmol/lit decreasing and mean change of K was 0.33 mmol/Lit. Decreasing in plasma electrolytes in patients with high volume of gastric lavage was predominant but this relation between. volume of lavage and changing of plasma electrolytes was not considerable. Also total Na and K excretion" in all volumes of lavage was nearly equal.Discussion. In patients without underlying disesae, plasma Na/K changes during gastric lavage is not considerable but in patients with underlying disease or old patients can lead to electrolytes disturbance and to be recommended in these patients plasma elcectrolytes to be measured.

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Introduction. Limb length discrepancy is a disabling anomaly that has many causes including congential, traumatic and paralytic. This study was designed to evaluate results and complications of Wagner's technique in lower limb lenghtening.Methods. In this retrospective study results of the Wagner's technique in seventy paiteints during ten years were studied. Patients were followed for 1 to 9 years after operation with mean of 6 years. Results of operation, complications and paitients statisfaction were recorded.Results. Among the 70 paitents 71% were male and 29% were female. The average time of paitients hospitalization was 6 days for each of first and second satges. The tibial and femoral lengthening were performed in the 84% and 16% respectively. Limb lengthening achieved minimally 4-5 cm and maximally 10 cm (mean=6.6cm). In 73%, the cause of discrepancy was paralytic and the other causes were traumatic and congenital anomalies. Complications rate were 47% totally. The most common complication was pin tract infection that was threated conservatively. Results of operation and satisfaction of the patients were good in 85% and fair in 15%.Discussion. The Wagner's method of limb lengthening is a safe and simple method, with low complications and we recommend it for the treatment of lower limb discrepancy yet.

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Introduction. Cimetidine and quinacrine have protective effect on gastroduodenal lesions. In this study we compared efficacy of cimetidine and quinacrine for prevention of stress and aspirin Induced Peptic Ulcer.Methods. In an experimental studey, 36 rats randomly divided into 2 groups and each group divided into 3 subgroups of 6 rats. First subgroups of each group immersed in a water bath for 6 hours, or received ASA (250 mg/kg) orally with no prophylaxis (control groups). Second and third subgroups respectiely recieved quinacrine (30mg/kg) or cimetidine (20mg/kg) one hour before induction of gastric lesion by water immersion or ASA Then the gastric mucosal lesions were assessed microscopically and marcroscopically.Results. Prophylaxis with cimetidine and quinacrine both, significantly were effective (0<0.05) but better prophylactic effect of quinacrine was not statistically significant (P>0.05).Discussion. In conclusion, quinacrine and cimetidine possess signifcant antiulcer and cytprotective activity against stress, and aspirin induced gastric lesions.

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Introduction. With report of cases of griseofulvin resistant dermatophytes, the use of new Antifungal drugs such as itraconazole, fluconazole and terbinafine is recommended which are more expensive or somehow rare in Iran. Therefore, study of griseofulvin sensitivity pattern of dermatophytes in Isfahan could lead to a more effective and less expensive treatment for ermatophytoses.Methods. Fifty isolates of the most prevalent dermatophytes in Isfahan were isolated from patients and then the standard homogenized suspensions from them were prepared for future inoculation. The minimum inhibitory concemtration (MIC) of Griseofulvin was determined by modified macrodiution method for each isolate and then results were compared and analysed with standard values of MICs of dermatophytes and the resistant species indentified.Results. All tested isolates (related to four species) had MIC mode of 0.25, 90% had 8 and 50% ranged . between <0.25-1 µ.mg/ml. From all isolates, 10% of them including three T.verrucosum, one M. canis and one T. mentagrophytes had MIC out of standardized range, therfore, they considered as griseofulvin resistant isolates.Discussion. Although MIC valuses of drug in vivo and in vitro are somewhat different but in vitro values could be used as additional parameters in treatment of dermatophytoses, in particular its recalcitrant types or in areas which the resistant species may have high prevalence. In general, the proper application of griseofulvin and knowledge of prevalent species of dermatophytes of region and their drug sensitivity pattern could reduce the use of expensive and rare antifungal drugs for treatment of dermatophytoses in Iran.

