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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In the year 2002, Templeton Lewis and Schneider provide a model of designing Organization measurement. “The Organization Learning is the collection of achieving, offering and interpreting Knowledge as well as related information and therefore improving the Organization memory that results in Positive Organization changes knowingly and unknowingly”. This research takes advantages of Templeton model. The main aim of this project is to take measure, to analyze the level of Organization Learning and to offer the ways of promotion in Kermanshah Petrochemical Company. For the comparison between two separate society women, men comparison between the employee with bachelor, MA and the comparison between Kermanshah Petrochemical Company, 119 American companies have been used the Mann-Whitney Test. For the comparison between two separate society employee with different experience and age have been used the Kruskal-Wallis Test. At last, the comparison between Kermanshah Petrochemical Industries with the average 119 American Companies as two separate societies shows that there is no considerable difference between them.

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Today the world is facing many changes, especially in industries. This article is aimed at determining the current situation of Irankhodro Company and identifying the desired situation and the gap between these two and its analysis for finding the strengths and weaknesses of this organization in leaning itself, introducing some guidelines for promoting the organization from this perspective.Evaluation has been done in three areas of leadership processes, product life cycle, and empowered infrastructure. A questionnaire was designed and distributed among different layers of manager. In fact the sample was comprised of senior managers, middle managers, and lower managers who were academically educated at B.A level and above and those who had at least two years work experience in the organization at the same time. The sampling method which was used in this article was stratified random sample. After collecting the data through spss software, descriptive statistical methods were used and the hypotheses were tested. It was revealed that all hypotheses claiming the organization was in an appropriate situation were rejected. At the end, based on the analysis done in this research a report on the current situation of the organization was accomplished and some policy implication on each of the functions of the organization and self evaluation mechanism were introduced to the authorities, hoping that it could result in more improvement in leaning level of auto industries in Iran in general and Irankhodro company in particular.

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TQM is one of the most supported systems that organizations especially universities utilize in order to reach a high level of quality and competition in meeting their customers' needs. The main aim of TQM is to involve all employees of an organization, from the highest management to the lowest levels, to satisfy the customers through providing them with services and high quality products.The main aim of this study was to investigate the degree of existence of some of indexes of TQM at Islamic Azad University. The basic hypothesis of the study is whether the existence of TQM at Islamic Azad University of Izeh, is higher than the average of hypothesized population pool from the employees and instructors' perspectives. The population pool of the study is composed of all the employees and full time faculty members of Islamic Azad University of Izeh. The sample population consists of 114 people who were selected through. Sampling. Data collection was done using a newly-developed TQM questionnaire with the reliability index of 90. Independent t-test, one sample t-test, correlation coefficient, Tuchey, and one-way ANOVA were used as statistical techniques for data analysis. The results of the study showed that Islamic Azad University of Izeh is in a good condition with regard to taking care of TQM indexes.

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The rapid development of information technology and communications and information clarity in price recognition and merchandise specifications using modern tools has intensified commercial rivalry between organizations in attracting and preserving customers as the main source of competitive advantages in the new age, and with this a new concept titled Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has emerged. In this research the development has been traced. For the prior means, after reciting concepts and extending topics in relation to CRM, the introduced frameworks in modern organizations are considered and the common sections between them are extracted in the three following domains: Processes, technology, and Human Issues; And through detection – based interviews with experts, specialists and critics a questionnaire is developed. Based on the experts' opinions regarding the current state and the desirable state of CRM, the gap between these two states has been specified to obtain the priority of actions for investment in the proposed CRM frameworks' structuring (building) factors; and finally, using key attributes in CRM framework implementation in modern corporations and with the help of an action priority guide for preparing the pharmaceutical corporation to start investment and provide service, the final framework of a pharmaceutical corporations' CRM has been presented.

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inspite of the passing more than ten years from learning organizations theory plan by peter senge, there is some vague aspects in this idea due to its much depth and wide which should be revealed by further researches.The main aim of this research is the determination of organizational learning level based on Neefe model in Tarhe No Andishan Company and also measuring the Critical Success Factors from the best practices on which based required approach for enhancing the organizational learning level in company and directing it toward being learner to be provided. In this research after identification and extraction of related factors with two organizational learning variables and Critical Success Factors from the best practices, the company situation by organizational learning and benefit level of Tarhe No Andhishan plan from Critical Success Factors from the best practices has been measured. The attained results from averaging of Organizational learning components imply that mentioned company have capability for organizational learning so that some organizational learning components need to be considered and reviewed more which in last chapter of thesis, advises and approaches about improvement of these components has been proposed.The next aim of this research is determination of relationship between Critical Success Factors from the best practices and organizational learning in the company that has been examined based on six hypothesis of relationships between each indicator of Critical Success Factors from the best practices with organizational learning through Friedman test and ultimately the correlation level of factors which are interrelated has been calculated by spearman correlation coefficient.

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Due to abundant problems among of designing and implementing of projects in E&C department on National Iranian South Oil Co. We can hardly find a project that its final cost and time are likely the same with expected cost and time.In order to facilitate the achievement of study objectives, value engineering used as one of the tools of quality management system. This system utilized, in every phase of time of developing product, to analyze the product. Value engineering with breaking mental limitations, utilized in order to gain a new point of view in project management especially about time and cost. This article presents, a descriptive survey research with statistical samples of this study are 92 senior staff of E&C department of National Iranian South Oil Co in 1388. the results show that implementation and appropriate maintaining of value engineering in all fields of E&C department, can provide effective and optimal conditions in order to decreasing cost and time for performing project.

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This Study aims to examine factors influencing on customer's satisfaction from Saipa sales and after sales agent and its main purpose is determining the importance related to each of above mentioned variables (customer's satisfaction) as well as the scores obtained from customers' satisfaction.Thie study is of correlation – descriptive ones, and it examines variables effective on customers' satisfaction of Saipa agent in customers' point view.To determine sample size, it was sampled from different people existing in the statistical population with any sexuality, position and class who has purchased each of Saipa products from its agent in Kurdistan province in the first half of year 2008 and by that, 385 questionnaires was completed in a systematic and accidental manner.To analyze data, there was used step by step multi variable regressing statistics still.Determining correlation between independent and dependent variable, there was concluded that it existed a hight priority between effective factors on customers' satisfaction of Saipa sales and after sales agent and behavior personnel way and reception of customers.And finally, considering obtained results, there was suggested some offers for improving drawback existing in this system.

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Service organizations such as banks should be looking to increase their service quality, because quality is as a key factor that can create competitive advantage.To increase service quality should upgrade factors that related do service quality.Since the services are carried out through human interactions, key roles in customer satisfaction have established that employees with strong organizational commitment contribute more to accomplishing organizational goals. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between organizational commitment and service quality. In this study we use organizational commitment questionnaire of Allen & Meyer that contain of three component (affective, continuous and normative) for measuring employee commitment and SERVPERF questionnaire of Tylor & Cronin for measuring service quality of customer. This study is descriptive – correlation. In order to do it 121 branches of Mellat Bank in Tehran through random classified were selected. For data Analysis, using descriptive statistics (frequency, mean) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation test, Friedman analysis of variance and 2- independent Sample t-test). The results showed that with 95% assurance between organizational commitment and service quality has a significant relationship. Finally, we can conclude if Mellat Bank increases their organizational commitment will could be increase service quality and thus increase customer satisfaction.

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