The aim of this study is to provide a framework of talent management based on the current situation in Iran, considering the importance of the discussion of attracting, cultivating, and retaining talents in the field of knowledge enterprises and also the theoretical poverty in the field of talent management. For this study, several knowledge enterprises in the country have been selected as the case study and due to the lack of qualitative research in the field of talent management using the method of "Grounded theory" version 2015 Corbin and Strauss, in the first step, the current framework Talent management in these companies is based on interviews with 30 people (sampling to theoretical saturation) of the stakeholders of the talent management system (talents, managers and human resources experts). The method of data collection from research participants according to Bernard's (2006) typology in structured and semi-structured interviews was appropriate to the type of participant (human resources specialist, elite, manager, or policymaker). In the first step, the most important finding is the dynamics of the various talent management processes and their placement on a spectrum, from the most undesirable to the most desirable. In the next step, according to the existing superior experiences and the identified injuries in the previous step, the optimal framework for this space was designed and by presenting the framework to managers and experts in the field, was evaluated qualitatively. The design of this framework can pave the way for moving towards the desired situation of talent management and in addition, according to the individual, organizational and cultural dimensions of talent management, enrich the literature in this field.