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Introduction. CD59 is one of the complement regulatory proteins (CRPs) which exert inhibitory function by blocking the formation of C5b-9 complex or Membrane Attacks complex (MAC). Regarding the therapeutic role of CD59 in treatment of pathological effects in uncontrolled activation of complements system and its efficiency to overcome the hyper-acute rejection, CD59 was suggested for maintenance of transplanted organ. In this study We determined and isolated CD59 from seminal plasma.Methods. Six normospermic sample according to WHO standards were chosen. Plasma of samples was separated and to remove the postasomes, the seminal plama was ultra centrifuged. CD59 was detected by Dot-Blot using CD59 mAb (MEM43). The molecular weight and purity of protein was detected by SOS-PAGE method follwed by Westerm Blot.Results. Protein was present in the 6.5 ml and 15ml of gel fitration fractions. Molecular weight based on marker size in these two fractions was 65 and 21KD respectively. Discussion. CD59 had previously beem purified by lysis of erythrocyte cell membrane. Because of use of detergent and preservative agents, this method decreased physiologic effects of the protein. In this study the isolation was performed from prostasome granules" without using of any detergent and preservative agents.

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Introduction. Gastric ulcer is a multifactorial disease, which its pathophysioligy has not been clear yet. The aim of this study was to obtain the prophylactic effects of EDTA on Aspirin induced gastric mucosal lesions.Methods. In fasted male rats the effect of a single oral dose of the EDTA was evaluated in the following test systems: combination of 1 ml EDTA 1.5% + 300 mg/kg aspirin and 1 ml EDTA 1.5%, 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% 30 minutes before 300 mg/kg aspirin. Then the gastric mucosal lesions were assessed microscopically and marcroscopically.Results. EDTA at different doses reduced macroscopic and microscpic gastric mucosal lesion induced by aspirin.Discussion. Combination therapy of EDTA and aspirin has distinct advantages regard to both low gastrointestinal toxicity and restored therapeutic activity.

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Introduction. Stress coping skills is one of the most important factors in prediction of addictive behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine this pattern and to compare them with those of non-addicts.Methods. One hundred subjects with substance dependency and 100 non-addict subjects were selected. Both groups were matched on the basis of their socioeconomic state. Stress coping skills of study participants were examined using CS-R scale.Results. Stress coping skills in addicts were different from those of non-addicts in most of the coping procedures. Nonaddicts reported that they used problem-focused coping and some of the emotional-focused coping strategies. In contrast, addicts shown that they used unuseful and noneffective stress coping strategies.Discussion. These data indicate that using ineffective stress coping skills is one of-the predisposing and precipitating factors in addictive behavior. It seems that stress coping skills training is necessary in prevention of addiction.

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Introduction. The aim of this study was to describe frequency of speech disorders in primary school students.Methods. In a cross-sectional study 300 first and second grade primary school students were examined for speech disorders. Results. From 300 subjects, 280 were normal (without speech disorders), 15 had articulation disorders, 2 had voice disorders, 3 had resonance disorders and no one had fluency disorders. Discussion. The findings of this study are supported by fomer study in other countries, except frequency of fluency disorders which may due to low sample size of present study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction. Control and prevention of increase in ntraocular Pressure (lOP) can affect outcome of ophthalmologic surgical procedures. Sometimes it's necessary to administer a succinylcholine and intubate the trachea in cases of penetrating eye trauma and corneal laceration. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of intravenous lidocaine and oral clonidine as premedicants on lOP following administration of succinylcholine and intubation of trachea.Methods. This study was a double blind clinical trial performed on 90 patients aged 20-40 years in physical status of ASA I, II (American Society of Anesthesiologists) candidated for nonophthalmic elective surgical procedures. Patients were randomly divided into three groups. The first group received oral clonidine 300 µg/kg, 90-120 minutes before induction(clonidine group). The scond group received IV Lidocaine 1.5mg/kg 3 minutes preceding the induction (lidocaine group) and the third group received no premedicant (control group). Induction and maintenance of anesthesia were performed by identical techniques for all three groups.Results. There was no statistically significant difference of lOP at second and fifth postinduction minutes between clonidine and lidocaine groups(p>0.05) but this difference was statistically significant between clonidine and control, as well as lidocaine versus control groups (p<0.05).Discussion. Oral clonidine 300 µg, 90-120 minute preinduction and intravenous lidocaine 1.5mg/kg, 3 minutes preinduction could be used as effective premedicants to prevent increase in lOP following induction with succinylcholine and intubation of trachea.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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