Introduction: The purpose of this research was comparing spreading rumors on the Internet and Narcissism among Face Book, Internet, and non-Internet users of citizens of Tehran. Method: A sample of 500 Internet users was selected on cluster random basis from among the 22 districts of Tehran. This sample consisted of 183 Internet users, 163 Face Book users, and 100 non-Internet users with no information of the Internet. The study benefited from Narcissism questionnaire (Raskin & Tri 1988), Internet rumor questionnaire (John Hiven Kim & Viag 2010) Face Book questionnaire (Ras et al.2009) as tools to collect data. Out of the 500 questionnaires, 44 were eliminated due to being incomplete resulting in a total 456 questionnaires. To analyse the data, Pearson correlation and Variance were used.Results: The findings showed a significant positive relationship between Narcissism and using Face Book and Narcissism can predict 28% of using Face Book. However, there was no meaningful relationship between the time of using the Internet and spreding roumor on the Internet. In addition, in relation to the variable of Narcissism, the results showed significant difference between Determinism, Show off, Superiority, Beneficiary, and Egotism among the 3 groups; however, there was no significant difference between Exploitation and Autarky. In addition, this study showed that there is no significant difference between spreading rumors and its components among users of Face Book and Internet users.Conclusion: According to the results, reducing the time of using Face Book leads to improving welfare of the society. It is recommended to offer required educational facilities for amending lifestyle especially personality traits of Narcissism for improving individual and social relations.