Objectives: In this research we cast a cursory glance at the roots of Deviation from the norms in marriage and analyzing the effective factors in chelbi theoretical framework.Method: The method of the present survey is quantitative and questionnaire technique distributed among 117 male and females between 18 to 35 years age in Tehran. To analyze the data different statistical tests and route analyses are used.Results: The results of the research indicate a significant relationship between opportunity variables (relational opportunity), expectation (inner consistency, deontology, morality, self-control), spiritual reality (attitude toward marriage) and Deviation from the norms in marriage. an increase in above variables results in deduction of Deviation from the norms in marriage.Conclusion: The author of the present article concludes the average rate of Deviation from the norms in marriage is more frequent among men than women and following independent variables are effective on the probability of Deviation from the norms in marriage: deprivation, life opportunities, and relational opportunity, cultural opportunity, self-control, deontology, internal consistency, external consistency, and attitude toward marriage. The author then refers to family as one of the most efficacious institutes in this subject and utters the necessity of finding solution for satisfying the sexual needs of youth such as developing more cultural and occupation opportunities and decreasing the sexual driving conditions in society particularly when their needs are not easily realized and fulfilled. the author at the end of article suggests healthy entertainments for youth spare time as one of the most important priorities.